


Our faculty are actively involved in research, which includes publishing, writing grants, presenting at national and international conferences, and mentoring graduate and undergraduate students. Their scholarship is diverse both in theory and in method — a mark of distinction and strength both within and across our three programs in clinical psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology.


Submissions from 2010


Preadoptive Factors Predicting Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Couples' Relationship Quality Across the Transition to Adoptive Parenthood, Abbie E. Goldberg, Juli Anna Z. Smith, and Deborah A. Kashy


Pathways between marriage and parenting for wives and husbands: The role of coparenting, Melinda Ippolito Morrill, Denise A. Hines, Sehar Mahmood, and James V. Córdova


Help seeking and help receiving for emotional distress among latino men and women, Rachel Zack Ishikawa, Esteban V. Cardemil, and Rachel Joffe Falmagne


Immigrant Youth in the United States: Coming of Age among Diverse Civic Cultures, Lene Arnett Jensen


Adaptation to Parenthood During the Post-Adoption Period: A Review of the Literature, Katherine McKay, Lori E. Ross, and Abbie E. Goldberg


Domains of masculine gender role stress and intimate partner violence in a clinical sample of violent men, Todd M. Moore, Gregory L. Stuart, James K. McNulty, Michael E. Addis, James V. Cordova, and Jeff R. Temple


Domains of masculine gender role stress and intimate partner violence in a clinical sample of violent men, Todd M. Moore, Gregory L. Stuart, James K. McNulty, Michael E. Addis, James V. Cordova, and Jeff R. Temple


Interparental conflict, parenting, and childhood depression in a diverse urban population: The role of general cognitive style, Ellen H. O'Donnell, Melissa Moreau, Esteban V. Cardemil, and Alisha Pollastri


New developments in the field: Measuring community climate, Ramona Faith Oswald, Courtney Cuthbertson, Vanja Lazarevic, and Abbie E. Goldberg


Beyond thinness: The influence of a curvaceous body ideal on body dissatisfaction in black and white women, Nicole M. Overstreet, Diane M. Quinn, and V. Bede Agocha


Erratum to: Beyond thinness: The influence of a curvaceous body ideal on body dissatisfaction in black and white women, Nicole M. Overstreet, Diane M. Quinn, and V. Bede Agocha


Self-esteem in pure bullies and bully/victims: A longitudinal analysis, Alisha R. Pollastri, Esteban V. Cardemil, and Ellen H. O'Donnell


The Men's stress workshop: a gender-sensitive treatment for depressed men, Jennifer M. Primack, Michael E. Addis, Matthew Syzdek, and Ivan W. Miller


Maternal elaborative reminiscing increases low-income children's narrative skills relative to dialogic reading, Elaine Reese, Diana Leyva, Alison Sparks, and Wendy Grolnick


The intersection of multiple minority identities: Perspectives of white lesbian couples adopting racial/ethnic minority children, Hannah B. Richardson and Abbie E. Goldberg


Adherence to masculine norms and attributional processes predict depressive symptoms in recently unemployed men, Matthew R. Syzdek and Michael E. Addis


Enhanced external and culturally sensitive attributions after extended intercultural contact, Johanna Ray Vollhardt

Submissions from 2009


Sexual activity during menstruation: A qualitative study, Katherine R. Allen and Abbie E. Goldberg


The neglected 95%, a challenge to psychology's philosophy of science, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


Commitment as a Predictor of Participation in Premarital Education, Jonathan M. Blair and James V. Córdova


Parent-child communication and parental involvement in latino adolescents, Tatiana M. Davidson and Esteban V. Cardemil


Making the decision: Factors influencing gay men's choice of an adoption path, Jordan Downing, Hanna Richardson, Lori Kinkler, and Abbie Goldberg


Deconstruction and the problematics of social engagement, Rachel Joffe Falmagne


Subverting theoretical dualisms: Discourse and mentalism, Rachel Joffe Falmagne


Child adjustment to familial dissolution: An examination of parental factors using a self-determination theory framework, Rachel W. Friendly and Wendy S. Grolnick


Family outings: Disclosure practices among adopted youth with gay and lesbian parents, Mark Gianino, Abbie Goldberg, and Terrence Lewis


Heterosexual, lesbian, and gay preadoptive parents' preferences about child gender, Abbie E. Goldberg


Lesbian and Heterosexual Preadoptive Couples' Openness to Transracial Adoption, Abbie E. Goldberg


Lesbian parents and their families: Complexity and intersectionality from a feminist perspective, Abbie E. Goldberg


The transition from infertility to adoption: Perceptions of lesbian and heterosexual couples, Abbie E. Goldberg, Jordan B. Downing, and Hannah B. Richardson


Perceived Parenting Skill Across the Transition to Adoptive Parenthood Among Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Couples, Abbie E. Goldberg and Juli Anna Z. Smith


