Sustainability and Social Justice


The Sustainability and Social Justice department (formerly International Development, Community, and Environment or IDCE) is home to scholar-practitioners pursuing solutions to pressing challenges in the 21st century. Our mission is to strive for a more just and sustainable world. We embrace the complexity of urgent social, political, and ecological problems and seek to approach these challenges through multidisciplinary teaching and learning, collaborative scholarship, and innovation.

Complex challenges require novel solutions built on a deep, multifaceted understanding of the task at hand. For example, how can we support marginal communities as they adapt to the impacts of climate change? When do market forces succeed in increasing wealth and well-being, and when do they fail? What gives rise to health disparities across communities and countries, and how can we address them? The Sustainability and Social Justice community engages in translational, hands-on research that defies disciplinary categorization, and is uniquely effective.


Faculty Works from 2009


What Would Be the Three Key Preconditions for Jumpstarting or Scaling Up the Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies for Climate Change to Developing Countries?, Justin Mog, Wouter Kersten, Muhammad Mizanur Rahaman, Marko Keskinen, Timothy Downs, S. Wahid, Rafael D.Almeida Martins, Hélène Connor, Laura Williamson, Mithra Moezzi, Ahmad Houri, Bimlesh Kumar, Rahul Hiremath, Bert Scholtens, O. C. Ajayi, F. K. Akinnifesi, G. Sileshi, and Olufunso Somorin


Concrete Evidence & Geographically Weighted Regression: A Regional Analysis of Wealth and the Land Cover in Massachusetts, Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger, Hamil Pearsall, and Rahul Rakshit


Creating an Index of Vulnerability to Severe Coastal Storms Along the North Shore of Boston, Samuel J. Ratick, Holly Morehouse, and Ronald K. Klimberg


Application and Extension of the Moore and ReVelle Hierarchical Maximal Covering Model, Samuel J. Ratick, Jeffrey P. Osleeb, and Dai Hozumi


Monte Carlo Simulation, S. Ratick and G. Schwarz

Faculty Works from 2008


Contention and Ambiguity: Mining and the Possibilities of Development, Anthony Bebbington, Leonith Hinojosa, Denise Humphreys Bebbington, Maria Luisa Burneo, and Ximena Warnaars


Mining and Social Movements: Struggles Over Livelihood and Rural Territorial Development in the Andes, Anthony Bebbington, Denise Humphreys Bebbington, Jeffrey Bury, Jeannet Lingan, Juan Pablo Muñoz, and Martin Scurrah


Bounded Socio-Technical Experiments as Agents of Systemic Change: The Case of a Zero-Energy Residential Building, Halina Szejnwald Brown and Philip J. Vergragt


Introduction, H. A. Eiselt and Samuel Ratick


Afterword: Hegemonic Masculinities in International Politics, Cynthia Enloe


Preface: How Jindy Pettman Redrew My Mental Map, Cynthia Enloe


Neoliberal Reform and Health Dilemmas: Social Hierarchy and Therapeutic Decision Making in Senegal, Ellen Foley


Comment: Regulatory/Risk Perspective on Chapter 2: Substantial Advances Nourish Hope for Clarity?, Robert Goble


Modeling Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Efficient Location/Allocation Decisions, Ronald K. Klimberg and Samuel J. Ratick


In Search of Kilometer Zero: Digital archives, Technological Revisionism, and the Sino-Vietnamese Border, Ken MacLean


The Rehabilitation of an Uncomfortable Past: Everyday Life in Vietnam During the Subsidy Period (1975-1986), Ken MacLean


Promoting a Department of Peace: An Exploration of Affective States and Political Perceptions, Caitlin O. Mahoney and Joseph de Rivera


Diesel Particulate Matter, Lung Cancer, and Asthma Incidences Along Major Traffic Corridors in MA, USA: A GIS Analysis, Jesse McEntee and Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger


Application of Virtual Globes in Education, Rahul Rakshit and Yelena Ogneva-himmelberger


Locating Backup Facilities to Enhance Supply Chain Disaster Resilience, Samuel Ratick, Brian Meacham, and Yuko Aoyama


