Our faculty are actively involved in research, which includes publishing, writing grants, presenting at national and international conferences, and mentoring graduate and undergraduate students. Their scholarship is diverse both in theory and in method — a mark of distinction and strength both within and across our three programs in clinical psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology.
Submissions from 2004
'Why sally never calls bobby "I"' revisited: An alternative perspective on language and early self development, Nancy Budwig
Coding intimacy in couples' interactions, Marina Dorian and James V. Cordova
On the constitution of ‘self’ and ‘mind’: The dialectic of the system and the person, Rachel Joffe Falmagne
Development as micro-genetic positioning, Neill Korobov and Michael Bamberg
Positioning a 'mature' self in interactive practices: How adolescent males negotiate 'physical attraction' in group talk, Neill Korobov and Michael Bamberg
Pros and cons of educational technologies as methods for disseminating evidence-based treatments, Jennifer M. Lane and Michael E. Addis
The Reasons for Depression Questionnaire (RFD): UK standardization for clinical and non-clinical populations, Richard Thwaites, Dave Dagnan, Dale Huey, and Michael E. Addis
Submissions from 2003
Men, masculinity, and the contexts of help seeking, Michael E. Addis and James R. Mahalik
Context and the dynamic construal of meaning in early childhood, Nancy Budwig
Guess who's coming to therapy? Getting comfortable with conversations about race and ethnicity in psychotherapy, Esteban V. Cardemil and Cynthia L. Battle
The GIFT program for major depression, Michael A. Friedman, Esteban V. Cardemil, Jackie Gollan, Lisa A. Uebelacker, and Ivan W. Miller
Children's expectancies and perceptions of adults: Effects on rapport, Suzanne T. Gurland and Wendy S. Grolnick
Effects of etiology on perceived helpfulness of treatments for depression, Marie Geneviève Iselin and Michael E. Addis
Psychotherapy for chronic depressive disorders, Gabor I. Keitner and Esteban V. Cardemil
Submissions from 2002
Methods for disseminating research products and increasing evidence-based practice: Promises, obstacles, and future directions, Michael E. Addis
Implicit and untested assumptions about the role of psychotherapy treatment manuals in evidence-based mental health practice, Michael E. Addis and Jennifer Waltz
Literacy and development as discourse, cognition or as both?, Michael Bamberg
Evaluating mental health outcomes in an inpatient setting: convergent and divergent validity of the OQ-45 and BASIS-32, Leonard A. Doerfler, Michael E. Addis, and Peter W. Moran
Predicting 2-year marital satisfaction from partners' discussion of their marriage checkup, Christina B. Gee, Rogina L. Scott, Angela M. Castellani, and James V. Cordova
Antecedents and consequences of mothers' autonomy support: an experimental investigation., Wendy S. Grolnick, Suzanne T. Gurland, Wendy DeCourcey, and Karen Jacob
Submissions from 2001
Preface to the special issue: Language socialization and children’s entry into schooling, Nancy Budwig
Cross-fertilization versus transmission: Recommendations for developing a bidirectional approach to psychotherapy dissemination research, Christina Hatgis, Michael E. Addis, Aaron D. Krasnow, Inna Zaslavsky Khazan, Karen L. Jacob, Sandra Chiancola, Dawn Dubois, Alice Litter, Peter Moran, and Jeffrey Scherz
Manual-based psychotherapies in clinical practice Part 1: Assets, liabilities, and obstacles to dissemination, Abigail K. Mansfield and Michael E. Addis
Manual-based treatment Part 2: The advantages of manual-based practice in psychotherapy, Abigail K. Mansfield and Michael E. Addis
“is heat hot?” Inducing conceptual change by integrating everyday and scientific perspectives on thermal phenomena, Marianne Wiser and Tamer Amin
Submissions from 2000
The treatment rationale in cognitive behavioral therapy: Psychological mechanisms and clinical guidelines, Michael E. Addis and Kelly M. Carpenter
Values, practices, and the utilization of empirical critiques in the clinical triad, Michael E. Addis and Christina Hatgis
On the process and outcome of graduate training in clinical psychology: where do we want to go, how will we get there, and who will join us?, Michael E. Addis and Karen Jacob
A closer look at the treatment rationale and homework compliance in cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression, Michael E. Addis and Neil S. Jacobson
A national survey of practicing psychologists' attitudes toward psychotherapy treatment manuals, Michael E. Addis and Aaron D. Krasnow
Critical Personalism, Language and Development, Michael Bamberg
Language, practices and the construction of personhood, Nancy Budwig
Alexithymia, gender, and responses to depressive symptoms, Kelly M. Carpenter and Michael E. Addis
Deconstructing Cognitive Psychology: A Feminist Critical Opening, Rachel Joffe Falmagne
Parental resources and the transition to junior high, Wendy S. Grolnick, Carolyn O. Kurowski, Kelly G. Dunlap, and Cheryl Hevey
Submissions from 1999
Why, why, why?: Reason-giving and rumination as predictors of response to activation-and insight-oriented treatment rationales, Michael E. Addis and Kelly M. Carpenter
Barriers to dissemination of evidence-based practices: addressing practitioners' concerns about manual-Based Psychotherapies, Michael E. Addis, Wendy A. Wade, and Christina Hatgis
