

Our faculty are actively involved in research, which includes publishing, writing grants, presenting at national and international conferences, and mentoring graduate and undergraduate students. Their scholarship is diverse both in theory and in method — a mark of distinction and strength both within and across our three programs in clinical psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology.


Submissions from 2007


Collective emotions in conflict situations: Societal implications, Daniel Bar-tal, Eran Halperin, and Joseph De Rivera


The Latino mental health project: A local mental health needs assessment, Esteban V. Cardemil, Sara T. Adams, Joanne L. Calista, Joy Connell, José Encarnación, Nancy K. Esparza, Jeanne Frohock, Ellen Hicks, Saeromi Kim, Gerald Kokernak, Michael McGrenra, Ray Mestre, Maria Pérez, Tatiana M. Pinedo, Rosemary Quagan, Christina Rivera, Patsy Taucer, and Ed Wang


The prevention of depressive symptoms in low-income, minority children: Two-year follow-up, Esteban V. Cardemil, Karen J. Reivich, Christopher G. Beevers, Martin E.P. Seligman, and Julie James


Children's engagement and competence in personal recollection: Effects of parents' reminiscing goals, Emily Sutcliffe Cleveland, Elaine Reese, and Wendy S. Grolnick


The emotional climate of nations and their culture of peace, Joseph De Rivera, Rahael Kurrien, and Nina Olsen


Emotional climate, human security, and cultures of peace, Joseph De Rivera and Darío Páez


(How) Does It Make a Difference? Perspectives of Adults With Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Parents, Abbie E. Goldberg


Talking about family: Disclosure practices of adults raised by lesbian, gay, and bisexual parents, Abbie E. Goldberg


Imagining men: Lesbian mothers' perceptions of male involvement during the transition to parenthood, Abbie E. Goldberg and Katherine R. Allen


Choices, challenges, and tensions: Perspectives of lesbian prospective adoptive parents, Abbie E. Goldberg, Jordan B. Downing, and Christine Sauck


The division of labor and perceptions of parental roles: Lesbian couples across the transition to parenthood, Abbie E. Goldberg and Maureen Perry-Jenkins


Facilitating motivation in young adolescents: Effects of an after-school program, Wendy S. Grolnick, Melanie S. Farkas, Richard Sohmer, Sarah Michaels, and Jaan Valsiner


Evaluative pressure in mothers: Effects of situation, maternal, and child characteristics on autonomy supportive versus controlling behavior, Wendy S. Grolnick, Carrie E. Price, Krista L. Beiswenger, and Christine C. Sauck


Emotion skills and marital health: The association between observed and self-reported emotion skills, intimacy, and marital satisfaction, Shilagh A. Mirgain and James V. Cordova


Using item response theory to examine the White Bear Suppression Inventory, Kathleen M. Palm and David R. Strong


Shift work, role overload, and the transition to parenthood, Maureen Perry-Jenkins, Abbie E. Goldberg, Courtney P. Pierce, and Aline G. Sayer


Mindful relating: Exploring mindfulness and emotion repertoires in intimate relationships, Karen Wachs and James V. Cordova


Effects of scholarly productivity expectations on graduate training in clinical psychology, My Sha R. Whorley and Michael E. Addis

Submissions from 2006


Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral treatment for panic disorder versus treatment as usual in a managed care setting: 2-Year follow-up, Michael E. Addis, Christina Hatgis, Esteban Cardemil, Karen Jacob, Aaron D. Krasnow, and Abigail Mansfield


Emerging adulthood in Europe: A response to Bynner, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens through the Twenties, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


G. Stanley Hall's adolescence: Brilliance and nonsense, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


In search of vitality: Reflections on editing JAR, 1 year in, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


G. Stanley Hall's Adolescence: A centennial reappraisal: Introduction, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett and Hamilton Cravens


Introductory remarks, Michael Bamberg


Stories: Big or small - Why do we care?, Michael Bamberg


Randomized trial of behavioral activation, cognitive therapy, and antidepressant medication in the acute treatment of adults with major depression, Sona Dimidjian, Steven D. Hollon, Keith S. Dobson, Karen B. Schmaling, Robert J. Kohlenberg, Michael E. Addis, Robert Gallop, Joseph B. McGlinchey, David K. Markley, Jackie K. Gollan, David C. Atkins, David L. Dunner, and Neil S. Jacobson


Mindfulness and trauma: Implications for treatment, Victoria Follette, Kathleen M. Palm, and Adria N. Pearson


The transition to parenthood for lesbian couples, Abbie E. Goldberg


Lesbian couples' relationship quality across the transition to parenthood, Abbie E. Goldberg and Aline Sayer


Research: Liberal and conservative conceptions of family: A cultural—developmental study, Lene Arnett Jensen


Ten years of psychological research on men and masculinity in the United States: Dominant methodological trends, My Sha R. Whorley and Michael E. Addis

Submissions from 2005


Social scientific paradigms of masculinity and their implications for research and practice in men's mental health, Michael E. Addis and Geoffrey H. Cohane


Talk is cheap: The tobacco companies' violations of their own cigarette advertising code, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


The Vitality Criterion: A New Standard of Publication for Journal of Adolescent Research, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


Series editor’s preface to the book series, Nancy Budwig


Developing a culturally appropriate depression prevention program: The family coping skills program, Esteban V. Cardemil, Saeromi Kim, Tatiana M. Pinedo, and Ivan W. Miller


Emotional skillfulness in marriage: Intimacy as a mediator of the relationship between emotional skillfulness and marital satisfaction, James V. Cordova, Christina B. Gee, and Lisa Z. Warren


The marriage checkup: An indicated preventive intervention for treatment-avoidant couples at risk for marital deterioration, James V. Cordova, Rogina L. Scott, Marina Dorian, Shilagh Mirgain, Daniel Yaeger, and Alison Groot


Behavioral couples therapy for alcoholism and drug abuse: Where we've been, where we are, and where we're going, William Fals-Stewart, Timothy J. O'Farrell, Gary R. Birchler, James Córdova, and Michelle L. Kelley


The GIFT program for major depression: Integrating group, individual, and family treatment, Michael A. Friedman, Esteban V. Cardemil, Lisa A. Uebelacker, Christopher G. Beevers, Caitilin Chestnut, and Ivan W. Miller


Providing Integrated Care for Smoking Cessation, Elizabeth V. Gifford, Kathleen M. Palm, and Andrea Diloreto


Facilitating autonomy in the family: Supporting intrinsic motivation and self-regulation, Wendy S. Grolnick and Jacquelyn N. Raftery-Helmer


Perceived threat, controlling parenting, and children's achievement orientations, Suzanne T. Gurland and Wendy S. Grolnick


Developmental horizons: legacies and prospects in child and adolescent development., Lene Arnett Jensen and Reed W. Larson


Male gender role conflict and patterns of help seeking in Costa Rica and the United States, Jennifer M. Lane and Michael E. Addis


Linking gender-role conflict to nonnormative and self-stigmatizing perceptions of alcohol abuse and depression, Mariola Magovcevic and Michael E. Addis


Measurement of men's help seeking: Development and evaluation of the Barriers to Help Seeking Scale, Abigail K. Mansfield, Michael E. Addis, and Will Courtenay


Age-related differences in how children with ADHD understand their condition: Biological or psychological causality?, Jannette M. McMenamy, Ellen C. Perrin, and Marianne Wiser


Treatment matching in the posthospital care of depressed patients, Ivan W. Miller, Gabor I. Keitner, Christine E. Ryan, David A. Solomon, Esteban V. Cardemil, and Christopher G. Beevers


Argument realization in Hindi caregiver-child discourse, Bhuvana Narasimhan, Nancy Budwig, and Lalita Murty


Chronic avoidance helps explain the relationship between severity of childhood sexual abuse and psychological distress in adulthood, M. Zachary Rosenthal, Mandra L. Rasmussen Hall, Kathleen M. Palm, Sonja V. Batten, and Victoria M. Follette


Identity and agency in emerging adulthood: Two developmental routes in the individualisation process, Seth J. Schwartz, James E. Côté, and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett

Submissions from 2004


Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral treatment for panic disorder versus treatment as usual in a managed care setting, Michael E. Addis, Christina Hatgis, Aaron D. Krasnow, Karen Jacob, Leslie Bourne, and Abigail Mansfield


'I know it may sound mean to say this, but we couldn't really care less about her anyway.' Form and functions of 'slut bashing' in male identity constructions in 15-year-olds, Michael Bamberg


Talk, small stories, and adolescent identities, Michael Bamberg


Building bridges between developmental psychology and linguistic theorizing: Essay review of constructing a language: A usage-based theory of language acquisition by Michael Tomasello, Nancy Budwig


Series Editor’s Preface, Nancy Budwig


The contributions of the interdisciplinary study of language to an understanding of mind, Nancy Budwig


'Why sally never calls bobby "I"' revisited: An alternative perspective on language and early self development, Nancy Budwig


Coding intimacy in couples' interactions, Marina Dorian and James V. Cordova


On the constitution of ‘self’ and ‘mind’: The dialectic of the system and the person, Rachel Joffe Falmagne


