Sustainability and Social Justice
The Sustainability and Social Justice department (formerly International Development, Community, and Environment or IDCE) is home to scholar-practitioners pursuing solutions to pressing challenges in the 21st century. Our mission is to strive for a more just and sustainable world. We embrace the complexity of urgent social, political, and ecological problems and seek to approach these challenges through multidisciplinary teaching and learning, collaborative scholarship, and innovation.
Complex challenges require novel solutions built on a deep, multifaceted understanding of the task at hand. For example, how can we support marginal communities as they adapt to the impacts of climate change? When do market forces succeed in increasing wealth and well-being, and when do they fail? What gives rise to health disparities across communities and countries, and how can we address them? The Sustainability and Social Justice community engages in translational, hands-on research that defies disciplinary categorization, and is uniquely effective.
Faculty Works from 1991
La psicología de la paz en los Estados Unidos, Joseph De Rivera
Lost Ideas: The Lewin Which was Not Assimilated into America, Joseph De Rivera
Expected Values for Projected Cancer Risks from Putative Genetically Acting Agents, Dale Hattis and Robert Goble
Compensation for Risks: Host Community Benefits in Siting Locally Unwanted Facilities, Jeffery J. Himmelberger, Samuel J. Ratick, and Allen L. White
Modeling U.S. Coal Export Planning Decisions, Michael Kuby, Samuel Ratick, and Jeffrey Osleeb
Doing the Right Thing: In Exporting Hazardous Technologies, Ortwin Renn, Halina S. Brown, and Allen L. White
Pharmacokinetics of the Dermal Route of Exposure to Volatile Organic Chemicals in Water: A Computer Simulation Model, Jo Anne Shatkin and Halina Szejnwald Brown
Traditional Village Institutions in Environmental Management: Erosion Control in Katheka, Kenya, Barbara Thomas-Slayter, C. Kabutha, and R. Ford
Class, Ethnicity, and the Kenyan State: Community Mobilization in the Context of Global Politics, Barbara P. Thomas-Slayter
Faculty Works from 1990
Sensitivity Analysis for the Effects of Meteorological and Radioactive Release Conditions on Radiation Doses from Nuclear Power Plant Accidents, Wei Du and Robert Goble
Estimating the Financial Consequences of a Severe Nuclear Accident in Canada, Stephen Lonergan, Robert Goble, and Caesar Cororaton
A Dynamic Location‐Allocation Model for Evaluating the Spatial Impacts for Just‐in‐Time Planning, Jeffrey P. Osleeb and Samuel J. Ratick
Two Types of Global Environmental Change. Definitional and spatial-scale issues in their human dimensions, B. L. Turner, Roger E. Kasperson, William B. Meyer, Kirstin M. Dow, Dominic Golding, Jeanne X. Kasperson, Robert C. Mitchell, and Samuel J. Ratick
Faculty Works from 1989
The Role of Skin Absorption as a Route of Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds in Household Tap Water: A Simulated Kinetic Approach, Halina Szejnwald Brown and Dale Hattis
Introduction: Emotions and Justice, Joseph de Rivera
Love, Fear, and Justice: Transforming Selves for the New World, Joseph de Rivera
Coal Logistics System (COLS), Jeffrey P. Osleeb, Samuel J. Ratick, Michael J. Kuby, Howard E. Olson, Lloyd G. Antle, and Arthur F. Hawnn
Water, Soils, Food, and Rural Development: Examining Institutional Frameworks in Katheka Sublocation, Barbara Thomas-Slayter and R. Ford
Risk, Compensation, and Regional Equity in Locating Hazardous Facilities, Allen L. White and Samuel J. Ratick
Faculty Works from 1988
Management of Carcinogenic Air Emissions: A Case Study of a Power Plant, Halina Szejnwald Brown
Methodology for Assessing Hazards of Contaminants in Seafood, Halina Szejnwald Brown, Robert Goble, and Lynne Tatelbaum
Accidental Chemical Releases and Local Emergency Response: Analysis Using the Acute Hazardous Events Data Base, James Cummings-Saxton, Samuel J. Ratick, Frederick W. Talcott, Charlotte P. Dougherty, Amy Vander Vliet, Amy J. Barad, and Anne E. Crook
The Social Amplification of Risk: A Conceptual Framework, Roger Kasperson, Ortwin Renn, Paul Slovic, Halina Szejnwald Brown, Jacque Emel, Robert Goble, Jeanne Kasperson, and Samuel Ratick
A Risk-Sharing Model for Locating Noxious Facilities, S. J. Ratick and A. L. White
A Note on Estimating a Long-Run Average Cost Curve for Flue Gas Desulfurization, Kenneth A. Reinert and Samuel J. Ratick
Faculty Works from 1987
