Our faculty are actively involved in research, which includes publishing, writing grants, presenting at national and international conferences, and mentoring graduate and undergraduate students. Their scholarship is diverse both in theory and in method — a mark of distinction and strength both within and across our three programs in clinical psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology.
Submissions from 2025
Learning as retention; an examination of retention of self-derived knowledge through memory integration in a diverse sample of elementary students, Alena G. Esposito
“There may be a genetic tendency …”: How adoptive parents understand and communicate about substance use and risk behaviors with their adolescent children, Abbie E. Goldberg, Laura Siracusa, Sophie Shuster, and David Brodzinsky
Exploring Emerging Adulthood(s) in India, Deeva Mitra and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Knowledge Organization of Discretized Non-Symbolic Fraction and Mathematics Achievement, Sangmi Park and Alena G. Esposito
Secondary Traumatic Stress Among Teachers: The Impact of Race and Years of Teaching Experiences, Chavez Phelps, Samantha Francois, Kenneth G. Rice, Courtney N. Baker, and Stacy Overstreet
Ubuntu in Namibia and Kenya: How Emerging Adults Live an Essential African Value Today, Julia S. Rotzinger, Lene Arnett Jensen, and Amber Gayle Thalmeyer
Minority stress and structural stigma predict well-being in European LGBTQ+ parents, Magdalena Siegel, David Steyrl, Abbie E. Goldberg, Andrew A. Nicholson, and Martina Zemp
Structural racism and intimate partner violence perpetration among racially diverse men transitioning into fatherhood: an anti-racist approach to IPV prevention, Tiara C. Willie, Sabriya Linton, Leslie B. Adams, Nicole Overstreet, Shannon Whittaker, Theresa Faller, Deja Knight, and Trace S. Kershaw
Submissions from 2024
Some critical notes on the psychology of Palestinian resistance: An interview with Dr. Mai Albzour, Mai Albzour, Johanna Ray Vollhardt, and Fouad Bou Zeineddine
COVID-19 and Americans’ Mental Health: A Persistent Crisis, Especially for Emerging Adults 18 to 29, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett and Deeya Mitra
Clarifying and measuring the characteristics of experiences that involve a loss of self or a dissolution of its boundaries, Nicholas K. Canby, Jared Lindahl, Willoughby B. Brown, and James Córdova
Final Editorial, Esteban V. Cardemil
From Inspiration to Restoration: Moral Elevation as a Catalyst for Improving Intergroup Relations in Contexts of Conflict, Sabina Čehajić-Clancy, Nida Jamshed, Andreas Olsson, and Andrea Momčilović
Adult Learners Self-Derive New Knowledge through Integration of Novel Information and Prior Knowledge and Are More Successful with Reactivation, Jayantika Chakraborty and Alena G. Esposito
Self-derivation through memory integration: a longitudinal examination of performance and relations with academic achievements in elementary classrooms, Alena G. Esposito and Patricia J. Bauer
Building Knowledge across Language Systems: The Role of Audio and Visual Supports in Bilingual Learning through Self-Derivation, Alena G. Esposito, Katherine A. Lee, and Brandan K. Gunarathne
Navigating COVID-19 and racial trauma as a Black student at predominantly White institutions, Samantha Francois, Joan Blakey, Rae Stevenson, Timothy Walker, and Curtis Davis
Family relationships and family predictors of psychological distress in emerging adult college students: A 3-year study, María del Carmen García-Mendoza, Águeda Parra Jiménez, Enrique Bernardino Arranz Freijo, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, and Inmaculada Sánchez Queija
LGBTQ Parents’ Accounts of Their Children’s Experiences With Heterosexism in Schools, Abbie E. Goldberg
LGBTQ parent concerns and parent–child communication about the Parental Rights in Education Bill (“Don't Say Gay”) in Florida, Abbie E. Goldberg and Roberto Abreu
Perceived Impact of the Parental Rights in Education Act (“Don’t Say Gay”) on LGBTQ+ Parents in Florida, Abbie E. Goldberg, Roberto L. Albreu, and Andrew Flores
Qualitative family research: Innovative, flexible, theoretical, reflexive, Abbie E. Goldberg and Katherine R. Allen
Cherished families, unspoken truths: Navigating hidden and challenging family experiences while growing up with LGBTQ parents, Abbie E. Goldberg, Katherine R. Allen, and Caroline Sanner