Genetic Engineering in Agriculture: New Approaches for Risk Management Through Sustainability reporting, Philip J. Vergragt and Halina Szejnwald Brown

Faculty Works from 2007


Inter-firm Relations in the Age of Instant Access: Case of the U.S. Logistics Industry, Yuko Aoyama and Samuel J. Ratick


Trust, Transactions, and Information Technologies in the U.S. Logistics Industry, Yuko Aoyama and Samuel J. Ratick


Transformation of the Environmental Regulatory System in Poland During the 1990s, Halina Szejnwald Brown


The Allure of Technology: How France and California Promoted Electric and Hybrid Vehicles to Reduce Urban Air Pollution, David Calef and Robert Goble


A Systematic Integrated Approach for Crafting Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development Projects, Timothy Downs


Achieving Millennium Development Goals for Health: Building Understanding, Trust and Capacity to Respond, Timothy Downs and Heidi Jane Larson


Feminism, Cynthia Enloe


Feminist Readings on Abu Ghraib: Introduction, Cynthia Enloe


Forward, Cynthia Enloe


Overlaps and Disconnects in Reproductive Health Care: Global Policies, National Programs, and the Micropolitics of Reproduction in Northern Senegal, Ellen Foley


Climatic, Socio-Economic, and Health Factors Affecting Human Vulnerability to Cholera in the Lake Victoria Basin, East Africa, Daniel Olago, Michael Marshall, Shem Wandiga, Maggie Opondo, Pius Yanda, Richard Kanalawe, Andrew Githeko, Timothy Downs, Alfred Opere, Robert Kavumvuli, Edward Kirumira, Laban Ogallo, Paul Mugambi, Eugene Apindi, Faith Githui, James Kathuri, Lydia Olaka, Rehema Sigalla, Robinah Nanyunja, Timothy Baguma, and Pius Achola


Sustainable Mobility: From Technological Innovation to Societal Learning, Philip J. Vergragt and Halina Szejnwald Brown

Faculty Works from 2006


Organizational Dynamics of the U.S. Logistics Industry: An Economic Geography Perspective, Yuko Aoyama, Samuel Ratick, and Guido Schwarz


Rescaling Governance and the Impacts of Political and Environmental Decentralization: An Introduction, Simon Batterbury and Jude Fernando


Social Learning Through Technological Inventions in Low-Impact Individual Mobility: The Cases of Sparrow and Gizmo, Halina Szejnwald Brown and Catherine Carbone


Conceptual Encounter. The Experience of Anger, Joseph De Rivera


Where Do We Belong? Urban Adolescents' Struggle for Place and Voice, Laurie Ross

Faculty Works from 2005


Modeling the Impact of Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce on the Organization of the Logistics Industry, Yuko Aoyama, Samuel J. Ratick, and Guido Schwarz


Can Poland's Success in Environmental Policy Reforms Translate Into Technological Innovation for Environment?, Halina Szejnwald Brown


Contrasting Some Japanese and English Positive Emotions: The Nature of Feeling, Joseph De Rivera and Kaya Ono


Data Envelopment Analysis with Stochastic Variations in Data, Anand Desai, Samuel J. Ratick, and Arie P. Schinnar


Introduction: Microcredit and Empowerment of Women: Blurring the Boundary between Development and Capitalism, Jude Fernando


Microcredit and Empowerment: Visibility Without Power, Jude Fernando


Microfinance: Perils and Prospects, Jude Fernando


Age-Related Differences in Susceptibility to Carcinogenesis. II. Approaches for Application and uncertainty Analyses for Individual Genetically Acting Carcinogens, Dale Hattis, Robert Goble, and Margaret Chu


Native American Exposure to 131 Iodine from Nuclear Weapons Testing in Nevada, Abel Russ, Patricia George, Robert Goble, Stefano Crema, Chunling Liu, and Dedee Sanchez

Faculty Works from 2004


Social Learning Through Technological Inventions in Low-Impact Individual Mobility: The Cases of Sparrow and Gizmo, Halina Szejnwald Brown and Catherine Carbone


Bounded Socio-Technical Experiments (BSTEs): Higher Order Learning for Transitions Towards Sustainable Mobility, Halina Szejnwald Brown, Philip J. Vergragt, Ken Green, and Luca Berchicci


Assessing Cultures of Peace, Joseph de Rivera


Assessing the Basis for a Culture of Peace in Contemporary Societies, Joseph De Rivera


A Template for Assessing Cultures of Peace, Joseph de Rivera


'Gender' is Not Enough: The Need for a Feminist Consciousness, Cynthia Enloe


The Curious Feminist: Searching for Women in a New Age of Empire, Cynthia Enloe


Wielding Masculinity Inside Abu Ghraib: Making Feminist Sense of an American Military Scandal, Cynthia Enloe


Age-Related Differences in Susceptibility to Carcinogenesis: A Quantitative Analysis of Empirical Animal Bioassay Data, Dale Hattis, Robert Goble, Abel Russ, Margaret Chu, and Jen Ericson

Faculty Works from 2003


Leading Change: African Conceptions of Leadership and Transformation in Higher Education in South Africa, David Bell


Learning for Sustainability Transition Through Bounded Socio-Technical Experiments in Personal Mobility, Halina Szejnwald Brown, Philip Vergragt, Ken Green, and Luca Berchicci


A Conversation with Cynthia Enloe: Feminists Look at Masculinity and the Men Who Wage War, Carol Cohn and Cynthia Enloe


Blurring Boundaries: The Promise and Challenge of a District-Community Action Plan for Systemic High School Change in Worcester, Massachusetts, Thomas Del Prete and Laurie Ross


Creeping Militarization (also cataloged as Post Gulf War Forum), Cynthia Enloe


Differences in Pharmacokinetics Between Children and Adults - II. Children's Variability in Drug Elimination Half-Lives and in Some Parameters Needed for Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling, Dale Hattis, Gary Ginsberg, Bob Sonawane, Susan Smolenski, Abel Russ, Mary Kozlak, and Robert Goble


The Red Book, Risk Assessment, and Policy Analysis: The Road Not Taken, Dale Hattis and Robert Goble

Faculty Works from 2002


The Occupational and Environmental Status of Polish Industry: A Comparative Study of the Private and Public Sectors, Roman Broszkiewicz, Halina Szejnwald Brown, and Zofia Hibner


Evaluation of Child/Adult Pharmacokinetic Differences from a Database Derived from the Therapeutic Drug Literature, Gary Ginsberg, Dale Hattis, Babasaheb Sonawane, Abel Russ, Prerna Banati, Mary Kozlak, Susan Smolenski, and Robert Goble

A Straw Man Proposal for a Quantitative Definition of the RfD, Dale Hattis, Sandra Baird, and Robert Goble


Decision Making and Uncertainty: Bayesian Analysis of Potential Flood Heights, Steven M. Manson, Samuel J. Ratick, and Andrew R. Solow

Faculty Works from 2001


Making Sustainable Development Operational: Integrated Capacity Building for the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector in Mexico, Timothy Downs


Sustainable Health Risk Management and the Role of Cross-Disciplinary Professionals in Developing Countries: Mexican Experience, Timothy Downs


Syntropic Ecotoxicology: A Heuristic Model for Understanding the Vulnerability of Ecological Systems to Stress, Timothy Downs and Richard Ambrose


Closing Remarks, Cynthia Enloe


Alternatives to anarchy: Africa's transition from agricultural to industrial societies, Richard Ford and Barbara Thomas-Slayter


Modeling Tropical Deforestation in the Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region: Comparing Survey and Satellite Data, Jacqueline Geoghegan, Sergio Cortina Villar, Peter Klepeis, Pedro Mac Ario Mendoza, Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, B. L. Turner, and Colin Vance


Human Interindividual Variability in Susceptibility to Airborne Particles, Dale Hattis, Abel Russ, Robert Goble, Prerna Banati, and Margaret Chu


Occupational Safety and Health in Poland in the 1990s: A Regulatory System Adapting to Societal Transformation, H. Szejnwald Brown, D. P. Angel, R. Broszkiewicz, and B. Krzyśków


Sustainable Investments: Women's Contributions to Natural Resource Management Projects in Africa, Barbara Thomas-Slayter and G. Sodikoff


Deforestation in the Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region: An Integrative Approach, B. L. Turner, Sergio Cortina Villar, David Foster, Jacqueline Geoghegan, Eric Keys, Peter Klepeis, Deborah Lawrence, Pedro Macario Mendoza, Steven Manson, Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger, Audrey B. Plotkin, Diego Pérez Salicrup, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, Basil Savitsky, Laura Schneider, Birgit Schmook, and Colin Vance

Faculty Works from 2000


The Environmental Regulation of Privatized Industry in Poland, D. P. Angel, H. S. Brown, R. Broszkiewicz, and S. Wronski


Environmental Regulatory Reform in Poland: Lessons for Industrializing Economies, H. S. Brown and D. Angel


Searching for Energy Efficiency on Campus: Clark University's 30-Year Quest, Joseph Decarolis, Robert Goble, and Christoph Hohenemser


Understanding Persons Who Repudiate Memories Recovered in Therapy, Joseph De Rivera


The Assessment of Radiation Exposures in Native American Communities from Nuclear Weapons Testing in Nevada, Eric Frohmberg, Robert Goble, Virginia Sanchez, and Dianne Quigley


Participatory research strategies in nuclear risk management for native communities, Dianne Quigley, Dan Handy, Robert Goble, Virginia Sanchez, and Patricia George

Faculty Works from 1999


Feminist Theorizing from Bananas to Maneuvers, Cynthia Enloe and Marysia Zalewski


Distributions of Individual Susceptibility Among Humans for Toxic Effects. How Much Protection Does the Traditional Tenfold Factor Provide for What Fraction of Which Kinds of Chemicals and Effects?, Dale Hattis, Prerna Banati, and Robert Goble


Human Interindividual Variability in Parameters Related to Health Risks, Dale Hattis, Prerna Banati, Robert Goble, and David Burmaster

Faculty Works from 1998


The Occupational Safety and Health System in Poland During the Transition to Democracy and a Market Economy, Roman Broszkiewicz, Barbara Krzyskow, and Halina Szejnwald Brown


Environmental Reforms in Poland, Halina Szejnwald Brown, David Angel, and Patrick Derr


Assessing the Vulnerability of Coastal Communities to Extreme Storms: The Case of Revere, Massachusetts, US, George E. Clark, Susanne C. Moser, Samuel J. Ratick, Kirstin Dow, William B. Meyer, Srinivas Emani, Weigen Jin, Jeanne X. Kasperson, Roger E. Kasperson, and Harry E. Schwarz


Dynamic Facility Location When the Total Number of Facilities is Uncertain: A Decision Analysis Approach, John Current, Samuel Ratick, and Charles ReVelle


'Recovered-Memory' Therapy: Profession at a Turning Point, Elizabeth A. Feigon and Joseph De Rivera


How to Apply the Concept of Sustainability to a Region, Ortwin Renn, Robert Goble, and Hans Kastenholz

Faculty Works from 1997


Interactive Spatial Decision-Support System for Multiobjective Hazardous Materials Location-Routing Problems, João Coutinho-Rodrigues, John Current, João Climaco, and Samuel Ratick

Faculty Works from 1996


Comparison of contact site cancer potency across dose routes: Case study with epichlorohydrin, Gary Ginsberg, William Pepelko, Robert Goble, and Dale Hattis


Risk-Based Spatial Decision Support System for Maintenance Dredging of Navigation Channels, Samuel J. Ratick and Holly Morehouse Garriga


A Regional Concept of Qualitative Growth and Sustainability—Support for a Case Study in the German State of Baden-Württemberg, Ortwinn Renn and Robert Goble


The Maximum Capture Problem with Uncertainty, D. Serra, S. Ratick, and C. Revelle

Faculty Works from 1995


Social and Environmental Factors in Lung Cancer Mortality in Post-War Poland, Halina Szejnwal Brown, Robert Goble, and Henryk Kirschner


A Model to Assess Risk, Equity and Efficiency in Facility Location and Transportation of Hazardous Materials, John Current and Samuel Ratick


Model for Risk-Based Dredging Decisions, Holly Morehouse Garriga, Samuel J. Ratick, David A. Moser, Wei Du, Leigh Skaggs, Jay R. Lund, and Ron Klimberg