Our faculty are actively involved in research, which includes publishing, writing grants, presenting at national and international conferences, and mentoring graduate and undergraduate students. Their scholarship is diverse both in theory and in method — a mark of distinction and strength both within and across our three programs in clinical psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology.
Submissions from 2018
Navigating identity development and community belonging when “there are only two boxes to check”: An exploratory study of nonbinary trans college students, Abbie E. Goldberg and Katherine A. Kuvalanka
Relationship concerns, Tatiana D. Gray and James V. Cordova
The Path of emotional least resistance: Developing theory based on the self-reported strengths of happy and distressed couples in the marriage checkup, Tatiana D. Gray, James V. Cordova, Matt Hawrilenko, Taylor Dovala, and Julia W. Sollenberger
The Association between masculinity and nonsuicidal self-injury, Jonathan D. Green, Jaclyn C. Kearns, Annie M. Ledoux, Michael E. Addis, and Brian P. Marx
Improving adjustment and resilience in children following a disaster: Addressing research challenges, Wendy S. Grolnick, David J. Schonfeld, Merritt Schreiber, Judith Cohen, Valerie Cole, Lisa Jaycox, John Lochman, Betty Pfefferbaum, Kenneth Ruggiero, Kenneth Wells, Marleen Wong, and Douglas Zatzick
The influence of magazines on men: Normalizing and challenging young men's prejudice with "Lads' Mags", Peter Hegarty, Andrew L. Stewart, Inge G.E. Blockmans, and Miranda A.H. Horvath
The cultural-developmental approach to moral psychology: Autonomy, community, and divinity across cultures and ages, Lene Arnett Jensen
The experiences of sexual minority mothers with trans* children, Katherine A. Kuvalanka, Samuel H. Allen, Cat Munroe, Abbie E. Goldberg, and Judith L. Weiner
Journal article reporting standards for qualitative primary, qualitative meta-analytic, and mixed methods research in psychology: The APA publications and communications board task force report, Heidi M. Levitt, Michael Bamberg, John W. Creswell, David M. Frost, Ruthellen Josselson, and Carola Suárez-Orozco
Invisibility and involvement: LGBTQ community connections among plurisexual women during pregnancy and postpartum, Melissa H. Manley, Abbie E. Goldberg, and Lori E. Ross
Consensual nonmonogamy in pregnancy and parenthood: experiences of bisexual and plurisexual women with different-gender partners, Melissa H. Manley, Melissa M. Legge, Corey E. Flanders, Abbie E. Goldberg, and Lori E. Ross
Religiosity and well-being among Mexican-born and U.S.-born Mexicans: A qualitative investigation, Oswaldo Moreno and Esteban Cardemil
The role of religious attendance on mental health among mexican populations: A contribution toward the discussion of the immigrant health paradox, Oswaldo Moreno and Esteban Cardemil
Sources and components of stigma experienced by survivors of intimate partner violence, Christine E. Murray, Allison Crowe, and Nicole M. Overstreet
Conclusion and future directions, Joseph L. Murray and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Emerging adulthood and higher education: A new student development paradigm, Joseph L. Murray and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Introduction, Joseph L. Murray and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Preface, Joseph L. Murray and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Perceived risks and benefits in IPV and HIV research: Listening to the voices of HIV-positive African American women, Nicole M. Overstreet, Mukadder Okuyan, and Celia B. Fisher
Women's use of aggression and their depressive symptoms: The mediating effect of aggression- related shame and avoidance coping among women experiencing bidirectional intimate partner violence, Nicole M. Overstreet, Nicole H. Weiss, Suzanne C. Swan, and Tami P. Sullivan
A contextual behavior science framework for understanding how behavioral flexibility relates to anxiety, Kathleen M. Palm Reed, Amy Y. Cameron, and Victoria E. Ameral
Social context, emotional expressivity, and social adjustment in adolescent males, Alisha R. Pollastri, Jacquelyn N. Raftery-Helmer, Esteban V. Cardemil, and Michael E. Addis
Parent and teacher effects on academic coping and classroom engagement: Testing a motivational model, Jacquelyn N. Raftery-Helmer and Wendy S. Grolnick
Perceptions of partner support among pregnant plurisexual women: A qualitative study, Lori E. Ross, Abbie E. Goldberg, Lesley A. Tarasoff, and Cici Guo
Bisexuality: The invisible sexual orientation in sexual and reproductive health care, Lori E. Ross, Jennifer M. Goldberg, Corey E. Flanders, Abbie E. Goldberg, and Mark H. Yudin