Predicting non-African American lesbian and heterosexual preadoptive couples' openness to adopting an African American child, Abbie E. Goldberg and Julianna Z. Smith


The role of parents in facilitating autonomous self-regulation for education, Wendy S. Grolnick


Issues and challenges in studying parental control: Toward a new conceptualization, Wendy S. Grolnick and Eva M. Pomerantz


Conceptions of God and the devil across the lifespan: A cultural-developmental study of religious liberals and conservatives, Lene Arnett Jensen


"Second generation" voices: Queer youth with lesbian/bisexual mothers, Katherine A. Kuvalanka and Abbie E. Goldberg


Emotional skillfulness as a key mediator of aggression, Abigail K. Mansfield, Michael E. Addis, James V. Cordova, and Lynn Dowd


Emotional skillfulness as a key mediator of aggression, Abigail K. Mansfield, Michael E. Addis, James V. Cordova, and Lynn Dowd


Smoking characteristics of adolescent smokers with post-traumatic stress disorder in a psychiatric inpatient setting, Kathleen M. Palm, Ana M. Abrantes, David R. Strong, Susan E. Ramsey, and Richard A. Brown


Evaluating symptom expression as a function of a posttraumatic stress disorder severity, Kathleen M. Palm, David R. Strong, and Laura MacPherson


Toward a clear and inclusive conceptualization of parental control: Reply to the commentaries, Eva M. Pomerantz and Wendy S. Grolnick


Family functioning and depression in low-income latino couples, Ingrid A. Sarmiento and Esteban V. Cardemil


The role of victim beliefs in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Risk or potential for peace?, Johanna R. Vollhardt


Altruism born of suffering and prosocial behavior following adverse life events: A review and conceptualization, Johanna Ray Vollhardt

Submissions from 2008


Modes of tension work within the complex self, Emily Abbey and Rachel Joffe Falmagne


Gender and depression in men, Michael E. Addis


The neglected 95%: Why American psychology needs to become less American, Jeffrey J. Arnett


Vitality rising: Reflections on five years as editor of the journal of adolescent research, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


A fraught passage: The identity challenges of African American emerging adults, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett and Gene H. Brody


Selves and identities in the making: The study of microgenetic processes in interactive practices, Michael Bamberg


Sequencing events in time or sequencing events in storytelling?: From cognition to discourse-with frogs paving the way, Michael Bamberg


Twice-told-tales: Small story analysis and the process of identity formation, Michael Bamberg


Small stories as a new perspective in narrative and identity analysis, Michael Bamberg and Alexandra Georgakopoulou


Distress tolerance treatment for early-lapse smokers: Rationale, program description, and preliminary findings, Richard A. Brown, Kathleen M. Palm, David R. Strong, Carl W. Lejuez, Christopher W. Kahler, Michael J. Zvolensky, Steven C. Hayes, Kelly G. Wilson, and Elizabeth V. Gifford


Culturally sensitive treatments: Need for an organizing framework, Esteban V. Cardemil


Perceptions of children's parental preferences in lesbian two-mother households, Abbie E. Goldberg, Jordan B. Downing, and Christine C. Sauck


The social context of lesbian mothers' anxiety during early parenthood, Abbie E. Goldberg and Juli Anna Z. Smith


Social support and psychological well-being in lesbian and heterosexual preadoptive couples, Abbie E. Goldberg and Julianna Z. Smith


Stepping Up without Overstepping: Disentangling Parenting Dimensions and their Implications for Adolescent Adjustment, Wendy S. Grolnick, Krista L. Beiswenger, and Carrie E. Price


Building rapport with children: Effects of adults' expected, actual, and perceived behavior, Suzanne T. Gurland and Wendy S. Grolnick


Immigrants' cultural identities as sources of civic engagement, Lene Arnett Jensen


Through two lenses: A cultural-developmental approach to moral psychology, Lene Arnett Jensen


Immigrant civic engagement: New translations, Lene Arnett Jensen and Constance A. Flanagan


Elaboration and autonomy support in low-income mothers' reminiscing: Links to children's autobiographical narratives, Diana Leyva, Elaine Reese, Wendy Grolnick, and Carrie Price


The Masculine depression scale: Development and psychometric evaluation, Mariola Magovcevic and Michael E. Addis


Domains of Masculine Gender Role Stress and Intimate Partner Violence in a Clinical Sample of Violent Men, Todd M. Moore, Gregory L. Stuart, James K. McNulty, Michael E. Addis, James V. Cordova, and Jeff R. Temple


Domains of masculine gender role stress and intimate partner violence in a clinical sample of violent men, Todd M. Moore, Gregory L. Stuart, James K. McNulty, Michael E. Addis, James V. Cordova, and Jeff R. Temple


Structural and Moral Commitment Among Same-Sex Couples: Relationship Duration, Religiosity, and Parental Status, Ramona Faith Oswald, Abbie Goldberg, Kate Kuvalanka, and Eric Clausell


