Our faculty are actively involved in research, which includes publishing, writing grants, presenting at national and international conferences, and mentoring graduate and undergraduate students. Their scholarship is diverse both in theory and in method — a mark of distinction and strength both within and across our three programs in clinical psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology.
Submissions from 2023
Using oral narratives to examine acquisition of English verb morphology among multilingual Arabic and monolingual Hebrew speakers: finding similarities with monolingual English-speaking SLIs, Elena Zaretsky and Susie Russak
Submissions from 2022
Apart, but still together: Separated parents living in limbo during COVID-19, Katherine R. Allen and Abbie E. Goldberg
Feminist theories: Knowledge, method, and practice, Katherine R. Allen, Abbie E. Goldberg, and Ana L. Jaramillo-Sierra
It's not fiction if you believe it: How imaginary worlds are derived from imaginary realities, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Family treatment for postpartum depression: acceptability, feasibility, and preliminary clinical outcomes, Cynthia L. Battle, Estaban V. Cardemil, Rita Rossi, Michael W. O'Hara, and Ivan W. Miller
The development of divergent thinking despite poverty: Moderating factors, Sara R. Berzenski, Ryan LaSalle-Castro, Ana Kamille Marcelo, and Tuppett M. Yates
The integrated constructionist approach to emotions: A theoretical model for explaining alterations to positive emotional experiences in the aftermath of trauma, Lia S. Bishop and Kathleen M. Palm Reed
Health mindsets in pediatric chronic headache, Alessandra Caruso, Wendy Grolnick, Claudia Mueller, Karen Kaczynski, Cindy Yu Hsing Chang, and Alyssa Lebel
Editorial report and acknowledgement of reviewers, 2021, J. Christopher Cohrs and Johanna Ray Vollhardt
Marriage checkup in integrated primary care: a randomized controlled trial with active-duty military couples, Jeffrey A. Cigrang, James V. Cordova, Tatiana D. Gray, Ashley L. Fedynich, Emily Maher, Abby N. Diehl, and Matt Hawrilenko
“Sorry it took a pandemic and multiple murders to get gere”: The impact of twin pandemics on EDI in a predominantly white school district, Brett Russell Coleman, Erin Beattie, Alina Raetz, and Kevin Wang
Transformative dissonant encounters: Opportunities for cultivating antiracism in White nursing students, Julia Dancis and Brett Russell Coleman
The Before baby relationship checkup: a couples-based intervention to reduce relationship risk factors for perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, Ellen V. Darling, Nancy Byatt, Emily L. Maher, Tatiana D. Gray, Tiffany A.Moore Simas, and James V. Cordova
Associations between trans-inclusive resources and feelings of inclusion in campus LGBTQþ groups: Differences for trans students of color, Jack K. Day, Abbie E. Goldberg, Russell B. Toomey, and Genny Beemyn
Determinants of elementary-school academic achievement: Component cognitive abilities and memory integration, Alena G. Esposito and Patricia J. Bauer
“Failed” matches, child removals, and disrupted placements: Devastating and invisible losses during the family-building journey for LGBTQ adoptive parents, Abbie E. Goldberg and Katherine R. Allen
“I’m mot just the nonbiological parent”: Encountering, strategizing, and resisting asymmetry and invalidation in genetic/ gestational parent status among LGBTQ parents, Abbie E. Goldberg and Katherine R. Allen
What Do Teachers Know about Adoptive Families, and How Do They Use It to Serve Adopted Children?, Abbie E. Goldberg and Harold Grotevant
White parents of adopted Black children in an era of racial reckoning: Challenges, tensions, and strategies, Abbie E. Goldberg, Nora McCormick, Emma Kironde, Haylie Virginia, and Maddie Logan
Transgender graduate students: Considerations, tensions, and decisions in choosing a graduate program, Abbie E. Goldberg, Nora McCormick, Em Matsuno, Haylie Virginia, and Genny Beemyn
School-age adopted children's early responses to remote schooling during COVID-19, Abbie E. Goldberg, Nora McCormick, and Haylie Virginia
Gay, bisexual, and queer fatherhood, Abbie E. Goldberg, Nora McCormick, Haylie Virginia, and Emma Kironde
Lesbian, gay, and heterosexual parents’ perspectives on their adopted children’s puberty and approaches to puberty-related communication, Abbie E. Goldberg and Haylie Virginia