Lift every voice: Exploring the stressors and coping mechanisms of black college women attending predominantly white institutions, Naysha N. Shahid, Tamara Nelson, and Esteban V. Cardemil
Scholarship and Activism Diverge: Responding to MLK's Call with Theory and Research on Diversity, Political Action, and Resistance to Oppression, Andrew L. Stewart and Joseph Sweetman
Protesting Racial Hierarchy: Testing a Social Dominance Theory Model of Collective Action among White Americans, Andrew L. Stewart and Julia Tran
The two-sided nature of individual and intragroup experiences in the aftermath of collective victimization: Findings from four diaspora groups, Johanna Ray Vollhardt and Rashmi Nair
Examining the impact of intimate partner violence type and timing on pre-exposure prophylaxis awareness, interest, and coercion, Tiara C. Willie, Jamila K. Stockman, Nicole M. Overstreet, and Trace S. Kershaw
"I felt like there would be a vast sky out there" The leaving home decisions of Chinese migrant women workers, Juan Zhong, Jeffrey J. Arnett, and Frances L. Hiatt
Submissions from 2017
Experiences of Burmese chin refugee women: Trauma and survival from pre- to postflight, Achu Johnson Alexander, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, and S. P.K. Jena
Beyond symptom severity: The differential impact of distress tolerance and reward responsiveness on quality of life in depressed and non-depressed individuals, Victoria Ameral, Lia S. Bishop, and Kathleen M. Palm Reed
Life stage concepts across history and cultures: Proposal for a new field on indigenous life stages, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Modeling collective action through media to promote social change and positive intergroup relations in violent conflicts, Rezarta Bilali, Johanna Ray Vollhardt, and Jason Ray David Rarick
Contact with birth family in intercountry adoptions: Comparing families headed by sexual minority and heterosexual parents, David Brodzinsky and Abbie E. Goldberg
Bühler’s legacy: Full circle and ahead, Nancy Budwig
The learning sciences and liberal education, Nancy Budwig
Developmental processes, levels of analysis, and ways of knowing: New perspectives on human development, Nancy Budwig, Elliot Turiel, and Philip David Zelazo
New perspectives on human development, Nancy Budwig, Elliot Turiel, and Philip David Zelazo
Introduction from the new editor, Esteban V. Cardemil
Introduction to special issue on evidence-based treatments with Latinas/Os: Attending to heterogeneity, Esteban V. Cardemil and Martin J. La Roche
Editorial report and acknowledgement of reviewers, 2016, J. Christopher Cohrs and Johanna Ray Vollhardt
Addressing relationship health needs in primary care: adapting the marriage checkup for use in medical settings with military couples, James V. Cordova, Jeffrey A. Cigrang, Tatiana D. Gray, Elizabeth Najera, Matt Havrilenko, Crystal Pinkley, Matthew Nielsen, Jo Lyn Tatum, and Kristen Redd
Theory in highly cited studies of sexual minority parent families: Variations and implications, Rachel H. Farr, Fiona Tasker, and Abbie E. Goldberg
‘We told them that we are both really involved parents’: sexual minority and heterosexual adoptive parents’ engagement in school communities, Abbie E. Goldberg, Kaitlin A. Black, Melissa H. Manley, and Reihonna Frost
Lesbian, gay, and heterosexual adoptive parents’ perceptions of inclusivity and receptiveness in early childhood education settings, Abbie E. Goldberg, Kaitlin Black, Kristin Sweeney, and April Moyer
'There is so much to consider': School-related decisions and experiences among families who adopt noninfant children, Abbie E. Goldberg, Reihonna L. Frost, and Kaitlin A. Black
Male-partnered sexual minority women: Sexual identity disclosure to health care providers during the perinatal period, Abbie E. Goldberg, Lori E. Ross, Melissa H. Manley, and Jonathan J. Mohr
Parent-school relationships and young adopted children's psychological adjustment in lesbian-, gay-, and heterosexual-parent families, Abbie E. Goldberg and Juli Anna Z. Smith
Aftercare engagement: A review of the literature through the lens of disparities, Kristen Keefe, Esteban V. Cardemil, and Matthew Thompson
Trans and gender-nonconforming children and their caregivers: Gender presentations, peer relations, and well-being at baseline, Katherine A. Kuvalanka, Judith L. Weiner, Cat Munroe, Abbie E. Goldberg, and Molly Gardner
Charting the moral life courses: A theory of moral development in U.S. evangelical and mainline Protestant cultures, Jessica McKenzie and Lene Arnett Jensen
