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Sustainability and Social Justice


The Sustainability and Social Justice department (formerly International Development, Community, and Environment or IDCE) is home to scholar-practitioners pursuing solutions to pressing challenges in the 21st century. Our mission is to strive for a more just and sustainable world. We embrace the complexity of urgent social, political, and ecological problems and seek to approach these challenges through multidisciplinary teaching and learning, collaborative scholarship, and innovation.

Complex challenges require novel solutions built on a deep, multifaceted understanding of the task at hand. For example, how can we support marginal communities as they adapt to the impacts of climate change? When do market forces succeed in increasing wealth and well-being, and when do they fail? What gives rise to health disparities across communities and countries, and how can we address them? The Sustainability and Social Justice community engages in translational, hands-on research that defies disciplinary categorization, and is uniquely effective.


Faculty Works from 2025


The Work and Lives of Agricultural Workers, Cynthia Caron

Faculty Works from 2024


Micro-scale transformations in sustainability practices: Insights from new migrant populations in growing urban settlements, Mumuni Abu, Samuel N.A Codjoe, Neil W. Adger, Sonja Fransen, Dominique Jolivet, Ricardo Safra De Campos, Maria Franco Gavonel, Charles Agyei-Asabere, and Anita Fábos


Complex, diverse and changing agribusiness and livelihood systems in the Amazon [Complexidade, diversidade e mudanças no cenário agricultural na Amazônia], Francisco de Assis Costa, Eduardo D. Assad, Denise Humphreys Bebbington, Eduardo S. Brondizio, Philip M. Fearnside, Rachael Garrett, Susanna Hecht, Sebastian Heilpern, David McGrath, Gustavo Oliveira, Henrique Dos Santos Pereira, and Marianne Schmink


Integrative collaborative design of research-based, climate-change resilience engineering education: Insights from México-Lerma-Cutzamala hydrological region, Timothy Downs, Ravi Hanumantha, Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger, Morgan Ruelle, Nigel Brissett, and Marisa Mazari-Hiriart


Illustrating climate-change resilience engineering: Conceptual design of water supply and wastewater/stormwater system for the México-Lerma-Cutzamala hydrological region, Timothy Downs, Ravi Hanumantha, Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger, Morgan Ruelle, and Marisa Mazari-Hiriart


The potential of Ethiopian medicinal plants to treat emergent viral diseases, Mekbib Fekadu, Ermias Lulekal, Solomon Tesfaye, Morgan Ruelle, Nigist Asfaw, Tesfaye Awas, Kebu Balemie, Kaleab Asres, Sebastian Guenther, Zemede Asfaw, and Sebsebe Demissew


On the verge of an economic collapse and an uprising Changing character of Sri Lankan CSOs, Udan Fernando, Jude Fernando, and Bodh Maathura


Before amplification: the role of experts in the dynamics of the social attenuation and amplification of risk, Lisbet Fjaeran, Kenneth Pettersen Gould, and Rob Goble


Manganese in residential drinking water from a community-initiated case study in Massachusetts, Alexa Friedman, Elena Boselli, Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger, Wendy Heiger-Bernays, Paige Brochu, Mayah Burgess, Samantha Schildroth, Allegra Denehy, Timothy Downs, Ian Papautsky, and Birgit Clauss Henn


Migrants as sustainability actors: Contrasting nation, city and migrant discourses and actions, Claudia Fry, Emily Boyd, Mark Connaughton, Neil W. Adger, Maria Franco Gavonel, Caroline Zickgraf, Sofia Fransen, Dominique Jolivet, Anita Fábos, and Ed Carr


The need for more inclusive deliberation on ethics and governance in agricultural and food biotechnology, Catherine Kendig, Theresa Selfa, Paul B. Thompson, Raymond Anthony, Wenda Bauchspies, Gwendolyn Blue, Ashmita Das, Rebecca Harrison, Chris Henke, Shan Jin, Jennifer Kuzma, Forbes Lipschitz, Kurt Lichter, Morgan Ruelle, Timothy Silberg, and Bruno Takahashi