Affirmative Adaptations of the Relationship Checkup to Meet the Needs of LGBTQ Couples, Tatiana D. Grey, Taylor Dovala K., and James V. Córdova
Should parents be involved in their children’s schooling?, Wendy S. Grolnick and Eva M. Pomerantz
“Every time I tell my story I learn something new”: Voice and inclusion in research with Black women with histories of substance use and incarceration, Alana J. Gunn, Melissa Hardesty, Nicole Overstreet, and Scyatta Wallace
Adolescent Mental Health in Relation to Anti-Racism Critical Action, Amy E. Heberle, Anna C. Wagner, and Noah Hoch
Social dominance, sexual double standards, and violence against women in tight and loose cultures, Nida Jamshed, Andrew L. Stewart, and Nicole M. Overstreet
Parental consideration of children's experiences: A critical review of parenting constructs, Mireille Joussemet and Wendy S. Grolnick
The Future of constructivist education, David Kritt and Nancy Budwig
Parental involvement and children's academics: The roles of autonomy support and parents’ motivation for involvement, Rachel E. Lerner, Wendy S. Grolnick, Alessandra J. Caruso, and Madeline R. Levitt
Maternal control and children’s internalizing and externalizing symptoms in the context of neighbourhood safety: moderating and mediating models, Madeline R. Levitt, Wendy S. Grolnick, and Jacquelyn N. Raftery-Helmer
Masculine depression: A person-centric perspective, Ryon C. McDermott, Michael Addis, Douglas Gazarian, Steffen T. Eberhardt, and Kyle M. Brasil
Couple variables predicting retention in a brief intervention and research, Erica A. Mitchell, Patricia N.E. Roberson, Zahra Amer, Darren J. Garcia, James V. Cordova, and Kristina Coop Gordon
Do objectification, gender beliefs, or racial stereotypes mediate associations between black adults’ media use and acceptance of intimate partner violence?, Lolita Moss, L. Monique Ward, and Nicole M. Overstreet
Association between superwoman schema, depression, and resilience: The mediating role of social isolation and gendered racial centrality, Tamara Nelson, Esteban V. Cardemil, Nicole M. Overstreet, Carla D. Hunter, and Cheryl L. Woods-Giscombé
Education, personal experiences, and advocacy: Examining drug-addiction videos on YouTube, Shuo Niu, Katherine G. McKim, and Kathleen Palm Reed
“You can’t do all”: Caregiver experiences of stress and support across ecological contexts, Nicole A. O’Dea and Ana K. Marcelo
The role of group versus hierarchy motivations in dominant groups’ perceived discrimination, Mukadder Okuyan and Johanna Ray Vollhardt
Toward critical bioethics studies: Black feminist insights for a field "reckoning" with anti-black racism, Nicole M. Overstreet
Measurement invariance in the assessment of intimate partner abuse among sexual minority and non-sexual minority individuals, Kathleen M. Palm Reed, Nora K. Kline, Madeline Benz, Korine Cabrera, and Denise A. Hines
Rational number conceptualization predicts mathematics achievement: Quantity matters, Sangmi Park and Alena G. Esposito
The Developmental Crisis Questionnaire (DCQ-12): Psychometric development and validation, Nikolay Petrov, Oliver C. Robinson, and Jeffrey J. Arnett
General inclusive victimhood predicts willingness to engage in intergroup contact: Findings from Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Basque Country, Mirjana Rupar, Magdalena Bobowik, Maitane Arnoso, Ainara Arnoso, and Johanna Ray Vollhardt
Minority stress and positive identity aspects in members of LGBTQ+ parent families: literature review and a study protocol for a mixed-methods evidence synthesis, Magdalena Siegel, Muriel Legler, Fortese Neziraj, Abbie E. Goldberg, and Martina Zemp
"Is intimacy contagious?” Intimate safety with parents as a key to emerging adults’ social connectedness, David Yoo and James Córdova
College, career, commitment, oh my: how emerging adult women balance romantic relationships, career plans, and financial stability, Amanda R. Youmans, Nicholas K. Canby, and James V. Córdova
Submissions from 2021
Lesbian adoptive mothers’ emotional responses and adaptation in the wake of relational dissolution, Katherine R. Allen and Abbie E. Goldberg
Envisioning a future: Values clarification in early recovery from opioid use disorder, Victoria Ameral and Kathleen M. Palm Reed