Thinking About the Birth Father: Loss, Longing, Ambivalence, and Indifference Among Adopted Adolescents With Lesbian Mothers, Abbie E. Goldberg and David M. Brodzinsky
“Saying ‘I'm not okay’ is extremely risky”: Postpartum mental health, delayed help-seeking, and fears of the child welfare system among queer parents, Abbie E. Goldberg and Reihonna Frost
To Tell or Not to Tell: Disclosure Experiences and Perceived Microaggressions Among Adopted Adolescents With Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Parents, Abbie E. Goldberg and Kaitlin A. Gabriele-Black
Perceived Impact of the Overturning of Roe v. Wade on Queer Parents’ Reproductive and Sexual Lives, Abbie E. Goldberg, Lea Silvert, and Brittany Charlton
Family-building desires among adopted adolescents with lesbian, gay, and heterosexual parents, Abbie E. Goldberg, Lea Silvert, and Rachel H. Farr
Examining feasibility, acceptability, and participant experiences of an anti-racist parenting intervention for White U.S. parents, Amy Heberle, Noah Hoch, Anna C. Wagner, Amanda G. Caccia Cruz, Longjing Zhou, and Aiman K. Khan
Examining critical anti-racism action as a buffer of the link between discrimination and mental health outcomes, Amy Heberle and Néstor Noyola
Different power perceptions based on socially situated needs: Findings from a qualitative study among Asian Americans, Hu Young Jeong, Johanna Vollhardt, Michelle S. Twali, and John Tawa
A case study in leveraging strategic partnerships through trust-based philanthropy, Nora L. Jones, Andrew Epstein, Megan Bair-Merritt, Stacy Drucy, Lindsay Farrington, Anabel Fernández, Julia M. Fleckman, Samantha Francois, Hannah Gilbert, Carey Howard, Anita Morris, and Joanna Elkes Pierce
Conducting research within the acronym: Problematizing LGBTIQ+ research in psychology, Amanda Klysing, Marta Prandelli, Miguel Roselló-Peñaloza, Daniel Alonso, Madison Gray, Jessica Glazier, Sarah Swanson, and Yu-Chi Wang
Disrupting Racism and Global Exclusion in Academic Publishing: Recommendations and Resources for Authors, Reviewers, and Editors, Alison Ledgerwood, Katherine M. Lawson, Michael W. Kraus, Johanna Vollhardt, Jessica D. Remedios, Dulce Wilkinson Westberg, Ayse K. Uskul, Adeyemi Adetula, Colin Wayne Leach, Joel E. Martinez, Laura P. Naumann, Geetha Reddy, Charlotte Chucky Tate, Andrew R. Todd, Katherine Weltzien, NiCole Buchanan, Robert González, James L. Montilla Doble, Rainer Romero-Canyas, Erin Westgate, and Linda X. Zou
Comparative Efficacy of the Relationship Checkup for Same-Gender Couples, Katherine A. Lenger, Erica A. Mitchell, Patricia N.E. Roberson, Olive Schubert, Tatiana Gray, James V. Cordova, and Kristina C. Gordon
“When you live in a colony… every act counts”: Exploring engagement in and perceptions of diverse anti-colonial resistance strategies in Puerto Rico, Carmen Marazzi and Johanna Ray Vollhardt
Social Competence, School Engagement, and School Performance Among US Children Adopted Through Private Domestic, International, and Foster Care Adoption, Nora McCormick and Abbie E. Goldberg
The globalization and localization of moral values: A cultural-developmental study of adolescents and their parents, Jessica McKenzie and Lene Arnett Jensen
Improvements in depressive symptoms following a brief relationship intervention, Erica A. Mitchell, Patricia N.E. Roberson, Michaela DiPillo, James V. Cordova, and Kristina Coop Gordon
The Role of Firearm and Police Violence Exposure in Youth Firearm Beliefs and Access, Lolita Moss, Lexie M. Contreras, Tian Shu, Katherine P. Theall, Julia M. Fleckman, and Samantha Francois
A Qualitative Exploration of the Built Environment as a Key Mechanism of Safety and Social Cohesion for Youth in High-Violence Communities, Lolita Moss, Kimberly Wu, Amber Tucker, Reanna Durbin-Matrone, Gabriella D. Roude, Samantha Francois, Lisa Richardson, and Katherine P. Theall
Appearance investment and intimacy: direct and indirect effects in the context of romantic relationships, Lillian P. Palmer, Setareh M. Rossman, and James Cordova
Rational number representation, math anxiety, and algebra performance in college students, Sangmi Park and Alena G. Esposito
Collective victim beliefs in the aftermath of historical trauma and their effects on psychological well-being: Initial findings among the Polish diaspora in the United States, Magdalena Skrodzka and Johanna Ray Vollhardt