Not just a simple survey: A case study of pitfalls in interdisciplinary, multiorganizational, multinational research for development, Fleur B.M. Kilwinger, Cynthia Caron, Anne M. Reitveld, and Ynte K. van Dam


Digital human rights storytelling and its palimpsests: (De-) constructed images of ethnic cleansing in Myanmar, Ken MacLean


Bridging and breaking silos: Transformational governance of the migration–sustainability nexus, Caroline Zickgraf, Dominique Jolivet, Claudia Fry, Emily Boyd, and Anita Fabos

Faculty Works from 2023


At home in the field, in the field at home? Reflections on power and fieldwork in familiar settings, Arda Bilgen and Anita Fabos


(Re)thinking material and epistemic futures: Caribbean reparations, development, and education, Nigel O.M. Brissett and Tavis D. Jules


Climate Services and Transformational Adaptation, Edward Carr


Commentary: Transitions, policy, and implementation through a feminist lens, Edward Carr


Home and forced migration, Giorgia Donà, Cathrine Brun, and Anita Fábos


On Women’s International Thought: A New History, the Joseph Fletcher prize forum, Cynthia Enloe


Twelve Feminist Lessons of War, Cynthia Enloe


Identification of Groundwater Potential Recharge and Recharge Zones of Tumakuru District Using GIS, Suma Gubbi Ratna, Divyashree Koppa Suresh, and Ravi Hanumantha


COVID-19 responses restricted abilities and aspirations for mobility and migration: insights from diverse cities in four continents, Dominique Jolivet, Sonja Fransen, William Neil Adger, Anita Fábos, Mumuni Abu, Charlotte Allen, Emily Boyd, Edward R. Carr, Samuel Nii Ardey Codjoe, Maria Franco Gavonel, François Gemenne, Mahmudol Hasan Rocky, Jozefina Lantz, Domingos Maculule, Ricardo Safra de Campos, Tasneem Siddiqui, and Caroline Zickgraf


Rhythms of the Earth—Editorial Introduction, Karim-Aly S. Kassam, Morgan Ruelle, Christopher P. Dunn, Raj Pandya, and Felice Wyndham


We Shall Overcome: A Case Study of the LGBT Asylum Task Force, a Parish Ministry, Max Niedzwiecki


Nonprofit Political Engagement: The Roles of 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organizations in Elections and Policymaking, Margaret A. Post and Elizabeth T. Boris


Current practice and recommendations for advancing how human variability and susceptibility are considered in chemical risk assessment, Julia R. Varshavsky, Swati D.G. Rayasam, Jennifer B. Sass, Daniel A. Axelrad, Carl F. Cranor, Dale Hattis, Russ Hauser, Patricia D. Koman, Emily C. Marquez, Rachel Morello-Frosch, Catherine Oksas, Sharyle Patton, Joshua F. Robinson, Sheela Sathyanarayana, Peggy M. Shepard, and Tracey Woodruff


A science-based agenda for health-protective chemical assessments and decisions: overview and consensus statement, Tracey J. Woodruff, Swati D.G. Rayasam, Daniel A. Axelrad, Patricia D. Koman, Nicholas Chartres, Deborah H. Bennett, Linda S. Birnbaum, Phil Brown, Courtney C. Carignan, Courtney Cooper, Carl F. Cranor, Miriam L. Diamond, Shari Franjevic, Eve C. Gartner, Dale Hattis, Russ Hauser, Wendy Heiger-Bernyas, Rashmi Joglekar, Juleen Lam, Jonathan I. Levy, Patrick M. MacRoy, Maricel V. Maffini, Emily C. Marquez, Rachel Morello-Frosch, Keeve E. Nachman, Greylin H. Nielsen, Catherine Oksas, Dimitri Panagopoulos Abrahamsson, Heather B. Patisaul, Sharyle Patton, Joshua F. Robinson, Kathryn M. Rodgers, Mark S. Rossi, Ruthann A. Rudel, Jennifer B. Sass, Sheela Sathyanarayana, Ted Schettler, Rachel M. Shaffer, Bhavna Shamasunder, Peggy Shepard, Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Gina M. Solomon, Wilma A. Subra, Laura N. Vandenberg, Julia R. Varshavsky, Roberta F. White, Ken Zarker, and Lauren Zeise