Chemical Health Effects Assessment Methodology for Airborne Contaminants, Halina Szejnwald Brown, Carol Rowan West, and Donna R. Bishop
Faculty Works from 1986
A Methodology for Assessing Mutagenic Hazards of Chemicals, Halina Szejnwald Brown, Donna R. Bishop, and Carol Rowan West
A Methodology for Assessing Developmental and Reproductive Hazards of Chemicals, Halina Szejnwald Brown, Carol Rowan West, Donna R. Bishop, and Labelle R. Hicks
A Critical Review of Current Approaches to Determining 'How Clean is Clean' at Hazardous Waste Sites, H. S. Brown
Emotions as Social Relationships, Joseph de Rivera and Carmen Grinkis
Evaluating Dredging and Offshore Loading Locations for U.S. Coal Exports Using the Local Logistics System, J. P. Osleeb, S. J. Ratick, P. Buckley, K. Lee, and M. Kuby
A Methodology for Assessing Carcinogenic Hazards of Chemicals, Halina Szejnwald Brown, Donna R. Bishop, and Carol Rowan West
Roughness Effects on Urban Turbulence Parameters, Metin Yersel and Robert Goble
Faculty Works from 1984
The Role of Skin Absorption as a Route of Exposure for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Drinking Water, H. S. Brown, D. R. Bishop, and C. A. Rowan
Overview: Global Resources: Is the Future Possible?, Richard Ford
Mathematical Programming Approach to Determining the Impact of World Coal Demands on U.S Logistics Planning, Jeffrey P. Osleeb, Samuel J. Ratick, Patrick Buckley, Keumsook Lee, and Michael Kuby
Evaluating the Use of Occupational Standards for Controlling Toxic Air Pollutants, C. A. Rowan, W. M. Connolly, and H. S. Brown
Faculty Works from 1983
Responding to the Double Standard of Worker/Public Protection, Patrick Derr, Robert Goble, Roger Kasperson, and Robert Kates
A Mixed Integer and Multiple Objective Programming Model to Analyze Coal Handling in New England, Jeffrey P. Osleeb and Samuel J. Ratick
Using Mathematical Programming to Determing Optimal Port Expansion and Operating Plans for Coal Experts, Jeffrey P. Osleeb and Samuel J. Ratick
The Impact of Coal Conversions on the Ports of New England, J. P. Osleeb and S. J. Ratick
Multiobjective Programming with Related Bargaining Games: An Application to Utility Coal Conversions, Samuel J. Ratick
Optimizing Freight Transshipments: An Evaluation of East Coast Coal Export Options, Samuel J. Ratick and Jeffrey P. Osleeb
An Overview of the Strategic Environmental Assessment System (USA), S. Ratick and T. R. Lakshmanan
Short Range Dispersion From a Point Source in an Urban Area, Metin Yersel and Robert Goble
Short Range Dispersion Experiments in an Urban Area, Metin Yersel, Robert Goble, and J. Morrill
Faculty Works from 1982
Relating Experience to the Brain, Joseph de Rivera
Women in NATO Militaries - A Conference Report, Cynthia Enloe
Airborne Lead: A Clearcut Case of Differential Protection, Dale Hattis, Robert Goble, and Nicholas Ashford
Technological Risk Perception and Nuclear Power Costs. The Quantification of Uncertainty, Don Shakow and Robert Goble
Faculty Works from 1981
Worker/Public Protection: The Double Standard, Patrick Derr, Robert Goble, Roger Kasperson, and Robert Kates
The Growth of the State and Ethnic Mobilization: The American Experience, Cynthia Enloe
A Model to Analyze Coal Handling in New England Ports (USA), J. P. Osleeb, S. J. Ratick, and G. K. Lewis
Faculty Works from 1980
Skim Milk Masquerades as Cream, Cynthia Enloe
State-Building and Ethnic Structures: Dependence on International Capitalist Penetration, Cynthia Enloe
Women— The Reserve Army of Army Labor, Cynthia Enloe
Faculty Works from 1979
Nuclear Power Plant Performance: An Update, Robert Goble and Christoph Hohenemser
Faculty Works from 1978
Ethnicity and the Military in Asia, Dewitt Ellinwood and Cynthia Enloe
Preface, Dewitt Ellinwood and Cynthia Enloe
Ethnicity, Bureaucracy and State-Building in Africa and Latin America, Cynthia Enloe
Ethnicity in the Evolution of Asia's Armed Bureaucracies, Cynthia Enloe
Police and Military in Ulster: Peacekeeping or Peace-subverting Forces?, Cynthia Enloe
Power Plant Performance, Christoph Hohenemser, Robert Goble, and John Fowler
Faculty Works from 1977
Internal Colonialism, Federalism and Alternative State Development Strategies, Cynthia Enloe
Police and Military in the Resolution of Ethnic Conflict, Cynthia Enloe
Faculty Works from 1976
Ethnicity and Militarization: Factors Shaping the Roles of Police in Third World Nations, Cynthia Enloe
Faculty Works from 1975
The Military Uses of Ethnicity, Cynthia Enloe
The Neglected Strata: States in the City - Federal Politics of Malaysia, Cynthia Enloe