Preface, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Fear of stigma mediates the relationship between internalized stigma and treatment-seeking among individuals with substance use problems, Madeline B. Benz, Korine B. Cabrera, Nora Kline, Lia S. Bishop, and Kathleen Palm Reed
Intimate partner violence in the LGBTQ+ community: Experiences, outcomes, and implications for primary care, Autumn M. Bermea, Danielle C. Slakoff, and Abbie E. Goldberg
The dynamics of agency and context in human development: Holism revisited, Nancy Budwig
Exploring the conceptual frameworks guiding developmental research and practice in higher education: Some challenges for transdisciplinary work, Nancy Budwig and Achu Johnson Alexander
The Contribution of common and specific therapeutic factors to mindfulness-based intervention outcomes, Nicholas K. Canby, Kristina Eichel, Jared Lindahl, Sathiarith Chau, James Cordova, and Willoughby B. Britton
Parenting, self-regulation, and treatment adherence in pediatric chronic headache: A self-determination theory perspective, Alessandra Caruso, Wendy Grolnick, Jonathan Rabner, and Alyssa Lebel
Editorial report and acknowledgement of reviewers, 2020, J. Christopher Cohrs and Johanna Ray Vollhardt
The intimate partner violence stigma scale: Initial development and validation, Allison Crowe, Nicole M. Overstreet, and Christine E. Murray
Relating a picture and 1000 words: Self-derivation through integration within and across presentation formats, Alena G. Esposito, Katherine Lee, Jessica A. Dugan, Jillian E. Lauer, and Patricia J. Bauer
“I’ve heard there’s some sort of underground group”: LGBTQ activism on evangelical Christian campuses, Kaitlin A. Gabriele-Black and Abbie E. Goldberg
“Life is already hard enough”: Lesbian and gay adoptive parents’ experiences and concerns after the 2016 presidential election., Kaitlin A. Gabriele-Black, Abbie E. Goldberg, Melissa H. Manley, and Reihonna L. Frost
Divorced and separated parents during the COVID-19 pandemic, Abbie E. Goldberg, Katherine R. Allen, and Juli Anna Z. Smith
The impact of COVID-19 on child welfare-involved families: Implications for parent–child reunification and child welfare professionals, Abbie E. Goldberg, David Brodzinsky, Jacqueline Singer, and Patience Crozier
“I want to be safe…and I also want a job”: Career considerations and decision-making among transgender graduate students, Abbie E. Goldberg, Emmie Matsuno, and Genny Beemyn
Reconciling realities, adapting expectations, and reframing “success”: Adoptive parents respond to their children's academic interests, challenges, and achievement, Abbie E. Goldberg, Nora McCormick, Reihonna Frost, and April Moyer
Parenting in a pandemic: Work–family arrangements, well-being, and intimate relationships among adoptive parents, Abbie E. Goldberg, Nora McCormick, and Haylie Virginia
Effectiveness of a brief preventive parenting intervention based in self-determination theory, Wendy S. Grolnick, Madeline R. Levitt, Alessandra J. Caruso, and Rachel E. Lerner
Family building desires among a sample of transgender and nonbinary students, Carly E. Guss, Sabra L. Katz-Wise, Emily B. Martey, and Abbie E. Goldberg
Understanding Black Experiences and Access Barriers in the Expressive Arts Activities and Therapies, Jadea Harris and Ana K. Marcelo
“She is such a sponge and I want to get it right”: Tensions, failures, and hope in white parents’ aspirations to enact anti-racist parenting with their young white children, Amy E. Heberle, Noah Hoch, Anna C. Wagner, Reihonna L. Frost, and Melissa H. Manley
Experiences of practitioners implementing comprehensive student support in high-poverty schools, Amy E. Heberle, Úna Ní Sheanáin, Mary E. Walsh, Anna N. Hamilton, Agnes H. Chung, and Victoria L. Eells Lutas
Dilemmas of agency and blame in men’s talk about depression, Ethan Hoffman and Michael E. Addis
Examining the role of therapeutic alliance and split alliance on couples’ relationship satisfaction following a brief couple intervention, Jessica A. Hughes, Kristina Coop Gordon, Katherine A. Lenger, Patricia N.E. Roberson, and James V. Cordova
The impact of performance-based scripts on men’s sexual communication to peers, Jonathan D. Jampel and Michael E. Addis
Afterlife beliefs among evangelical and mainline Protestant children, adolescents, and adults: A Cultural–developmental study in the U.S., Lene Arnett Jensen