Predictors of attrition from behavioral medicine treatments, Mary J. Davis and Michael E. Addis
Family processes and the development of children's self-regulation, Wendy S. Grolnick, Carolyn O. Kurowski, and Suzanne T. Gurland
Maternal responsiveness to infant affect: Stability and prediction, Pamela Nicely, Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda, and Wendy S. Grolnick
Submissions from 1998
How far does a construction grammar approach to argument structure take us in understanding children's language development?, Nancy Budwig
Mothers' strategies for regulating their toddlers' distress, Wendy S. Grolnick
Autonomous regulation and long-term medication adherence in adult outpatients, Geoffrey C. Williams, Richard M. Ryan, Gail C. Rodin, Wendy S. Grolnick, and Edward L. Deci
Submissions from 1997
Evaluating the treatment manual as a means of disseminating empirically validated psychotherapies, Michael E. Addis
Culture, words and understanding, Michael Bamberg
Language, concepts and emotions: The role of language in the construction of emotions, Michael Bamberg
Infant emotion regulation with mothers and fathers, Lisa J. Bridges, Wendy S. Grolnick, and James P. Connell
Predictors of parent involvement in children's schooling, Wendy S. Grolnick, Corina Benjet, Carolyn O. Kurowski, and Nicholas H. Apostoleris
Submissions from 1996
Reasons for depression and the process and outcome of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapies, Michael E. Addis and Neil S. Jacobson
Constructions of early parenting, intimacy and autonomy in young women, Rachel Dresner and Wendy S. Grolnick
Emotion regulation in two-year-olds: Strategies and emotional expression in four contexts, Wendy S. Grolnick, Lisa J. Bridges, and James P. Connell
Age-graded change in the initiation of positive affect, Wendy S. Grolnick, Thomas J. Cosgrove, and Lisa J. Bridges
Contextual, cognitive, and adolescent factors associated with parenting in adolescence, Wendy S. Grolnick, Laura Weiss, Lee McKenzie, and Jeffrey Wrightman
A component analysis of cognitive-behavioral treatment for depression, Neil S. Jacobson, Keith S. Dobson, Paula A. Truax, Michael E. Addis, Kelly Koerner, Jackie K. Gollan, Eric Gortner, and Stacey E. Prince
Submissions from 1995
Why do people think they are depressed?: The reasons for depression questionnaire, M. E. Addis, P. Truax, and N. S. Jacobson
Motivational factors related to differences in self-schemas, Sharon Bober and Wendy Grolnick
Deductive inference, Rachel Joffe Falmagne and Joanna Gonsalves
Submissions from 1994
Actions, events, scenes, plots and the drama. Language and the constitution of part-whole relationships, Michael Bamberg
Children's linguistic intuitions about factive presuppositions, Rachel Joffe Falmagne, Joanna Gonsalves, and Sarah Bennett-Lau
Parents' involvement in children's schooling: A multidimensional conceptualization and motivational model, Wendy S. Grolnick and Maria L. Slowiaczek
Submissions from 1993
Communication and internal states: What is their relationship?, Michael Bamberg
On modes of explanation, Rachel Joffe Falmagne
Informed consent and systems consultation: A description of the process and a prescription for change, A. Getzinger, R. Bibace, C. E. Cotsonas, N. Budwig, M. Bamberg, and D. Raphaely
Submissions from 1992
Therapeutic Misconceptions: When the Voices of Caring and Research Are Misconstrued as the Voice of Curing, Michael Bamberg and Nancy Budwig
Aspects of the meaning of if ... then for older preschoolers: Hypotheticality, entailment, and suppositional processes, Julia C. Jorgensen and Rachel Joffe Falmagne
Use of pronouns: formal and functional aspects in the early phases of language development, B. Reimann and N. Budwig
Submissions from 1991
Voices of curing and caring: The role of vagueness and ambiguity in informed consent discussions, M. Bamberg
A developmental approach to language acquisition: Two case studies, M. Bamberg, N. Budwig, and B. Kaplan
'You're not the only one! An examination of children's understanding of mixed emotions in narrative contexts, Michael Bamberg
On the ability to provide evaluative comments: Further explorations of children's narrative competencies, Michael Bamberg and Robin Damrad-Frye
The conduit metaphor: Language and informed consent, N. Budwig
Introduction, Nancy Budwig
The contribution of caregivers' input to children's talk about agency and pragmatic control, Nancy Budwig and Angela Wiley
Submissions from 1990
The German Perfekt: Form and Function of Tense Alternations, Michael Bamberg
The linguistic marking of nonprototypical agency: An exploration into children's use of passives, Nancy Budwig
Submissions from 1989
The linguistic marking of agentivity and control in child language, Nancy Budwig
Distinguishing elation, gladness, and joy., J. de Rivera, L. Possell, J. A. Verette, and B. Weiner
Linguistic and logical factors in recognition of indeterminacy, Rachel Joffe Falmagne, Ronald A. Mawby, and Roy D. Pea
Submissions from 1988
Peace Fair or Warfare: Educating the Community, Joseph de Rivera and James Laird
Submissions from 1986
Logical reasoning, world knowledge, and mental imagery: Interconnections in cognitive processes, Catherine A. Clement and Rachel Joffe Falmagne
Submissions from 1985
Normative theory and the human mind, Rachel Joffe Falmagne
On differentiation: A case study of the development of the concepts of size, weight, and density, Carol Smith, Susan Carey, and Marianne Wiser