Acceptance-based treatment for smoking cessation, Elizabeth V. Gifford, Barbara S. Kohlenberg, Steven C. Hayes, David O. Antonuccio, Melissa M. Piasecki, Mandra L. Rasmussen-Hall, and Kathleen M. Palm


Division of Labor and Working-Class Women's Well-Being Across the Transition to Parenthood, Abbie E. Goldberg and Maureen Perry-Jenkins


The right to do wrong: Lying to parents among adolescents and emerging adults, Lene Arnett Jensen, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, S. Shirley Feldman, and Elizabeth Cauffman


Development as micro-genetic positioning, Neill Korobov and Michael Bamberg


Positioning a 'mature' self in interactive practices: How adolescent males negotiate 'physical attraction' in group talk, Neill Korobov and Michael Bamberg


Pros and cons of educational technologies as methods for disseminating evidence-based treatments, Jennifer M. Lane and Michael E. Addis


Vicarious traumatization: Potential hazards and interventions for disaster and trauma workers, Kathleen M. Palm, Melissa A. Polusny, and Victoria M. Follette


The Reasons for Depression Questionnaire (RFD): UK standardization for clinical and non-clinical populations, Richard Thwaites, Dave Dagnan, Dale Huey, and Michael E. Addis

Submissions from 2003


Men, masculinity, and the contexts of help seeking, Michael E. Addis and James R. Mahalik


Conceptions of the transition to adulthood among emerging adults in American ethnic groups., Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


The Moral Dimensions of Globalization, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


Culture and conceptions of adulthood., Jeffrey Jensen Arnett and Nancy L. Galambos


Context and the dynamic construal of meaning in early childhood, Nancy Budwig


Guess who's coming to therapy? Getting comfortable with conversations about race and ethnicity in psychotherapy, Esteban V. Cardemil and Cynthia L. Battle


The GIFT program for major depression, Michael A. Friedman, Esteban V. Cardemil, Jackie Gollan, Lisa A. Uebelacker, and Ivan W. Miller


Children's expectancies and perceptions of adults: Effects on rapport, Suzanne T. Gurland and Wendy S. Grolnick


Effects of etiology on perceived helpfulness of treatments for depression, Marie Geneviève Iselin and Michael E. Addis


Coming of age in a multicultural world: Globalization and adolescent cultural identity formation, Lene Arnett Jensen


Psychotherapy for chronic depressive disorders, Gabor I. Keitner and Esteban V. Cardemil

Submissions from 2002


Methods for disseminating research products and increasing evidence-based practice: Promises, obstacles, and future directions, Michael E. Addis


Implicit and untested assumptions about the role of psychotherapy treatment manuals in evidence-based mental health practice, Michael E. Addis and Jennifer Waltz


The psychology of globalization, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


A congregation of one: Individualized religious beliefs among emerging adults, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett and Lene Arnett Jensen


Developmental sources of crash risk in young drivers, J. J. Arnett


Literacy and development as discourse, cognition or as both?, Michael Bamberg


Physical and psychological effects of written disclosure among sexual abuse survivors, Sonja V. Batten, Victoria M. Follette, Mandra L. Rasmussen Hall, and Kathleen M. Palm


Evaluating mental health outcomes in an inpatient setting: convergent and divergent validity of the OQ-45 and BASIS-32, Leonard A. Doerfler, Michael E. Addis, and Peter W. Moran


Predicting 2-year marital satisfaction from partners' discussion of their marriage checkup, Christina B. Gee, Rogina L. Scott, Angela M. Castellani, and James V. Cordova


Antecedents and consequences of mothers' autonomy support: an experimental investigation., Wendy S. Grolnick, Suzanne T. Gurland, Wendy DeCourcey, and Karen Jacob


It's wrong, but everybody does it: Academic dishonesty among high school and college students, Lene Arnett Jensen, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, S. Shirley Feldman, and Elizabeth Cauffman

Submissions from 2001


Adolescents' Responses to Cigarette Advertisements for Five "Youth Brands" and One "Adult Brand", Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


Conceptions of the Transition to Adulthood: Perspectives from Adolescence Through Midlife, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


Ideological Views in Emerging Adulthood: Balancing Autonomy and Community, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Kathleen D. Ramos, and Lene Arnett Jensen


Preface to the special issue: Language socialization and children’s entry into schooling, Nancy Budwig


Building a model for prevention practice: Depression as an example, Esteban V. Cardemil and Jacques P. Barber


Acceptance in behavior therapy: Understanding the process of change, James V. Cordova


Intimacy: A Behavioral Interpretation, James V. Cordova and Rogina L. Scott


Motivational interviewing as an intervention for at-risk couples, James V. Cordova, Lisa Zepeda Warren, and Christina B. Gee