Place-based approaches to firearm violence prevention, Katherine P. Theall, Lexie M. Contreras, Samantha Francois, Michelle Kondo, and Charles C. Branas
Acknowledgment of collective victimization: Findings from four contexts of historical victimization, Michelle Sinayobye Twali, Sherief Y. Eldeeb, and Johanna Vollhardt
Jewish resistance during the Holocaust: Influences on the choice between individual and collective resistance strategies, Johanna Ray Vollhardt and Michal Bilewicz
Never again: Lessons of genocide in survivor testimonies from the Holocaust, Nanjing massacre and Rwandan genocide, Johanna Ray Vollhardt, Trina Konushevci, Amer Macedonci, and Hyomin Lee
Introduction: The psychology of resistance in violent and repressive contexts, Johanna Ray Vollhardt and Fouad Bou Zeineddine
Resistance to repression and violence: Global psychological perspectives, Johanna Ray Vollhardt and Fouad Bou Zeineddine
Housing insecurity among black women surviving intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: an intersectional qualitative approach, Tiara C. Willie, Sabriya L. Linton, Shannon Whittaker, Karlye A. Phillips, Deja Knight, Mya C. Gray, Gretta Gardner, and Nicole Overstreet
Social capital and changes of psychologic distress during early stage of COVID-19 in New Orleans, Kimberly Wu, Erica Doe, Gabriella D. Roude, Jasmine Wallace, Samantha Francois, Lisa Richardson, and Katherine P. Theall
Submissions from 2023
Joy: An integrative theory, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Emerging adulthood and media use: Latest research and future directions, Martina Benvenuti, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, and Elvis Mazzoni
Eugenics, Prejudice, and Human Development Revisited: The Role of Structural Racism, Nancy Budwig, Hojin Han, Raquel Jorge Fernandes, Jimin Lee, Si Wang, and Benjamin Wolff
A Developmental and Sociocultural Approach to the Transition from High School to College: The Importance of Understanding Student Meaning-Making, Nancy Budwig, Jimin Lee, and Raquel Jorge Fernandes
CONCLUSION: The Very Real Consequences of True Crime Misrepresentations of LGBTQ+ People, Carrie L. Buist, Danielle C. Slakoff, and Abbie E. Goldberg
CASE STUDY: Cultural diversity and cognitive-behavioral therapy, Esteban V. Cardemil, Sarah J. Hartman, and José R. Rosario
Editorial report and acknowledgement of reviewers, 2022, J. Christopher Cohrs, Ana Figueiredo, Idhamsyah Eka Putra, and Johanna Ray Vollhardt
Brief relationship support as a selective suicide prevention intervention: Piloting the Relationship Checkup in veteran couples with relationship and mental health concerns, Dev Crasta, Jennifer S. Funderburk, Tatiana D. Gray, James Cordova, and Peter Britton
Spencer’s Phenomenological Variant of Ecological Systems Theory (PVEST): Charting Its Origin and Impact, Michael Cunningham, Dena Phillips Swanson, Joseph Youngblood, Eleanor K. Seaton, Samantha Francois, and Christopher Ashford
The Persistence of African American Female Students in Community Colleges, Gilda Ebanks and Samantha Francois
“We Felt Emotionally Closer:” A Qualitative Study of Couples’ Communication about Pornography Use, Elizabeth Engelkamp, Eliza Lindberg, and James V. Cordova
Learning through bilingual education Cognitive and academic impacts, Alena G. Esposito and Sangmi Park
Contexts of concealment: Initial validation of three disclosure avoidance process measures, Douglas Gazarian, Michael E. Addis, Jonathan D. Jampel, and Ethan Hoffman
From safety in silence to speaking up for LGBTQ+ families: A reflection on the personal, professional, and political through a feminist lens, Abbie E. Goldberg
LGBTQ-parent families: Diversity, intersectionality, and social context, Abbie E. Goldberg
LGBTQ PARENTS AND FILICIDE: Focus on the Hart Family Murders, Abbie E. Goldberg
The (Mis)Representation of Queer Lives in True Crime, Abbie E. Goldberg, Danielle C. Slakoff, and Carrie L. Buist
“If only we knew…”: An exploratory study of parents of adopted adolescents seeking residential treatment, Abbie Goldberg, Haylie Virginia, Maddie Logan, Lea Silvert, and Nora McCormick
Extrinsic Incentives / Rewards: Short-Term Fix That Can Undermine Long-Term Motivation, Wendy S. Grolnick
Easy to Get People to Do Things, More Challenging to Facilitate Their Motivation, Wendy S. Grolnick
Relations among perceived threat, controlling parenting, and middle school children’s control beliefs, Suzanne T. Gurland and Wendy S. Grolnick