Sexual victimization and physical health: An examination of explanatory mechanisms, Kathleen M. Palm and Victoria M. Follette


The development of verb-argument structure in child discourse: On the use of construction variation in peer play, Melissa A. Smith and Nancy Budwig


Altruism Born of Suffering: The Roots of Caring and Helping After Victimization and Other Trauma, Ervin Staub and Johanna Vollhardt


Emerging Adulthood: Learning and Development During the First Stage of Adulthood, Jennifer L. Tanner, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, and Julie A. Leis


The importance of interpersonal treatment goals for depressed inpatients, Lisa A. Uebelacker, Cynthia L. Battle, Michael A. Friedman, Esteban V. Cardemil, Christopher G. Beevers, and Ivan W. Miller


Social psychology's contribution to the psychological study of peace: A review, Johanna K. Vollhardt and Rezarta Bilali

Submissions from 2007


Treatment utilization after psychiatric inpatient hospitalization among adolescents with and without substance use disorders, Ana M. Abrantes, Kathleen M. Palm, David R. Strong, Susan E. Ramsey, and Richard A. Brown


Deconstructing dualisms: The both/and conceptual orientation and its variant linguistic form, Jen Arner and Rachel Joffe Falmagne


Afterword: Aging out of care--toward realizing the possibilities of emerging adulthood., Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


Suffering, selfish, slackers? Myths and reality about emerging adults, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


The long and leisurely route: Coming of age in Europe today, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


The myth of peer influence in adolescent smoking initiation, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett


Collective emotions in conflict situations: Societal implications, Daniel Bar-tal, Eran Halperin, and Joseph De Rivera


The Latino mental health project: A local mental health needs assessment, Esteban V. Cardemil, Sara T. Adams, Joanne L. Calista, Joy Connell, José Encarnación, Nancy K. Esparza, Jeanne Frohock, Ellen Hicks, Saeromi Kim, Gerald Kokernak, Michael McGrenra, Ray Mestre, Maria Pérez, Tatiana M. Pinedo, Rosemary Quagan, Christina Rivera, Patsy Taucer, and Ed Wang


The prevention of depressive symptoms in low-income, minority children: Two-year follow-up, Esteban V. Cardemil, Karen J. Reivich, Christopher G. Beevers, Martin E.P. Seligman, and Julie James


Children's engagement and competence in personal recollection: Effects of parents' reminiscing goals, Emily Sutcliffe Cleveland, Elaine Reese, and Wendy S. Grolnick


The emotional climate of nations and their culture of peace, Joseph De Rivera, Rahael Kurrien, and Nina Olsen


Emotional climate, human security, and cultures of peace, Joseph De Rivera and Darío Páez


(How) Does It Make a Difference? Perspectives of Adults With Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Parents, Abbie E. Goldberg


Talking about family: Disclosure practices of adults raised by lesbian, gay, and bisexual parents, Abbie E. Goldberg


Imagining men: Lesbian mothers' perceptions of male involvement during the transition to parenthood, Abbie E. Goldberg and Katherine R. Allen


Choices, challenges, and tensions: Perspectives of lesbian prospective adoptive parents, Abbie E. Goldberg, Jordan B. Downing, and Christine Sauck


The division of labor and perceptions of parental roles: Lesbian couples across the transition to parenthood, Abbie E. Goldberg and Maureen Perry-Jenkins


Facilitating motivation in young adolescents: Effects of an after-school program, Wendy S. Grolnick, Melanie S. Farkas, Richard Sohmer, Sarah Michaels, and Jaan Valsiner


Evaluative pressure in mothers: Effects of situation, maternal, and child characteristics on autonomy supportive versus controlling behavior, Wendy S. Grolnick, Carrie E. Price, Krista L. Beiswenger, and Christine C. Sauck


Emotion skills and marital health: The association between observed and self-reported emotion skills, intimacy, and marital satisfaction, Shilagh A. Mirgain and James V. Cordova


Using item response theory to examine the White Bear Suppression Inventory, Kathleen M. Palm and David R. Strong


Shift work, role overload, and the transition to parenthood, Maureen Perry-Jenkins, Abbie E. Goldberg, Courtney P. Pierce, and Aline G. Sayer


Mindful relating: Exploring mindfulness and emotion repertoires in intimate relationships, Karen Wachs and James V. Cordova


Effects of scholarly productivity expectations on graduate training in clinical psychology, My Sha R. Whorley and Michael E. Addis

Submissions from 2006


Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral treatment for panic disorder versus treatment as usual in a managed care setting: 2-Year follow-up, Michael E. Addis, Christina Hatgis, Esteban Cardemil, Karen Jacob, Aaron D. Krasnow, and Abigail Mansfield


Emerging adulthood in Europe: A response to Bynner, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett