Our faculty are actively involved in research, which includes publishing, writing grants, presenting at national and international conferences, and mentoring graduate and undergraduate students. Their scholarship is diverse both in theory and in method — a mark of distinction and strength both within and across our three programs in clinical psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology.
Submissions from 2013
"Crime against Humanity" or "Crime against Jews"? Acknowledgment in Construals of the Holocaust and Its Importance for Intergroup Relations, Johanna Ray Vollhardt
After the Genocide: Psychological Perspectives on Victim, Bystander, and Perpetrator Groups, Johanna Ray Vollhardt and Michal Bilewicz
Learning and teaching about matter in the middle-school years: How can the atomic-molecular theory be meaningfully introduced?, Marianne Wiser and Carol L. Smith
Submissions from 2012
Adolescent psychology around the world, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Preface, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Toward a cultural-developmental stage theory of the life course, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett and Jennifer Lynn Tanner
Why narrative?, Michael Bamberg
Effects of gender, diagnostic labels, and causal theories on willingness to report symptoms of depression, Joshua L. Berger, Michael E. Addis, Erin D. Reilly, Matthew R. Syzdek, and Jonathan D. Green
Predicting relationship help seeking prior to a marriage checkup, C. J. Eubanks Fleming and James V. Córdova
Leaving dualisms behind: Felt thinking and the social.Commentary of John Cromby, 'Beyond belief', Rachel Joffe Falmagne
The Potential of Learning Progression Research To Inform the Design of State Science Standards, Jacob Foster and Marianne Wiser
Gay dads: Transitions to adoptive fatherhood, Abbie E. Goldberg
Why parenthood, and why now? Gay men's motivations for pursuing parenthood, Abbie E. Goldberg, Jordan B. Downing, and April M. Moyer
The transition from infertility to adoption: Perceptions of lesbian and heterosexual couples, Abbie E. Goldberg, Jordan B. Downing, and Hannah B. Richardson
Gender-typed play behavior in early childhood: Adopted children with lesbian, gay, and heterosexual parents, Abbie E. Goldberg, Deborah A. Kashy, and Juli Anna Z. Smith
On the border: Young adults with LGBQ parents navigate LGBTQ communities, Abbie E. Goldberg, Lori A. Kinkler, Hannah B. Richardson, and Jordan B. Downing
Marriage (in)equality: The perspectives of adolescents and emerging adults with lesbian, gay, and bisexual parents, Abbie E. Goldberg and Katherine A. Kuvalanka
"When you're sitting on the fence, hope's the hardest part": Challenges and experiences of heterosexual and same-sex couples adopting through the child welfare system, Abbie E. Goldberg, April M. Moyer, Lori A. Kinkler, and Hannah B. Richardson
The Division of labor in lesbian, gay, and heterosexual new adoptive parents, Abbie E. Goldberg, Julianna Z. Smith, and Maureen Perry-Jenkins
Individual differences in masculine gender socialization as predictive of men's psychophysiological responses to negative affect, Jonathan D. Green and Michael E. Addis
The relations among parental power assertion, control, and structure, Wendy S. Grolnick
The role of expectations in children's experience of novel events, Suzanne T. Gurland, Wendy S. Grolnick, and Rachel W. Friendly
Bridging theory: Where cultures meet in self and science, Lene Arnett Jensen
Bridging Universal and Cultural Perspectives: A Vision for Developmental Psychology in a Global World, Lene Arnett Jensen
Selves, societies, and social sciences: Pluralism in a changing global world, Lene Arnett Jensen
Going global: New pathways for adolescents and emerging adults in a changing world, Lene Arnett Jensen and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Effective psychotherapy with low-income clients: The importance of attending to social class, Saeromi Kim and Esteban Cardemil
Peer groups as a crucible of positive value development in a global world, Reed W. Larson, Lene Arnett Jensen, Hyeyoung Kang, Aisha Griffith, and Vikki Rompala
Early understanding of the functions of print: Parent-child interaction and preschoolers' notating skills, Diana Leyva, Elaine Reese, and Marianne Wiser
An Acceptance-Based Behavioral Intervention for Weight Loss: A Pilot Study, Heather M. Niemeier, Tricia Leahey, Kathleen Palm Reed, Richard A. Brown, and Rena R. Wing
Families as facilitators of student engagement: Toward a home-school partnership model, Jacquelyn N. Raftery, Wendy S. Grolnick, and Elizabeth S. Flamm
"You try to be superman and you don't have to be": Gayadoptive fathers' challenges and tensions in balancing work and family, Hannah B. Richardson, April M. Moyer, and Abbie E. Goldberg
Effect of medroxyprogesterone on depressive symptoms in depressed and nondepressed perimenopausal and postmenopausal women after discontinuation of transdermal estradiol therapy, Maria Pia Rogines-Velo, Amy E. Heberle, and Hadine Joffe
Collective Victimization, Johanna Ray Vollhardt
Interpreting rights and duties after mass violence, Johanna Ray Vollhardt
Communication during emerging adulthood, Brian J. Willoughby and Jeffrey J. Arnett
Use of History of Science to Understand and Remedy Students' Misconceptions About Heat and Temperature, Marianne Wiser
Learning Progressions as Tools for Curriculum Development: Lessons from the Inquiry Project, Marianne Wiser, Carol L. Smith, and Susan J. Doubler
Submissions from 2011
More than just a punctuation mark: How boys and young men learn about menstruation, Katherine R. Allen, Christine E. Kaestle, and Abbie E. Goldberg
Emerging adulthood(s): The cultural psychology of a new life stage, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Debating emerging adulthood: Stage or process?, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Leo B. Hendry, Marion Kloep, and Jennifer L. Tanner
The Curtain rises: A Brief overview of the book, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Leo B. Hendry, Marion Kloep, and Jennifer L. Tanner
Bringing down the curtain, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Marion Kloep, Leo B. Hendry, and Jennifer L. Tanner
In Defense of emerging adulthood as a life stage: Rejoinder to Kloep's and Hendry's chapters 4 and 5, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett and Jennifer L. Tanner
Themes and variations in emerging adulthood across social classes, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett and Jennifer L. Tanner
Toward a cultural-developmental stage theory of the life course, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett and Jennifer Lynn Tanner
Who am I? Big or small—shallow or deep?, Michael Bamberg
Who am I? Narration and its contribution to self and identity, Michael Bamberg
A randomized controlled trial of cognitive-behavioral treatment for depression versus relaxation training for alcohol-dependent individuals with elevated depressive symptoms, Richard A. Brown, Susan E. Ramsey, Christopher W. Kahler, Kathleen M. Palm, Peter M. Monti, David Abrams, Maryella Dubreuil, Alan Gordon, and Ivan W. Miller
Series editor’s preface, Nancy Budwig
One size does not fit all: Cultural considerations in evidence-based practice for depression, Esteban V. Cardemil, Oswaldo Moreno, and Monica Sanchez
Lesbian mothers' constructions of the division of paid and unpaid labor, Jordan B. Downing and Abbie E. Goldberg
Does Acceptance and Relationship Focused Behavior Therapy Contribute to Bupropion Outcomes? A Randomized Controlled Trial of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Smoking Cessation, Elizabeth V. Gifford, Barbara S. Kohlenberg, Steven C. Hayes, Heather M. Pierson, Melissa P. Piasecki, David O. Antonuccio, and Kathleen M. Palm
Lesbian and Gay Adoptive Parent Families, Abbie E. Goldberg and Mark Gianino
Perception and internalization of Adoption stigma Among gay, Lesbian, and Heterosexual adoptive parents, Abbie E. Goldberg, Lori A. Kinkler, and Denise A. Hines
Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Couples in Open Adoption Arrangements: A Qualitative Study, Abbie E. Goldberg, Lori A. Kinkler, Hannah B. Richardson, and Jordan B. Downing
Stigma, Social Context, and Mental Health: Lesbian and Gay Couples Across the Transition to Adoptive Parenthood, Abbie E. Goldberg and Juli Anna Z. Smith
Bridging Cultural and Developmental Approaches to Psychology: New Syntheses in Theory, Research, and Policy, Lene Arnett Jensen
Introduction: Changing Our Scholarship for a Changing World, Lene Arnett Jensen
The Cultural-Developmental Theory of Moral Psychology: A New Synthesis, Lene Arnett Jensen
The Cultural Development Of Three Fundamental Moral Ethics: Autonomy, Community, And Divinity, Lene Arnett Jensen
Working With What We've Got: Perceptions of Barriers and Supports Among Small-Metropolitan-Area Same-Sex Adopting Couples, Lori A. Kinkler and Abbie E. Goldberg
Men at risk The Physical, Mental and Social Health of Men in Massachusetts, James R. Mahalik, Michael E. Addis, Emily E. Douglas, Denise A. HInes, and Christopher S. Reigeluth
The marriage checkup: Increasing access to marital health care, Melinda Ippolito Morrill, Cj Eubanks-Fleming, Amanda G. Harp, Julia W. Sollenberger, Ellen V. Darling, and James V. Cördova
The roles of cognitive flexibility and experiential avoidance in explaining psychological distress in survivors of interpersonal victimization, Kathleen M. Palm and Victoria M. Follette
Working-class jobs and new parents' mental health, Maureen Perry-Jenkins, Julianna Z. Smith, Abbie E. Goldberg, and Jade Logan
Presenting "emerging adulthood": What makes It developmentally distinctive?, Jennifer L. Tanner and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
The acquisition of non-agent subjects in child Hebrew: The role of input, Sigal Uziel-Karl and Nancy Budwig
Beyond damage and social reproduction: Meaning making, agency, and living history among youth in the aftermath of violent conflict, Johanna Ray Vollhardt
Inclusive altruism born of suffering: The relationship between adversity and prosocial attitudes and behavior toward disadvantaged outgroups, Johanna R. Vollhardt and Ervin Staub
Submissions from 2010
Editor's note: Special section on the adolescent brain and risk taking, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Foreword, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Oh, grow up! generational grumbling and the new life stage of emerging adulthood-commentary on trzesniewski & donnellan (2010), Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Blank check for biography?: Openness and ingenuity in the management of the "Who-Am-I Question" and what life stories actually may not be good for, Michael Bamberg
Treatment goals of depressed outpatients: A qualitative investigation of goals identified by participants in a depression treatment trial, Cynthia L. Battle, Lisa Uebelacker, Michael A. Friedman, Esteban V. Cardemil, Christopher G. Beevers, and Ivan W. Miller
Interpersonal and intrapersonal factors associated with autonomous motivation in adolescents' after-school activities, Krista L. Beiswenger and Wendy S. Grolnick
The development of predication: Examining the link between knowledge and practice, Nancy Budwig
Reaction to stressful life events: What predicts symptom severity?, Amy Cameron, Kathleen Palm, and Victoria Follette
Developing a culturally appropriate depression prevention program: Opportunities and challenges, Esteban V. Cardemil, Saeromi Kim, Tatiana Davidson, Ingrid A. Sarmiento, Rachel Zack Ishikawa, Monica Sanchez, and Sandra Torres
Examining the components and concomitants of parental structure in the academic domain, Melanie S. Farkas and Wendy S. Grolnick
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Family Psychology: A Systemic, Life-Cycle Perspective, Abbie E. Goldberg
Studying complex families in context, Abbie E. Goldberg
Preadoptive Factors Predicting Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Couples' Relationship Quality Across the Transition to Adoptive Parenthood, Abbie E. Goldberg, Juli Anna Z. Smith, and Deborah A. Kashy
Pathways between marriage and parenting for wives and husbands: The role of coparenting, Melinda Ippolito Morrill, Denise A. Hines, Sehar Mahmood, and James V. Córdova
Help seeking and help receiving for emotional distress among latino men and women, Rachel Zack Ishikawa, Esteban V. Cardemil, and Rachel Joffe Falmagne
Immigrant Youth in the United States: Coming of Age among Diverse Civic Cultures, Lene Arnett Jensen
Adaptation to Parenthood During the Post-Adoption Period: A Review of the Literature, Katherine McKay, Lori E. Ross, and Abbie E. Goldberg
Domains of masculine gender role stress and intimate partner violence in a clinical sample of violent men, Todd M. Moore, Gregory L. Stuart, James K. McNulty, Michael E. Addis, James V. Cordova, and Jeff R. Temple
Domains of masculine gender role stress and intimate partner violence in a clinical sample of violent men, Todd M. Moore, Gregory L. Stuart, James K. McNulty, Michael E. Addis, James V. Cordova, and Jeff R. Temple
Interparental conflict, parenting, and childhood depression in a diverse urban population: The role of general cognitive style, Ellen H. O'Donnell, Melissa Moreau, Esteban V. Cardemil, and Alisha Pollastri
New developments in the field: Measuring community climate, Ramona Faith Oswald, Courtney Cuthbertson, Vanja Lazarevic, and Abbie E. Goldberg
Self-esteem in pure bullies and bully/victims: A longitudinal analysis, Alisha R. Pollastri, Esteban V. Cardemil, and Ellen H. O'Donnell
The Men's stress workshop: a gender-sensitive treatment for depressed men, Jennifer M. Primack, Michael E. Addis, Matthew Syzdek, and Ivan W. Miller
Maternal elaborative reminiscing increases low-income children's narrative skills relative to dialogic reading, Elaine Reese, Diana Leyva, Alison Sparks, and Wendy Grolnick
The intersection of multiple minority identities: Perspectives of white lesbian couples adopting racial/ethnic minority children, Hannah B. Richardson and Abbie E. Goldberg
Adherence to masculine norms and attributional processes predict depressive symptoms in recently unemployed men, Matthew R. Syzdek and Michael E. Addis
Submissions from 2009
Sexual activity during menstruation: A qualitative study, Katherine R. Allen and Abbie E. Goldberg
The neglected 95%, a challenge to psychology's philosophy of science, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Commitment as a Predictor of Participation in Premarital Education, Jonathan M. Blair and James V. Córdova
Parent-child communication and parental involvement in latino adolescents, Tatiana M. Davidson and Esteban V. Cardemil