Religiosity and attitudes towards professional mental health services: analysing religious coping as a mediator among Mexican origin Latinas/os in the southwest United States, Oswaldo Moreno, Tamara Nelson, and Esteban Cardemil
‘We were not planning on this, but …’: Adoptive parents' reactions and adaptations to unmet expectations, April M. Moyer and Abbie E. Goldberg
The social psychology of collective victimhood, Masi Noor, Johanna Ray Vollhardt, Silvia Mari, and Arie Nadler
The moderating role of centrality on the sssociation between internalized intimate partner violence-related stigma and concealment of physical IPV, Nicole M. Overstreet, Jennifer L. Gaskins, Diane M. Quinn, and Michelle K. Williams
Characterizing non-monosexual women at risk for poor mental health outcomes: A mixed methods study, Lori E. Ross, Melissa H. Manley, Abbie E. Goldberg, Alia Januwalla, Keisha Williams, and Corey E. Flanders
Pregnant plurisexual women's sexual and relationship histories across the life span: A qualitative Sudy, Lori E. Ross, Lesley A. Tarasoff, Abbie E. Goldberg, and Corey E. Flanders
Part IV: Metacognition and epistemology in conceptual change, Carol L. Smith and Marianne Wiser
Men's collective action willingness: Testing different theoretical models of protesting gender inequality for women and men, Andrew L. Stewart
Not a "mom thing": Predictors of gatekeeping in same-sex and heterosexual parent families, Kristin K. Sweeney, Abbie E. Goldberg, and Randi L. Garcia
Submissions from 2016
College students as emerging adults: The developmental implications of the college context, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Does emerging adulthood theory apply across social classes? National data on a persistent question, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Emerging adulthood and social class: Rejoinder to Furstenberg, Silva, and du Bois-Reymond, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Narrative inquiry: An interview with Michael Bamberg, Michael Bamberg and Carolin Demuth
Assessing the impact of a media-based intervention to prevent intergroup violence and promote positive intergroup relations in Burundi, Rezarta Bilali, Johanna Ray Vollhardt, and Jason Ray David Rarick
From face-to-face to Facebook: The role of technology and social media in adoptive family relationships with birth family members, Kaitlin A. Black, April M. Moyer, and Abbie E. Goldberg
Contact with birth family in adoptive families headed by lesbian, gay male, and heterosexual parents, David M. Brodzinsky and Abbie E. Goldberg
The Marriage checkup: Adapting and implementing a brief relationship intervention for military couples, Jeffrey A. Cigrang, James V. Cordova, Tatiana D. Gray, Elizabeth Najera, Matt Hawrilenko, Crystal Pinkley, Matthew Nielsen, Jo Lyn Tatum, and Kristen Redd
Editorial report and acknowledgement of reviewers, 2015, J. Christopher Cohrs and Johanna Ray Vollhardt
Broadening the scope of couples research: Pragmatics and prevention, James V. Cordova
Immigration, language proficiency, and autobiographical memories: Lifespan distribution and second-language access, Alena G. Esposito and Lynne Baker-Ward
Toward the desegregation of thought and affect in psychological theorizing, Rachel Joffe Falmagne
Postpartum depression among visible and invisible sexual minority women: a pilot study, Corey E. Flanders, Margaret F. Gibson, Abbie E. Goldberg, and Lori E. Ross
Oltre il binarismo: Concettualizzare il genere nelle ricerche sui bambini con genitori gay e lesbiche, Abbie E. Goldberg
Gender-typed behavior over time in children with lesbian, gay, and heterosexual parents, Abbie E. Goldberg and Randi L. Garcia
Female-partnered women conceiving kinship: Does sharing a sperm donor mean we are family?, Abbie E. Goldberg and Joanna E. Scheib
Predictors of race, adoption, and sexual orientation related socialization of adoptive parents of young children, Abbie E. Goldberg and Juli Anna Z. Smith
Lesbian, gay, and heterosexual adoptive parents' socialization approaches to children's minority statuses, Abbie E. Goldberg, Kristin Sweeney, Kaitlin Black, and April Moyer
Motivating action and maintaining change: The time-varying role of homework following a brief couples' intervention, Matt Hawrilenko, C. J. Eubanks Fleming, Alana S. Goldstein, and James V. Cordova
The heart of change: Acceptance and intimacy mediate treatment response in a brief couples intervention, Matt Hawrilenko, Tatiana D. Gray, and James V. Córdova
Chemical Reactions: Marijuana, Opioids, and Our Families, Denise A. Hines Ph.D; Staci Gruber Ph.D; John F. Kelly Ph.D; Kathleen M. Palm Reed; and Hilary Smith Connery M.D., Ph.D.