The Cultural psychology of religiosity, spirituality, and secularism in adolescence, Lene Arnett Jensen
Koreans’ collective victim beliefs about Japanese colonization, Hu Young Jeong and Johanna Ray Vollhardt
Erratum: BLC mini-series: Tools to document bilingual experiences--CORRIGENDUM, Gigi Luk and Alena G. Esposito
Behavior analysis of couples: Intimacy as a vehicle for change, Emily L. Maher and James V. Córdova
Consensually nonmonogamous parent relationships during COVID-19, Melissa H. Manley and Abbie E. Goldberg
Life choices of emerging adults in India, Deeya Mitra and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Reconciliation versus justice? It depends on the context: The role of symmetric and asymmetric violence in predicting postconflict attitudes, Sandra Penić, Johanna Ray Vollhardt, and Stephen Reicher
Policing of Masculinity Scale (POMS) and pressures boys experience to prove and defend their “manhood”., Christopher S. Reigeluth and Michael E. Addis
Disentangling acceptance: direct and indirect effects of partner acceptance on felt acceptance and relationship satisfaction, Setareh M. Rossman, Rachel E. Lerner, and James V. Córdova
The neglected 95% revisited: Is American psychology becoming less American?, Amber Gayle Thalmayer, Cecilia Toscanelli, and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
What American psychology needs most is the majority world: reply to Webster et al. (2021), Amber Gayle Thalmayer, Cecilia Toscanelli, and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
The role of comparative victim beliefs in predicting support for hostile versus prosocial intergroup outcomes, Johanna Ray Vollhardt, J. Christopher Cohrs, Zsolt Péter Szabó, Mikołaj Winiewski, Michelle S. Twali, Eliana Hadjiandreou, and Andrew McNeill
Beyond comparisons: The complexity and context-dependency of collective victim beliefs, Johanna Ray Vollhardt, Zsolt P. Szabó, Andrew McNeill, Eliana Hadjiandreou, and Mikołaj Winiewski
Inclusive narratives of suffering, Johanna Ray Vollhardt, Michelle Sinayobye Twali, and Sumedha Jayakody
Submissions from 2020
Men's parenting as an intergroup phenomenon: The influence of group dominance, sexism, and beliefs about children on fathering attitudes, Maho Aikawa and Andrew L. Stewart
Lesbian women disrupting gendered, heteronormative discourses of motherhood, marriage, and divorce, Katherine R. Allen and Abbie E. Goldberg
An Analysis of help-seeking patterns among college student victims of sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking, Victoria Ameral, Kathleen M. Palm Reed, and Denise A. Hines
Are the features of emerging adulthood developmentally distinctive? A comparison of ages 18–60 in the United States, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett and Deeya Mitra
Rethinking adult development: Introduction to the special issue, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Oliver Robinson, and Margie E. Lachman
Counter-Narratives of Crime and Punishment, Michael Bamberg and Zachary Wipff
Manifesto for new directions in developmental science, Baptiste Barbot, Sascha Hein, Christopher Trentacosta, Jens F. Beckmann, Johanna Bick, Elisabetta Crocetti, Yangyang Liu, Sylvia Fernandez Rao, Jeffrey Liew, Geertjan Overbeek, Liliana A. Ponguta, Herbert Scheithauer, Charles Super, Jeffrey Arnett, William Bukowski, Thomas D. Cook, James Côté, Jacquelynne S. Eccles, Michael Eid, Kazuo Hiraki, Mark Johnson, Linda Juang, Nicole Landi, James Leckman, Peggy McCardle, Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Alex R. Piquero, David D. Preiss, Robert Siegler, Bart Soenens, Aisha Khizar Yousafzai, and Marc H. Bornstein
Self-derivation through memory integration: A model for accumulation of semantic knowledge, Patricia J. Bauer, Alena G. Esposito, and James J. Daly
A Transdisciplinary approach to student learning and development in university settings, Nancy Budwig and Achu Johnson Alexander
Transitional stress influences problem alcohol use and emotion regulation in late adolescence: A mixed-methods study, Korine B. Cabrera and Kathleen M. Palm Reed
The Relationship among shame, nonsuicidal self-injury, and suicidal behaviors in borderline personality disorder, Amy Y. Cameron, Shannon Erisman, and Kathleen Palm Reed