Mi casa sin mí parada no es casa: Conceptualizations of functioning and functional impairment in rural Chiapas, Mexico, Sarah Joy Hartman, Néstor Noyola, Viena Murillo, Fátima Rodríguez Cuevas, and Esteban V. Cardemil
Longitudinal and Reciprocal Relations Among Parent and Child Outcomes for Black Early Head Start Families, Amy E. Heberle and Rachel Chazan-Cohen
To Reconstruct or Deconstruct? A Fundamental Question for the Psychology of Men and Masculinities, Ethan Hoffmann and Michael Addis
Ugandan men’s experiences and perceptions of their fathering roles, Emma Kironde and Michael E. Addis
Interpersonal emotion regulation in betrayal trauma survivors: A preliminary qualitative exploration, Nora K. Kline, Brianna Prichett, Katherine G. McKim, and Kathleen Palm Reed
The Relationship between Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood and Behavioral Problems among Chinese Emerging Adults: The Mediating Role of Physical Activity and Self-Control, Jin Kuang, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Erle Chen, Zsolt Demetrovics, Fabian Herold, Rebecca Y.M. Cheung, Daniel L. Hall, Michaela Markwart, Markus Gerber, Sebastian Ludyga, Arthur F. Kramer, and Liye Zou
Conceptions of Adulthood Among Chinese Emerging Adults, Jin Kuang, Juan Zhong, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Daniel L. Hall, Erle Chen, Michaela Markwart, Albert Yeung, and Liye Zou
Psychometric evaluation of the inventory of dimensions of emerging adulthood (IDEA) in China, Jin Kuang, Juan Zhong, Peiying Yang, Xinran Bai, Yinglan Liang, Boris Cheval, Fabian Herold, Gaoxia Wei, Alyx Taylor, Jieting Zhang, Chun Chen, Jing Sun, Liye Zou, and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Toward a New Theory of Established Adulthood, Clare M. Mehta and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Towards Understanding Substance Abuse Misinformation in YouTube Videos, Shuo Niu and Kathleen Palm Reed
What predicts perceived discrimination among white Americans? Findings from two nationally representative studies, Mukadder Okuyan, Johanna Ray Vollhardt, and Andrew Stewart
Navigating Sexual Stereotypes Across Time, Space, and Place: Exploring Black Women’s Practices of Resistance, Refusal, and Reclamation, Nicole M. Overstreet, Lisa Rosenthal, Christopher-John Godfrey, Brandon E. Brown, Adi Khukhlovich, and Tashuna Albritton
Moral reasoning among children in India: The intersection of culture, development, and social class, Niyati Pandya, Lene Arnett Jensen, and Rachana Bhangaokar
Do executive functions gained through two-way dual-Language education translate into math achievement?, Sangmi Park, P. Lital Dotan, and Alena G. Esposito
The Geography of Military Occupation and Its Effect on Palestinian Community Cohesion, Norms, and Resistance Motivation, Sandra Penić, Johanna Vollhardt, Karsten Donnay, Mai Albzour, and Ravi Bhavnani
Correction: The developmental crisis questionnaire (DCQ-12): Psychometric development and validation, Nikolay Petrov, Oliver C. Robinson, and Jeffrey J. Arnett
The influence of relationship pattern labeling on intimacy, acceptance, and relationship satisfaction, Jenna Rice, Melissa McTernan, and James Cordova
Examining morphosyntactic representations in EFL written narratives among L1 Hebrew and Arabic-speaking 6th graders, Susie Russak and Elena Zaretsky
INTRODUCTION: Toward a Critical Examination of LGBTQ+ True Crime, Danielle C. Slakoff, Carrie L. Buist, and Abbie E. Goldberg
Taking Weight Out of the Equation: Unintended Harms of Weight-Focused Health Discourse in Schools, Elizabeth Tingle, Jessica F. Saunders, Sarah Nutter, and Shelly Russell-Mayhew
Lay theories about collective power in the context of racial oppression, Michelle Sinayobye Twali, Nicole M. Overstreet, and Johanna Ray Vollhardt
‘You don't compare horrors, you just don't do that’: Examining assumptions and extending the scope of comparative victim beliefs, Johanna Ray Vollhardt, Helin Ünal, and Rashmi Nair
Media use and Black emerging adults' acceptance of Jezebel and Sapphire stereotypes, L. Monique Ward, Enrica E. Bridgewater, and Nicole M. Overstreet
Editorial: Positive youth development, mental health, and psychological well-being in diverse youth, Nora Wiium, Laura Ferrer-Wreder, Jennifer E. Lansford, and Lene Arnett Jensen
Sterotyping, DaSean L. Young, Thekia Cheeseborough, Brandon E. Brown, Nicole Overstreet, and Lisa Rosenthal