The moral reasoning of U.S. evangelical and mainline Protestant children, adolescents, and adults: A cultural-developmental study, Lene Arnett Jensen and Jessica Mckenzie
The Prototypicality of genocide: Implications for international intervention, Lucas B. Mazur and Johanna Ray Vollhardt
A longitudinal examination of positive parenting following an acceptance-based couple intervention, Melinda Ippolito Morrill, Matt Hawrilenko, and James V. Córdova
“You can't give a syringe with unity”: Rwandan responses to the government's single recategorization policies, Sigrun Marie Moss and Johanna Ray Vollhardt
Rethinking strength: Black women’s perceptions of the “strong black woman” role, Tamara Nelson, Esteban V. Cardemil, and Camille T. Adeoye
Parent-child conversations about legal inequalities in gay- and lesbian-parent families in Florida, Elizabeth Weber Ollen and Abbie E. Goldberg
Validation of the long- and short-form of the Ethical Values Assessment (EVA): A questionnaire measuring the three ethics approach to moral psychology, Laura Maria Padilla-Walker and Lene Arnett Jensen
Children’s coping with academic failure: Relations with contextual and motivational resources supporting competence, Jacquelyn N. Raftery-Helmer and Wendy S. Grolnick
Adolescent boys' experiences with policing of masculinity: Forms, functions, and consequences, Christopher S. Reigeluth and Michael E. Addis
"Mad Scared" versus "I Was Sad": Emotional expression and response in urban adolescent males, Christopher S. Reigeluth, Alisha R. Pollastri, Esteban V. Cardemil, and Michael E. Addis
Stereotyping, L. Rosenthal and N. Overstreet
Silence and (in)visibility in men’s accounts of coping with stressful life events, Joseph R. Schwab, Michael E. Addis, Christopher S. Reigeluth, and Joshua L. Berger
International support for the Arab uprisings: Understanding sympathetic collective action using theories of social dominance and social identity, Andrew L. Stewart, Felicia Pratto, Fouad Bou Zeineddine, Joseph Sweetman, Véronique Eicher, Laurent Licata, Davide Morselli, Rim Saab, Antonio Aiello, Xenia Chryssochoou, Aleksandra Cichocka, Atilla Cidam, Rob Foels, Benjamin Giguère, Li Liu, Francesca Prati, and Jacquelien van Stekelenburg
Pilot trial of gender-based motivational interviewing for increasing mental health service use in college men, Matthew R. Syzdek, Jonathan D. Green, Bruce R. Lindgren, and Michael E. Addis
The emergence of emerging adulthood: The new life stage between adolescence and young adulthood, Jennifer Lynn Tanner and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
A Randomized controlled trial of the marriage checkup adapted for private practice, Tea Trillingsgaard, Hanne N. Fentz, Matt Hawrilenko, and James V. Cordova
Inclusive victim consciousness predicts minority group members' support for refugees and immigrants, Johanna Ray Vollhardt, Rashmi Nair, and Linda R. Tropp