Faculty Works from 2022


Diversity of Farmers’ Varieties of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) in Northeastern and Southwestern Ethiopia, Asmamaw Andualem, Tsinat Legesse, Amsalu Nebiyu, Asmare Dejen, Faris Hailu, Zemede Asfaw, Morgan Ruelle, Alex Mcalvay, Alison Power, and Abush Tesfaye


Caribbean Dreams: Education For More Than Just Sustainable Development, Nigel O.M. Brissett


Showing up “More as My True Self”: Gender and Mushing in the United States, Cynthia Caron and Victoria Beyer


"Health as a Social-technical Enterprise Anchored in Social-ecological Justice and Stakeholder Collaboration: Insights from Mexico-Lerma-Cutzamala Hydrological Region", Timothy Downs, Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger, Morgan Ruelle, Ravi Kumar Hanumantha, Marisa Mazari-Hiriart, Matiana Ramírez-Aguilar, and Carlos Santos-Burgoa


Multiple Metals in Children’s Deciduous teeth: Results from a Community-Initiated Pilot Study, Alexa Friedman, Julia Anglen Bauer, Christine Austin, Timothy Downs, Yorghos Tripodis, Wendy Heiger-Bernays, Roberta White, Manish Arora, and Birgit Claus Henn


What to Expect When You Don’t Know What You are Expecting: Vigilance and the Monitoring and Evaluation of an Uncertain World, Robert Goble, Edward Carr, and Jon Anderson


Tracking Forest Dynamic Trends in Belize: The Role of Protected Areas, Agriculture, and Fire in the South Eastern Selva Maya, Kasyan Green, John Rogan, Laura Sauls, Nicholas Cuba, Roberta Kamille Pennell, and Denise Bebbington


Field Pea Diversity and Its Contribution to Farmers' Livelihoods in Northern Ethiopia, Yirga Gufi, Alemtsehay Tsegay, Morgan Ruelle, Kassa Teka, Sarah Tewolde-Berhan, and Alison Power


Impact Pathways From Climate Services to SDG2 (“Zero Hunger”): A Synthesis of Evidence, James Hansen, Geneva List, Shauna Downs, Edward Carr, Rahel Diro, Walter Baethgen, Andrew Kruczkiewicz, Melody Braun, John Furlow, Kayla Walsh, and Nitin Magima


Is Push-Pull Climate and gender smart for Ethiopia? A review, Ryan W. Kopper and Morgan L. Ruelle


Vaccines and the Social Amplification of Risk, Heidi Larson, Leesa Lin, and Rob Goble


Land-Cover Change and Urban Growth in the Mexico-Lerma-Cutzamala Hydrological Region, 1993–2018, Ethan Manley, Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger, Morgan Ruelle, Ravi Hanumantha, Marisa Mazari-Hiriart, and Timothy Downs


Narrating Agricultural Resilience After Hurricane María: How Smallholder Farmers in Puerto Rico Leverage Self-sufficiency and Collaborative Agency in a Climate-Vulnerable Food System, Abrania Marrero, Andrea Lόpez-Cepero, Ramón Borges-Méndez, and Josiemer Mattei


Using Space–Time Cube to Analyze Trends in Adverse Birth Outcomes and Maternal Characteristics in Massachusetts, USA, Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger and Madeleine Haynes


The Advocacy Universe: A Methodology to Identify Politically Active 501(C)(4) Organizations, Margaret Post, Elizabeth Boris, and Carol Stimmel


Make Way for the 'New King': Farmers' Multifaceted relationships with Eucalyptus Globulus in Northwestern Ethiopia, Morgan Ruelle and Zemede Asfaw


Ecological Calendars, Food Sovereignty, and Climate Adaptation in Standing Rock, Morgan L. Ruelle, Aubrey Joshua Skye, Evan Collins, and Karim-Aly S. Kassam


Social Perception of Systemic Risks, Pia Johanna Schweizer, Robert Goble, and Ortwin Renn

Faculty Works from 2021


CARICOM Caribbean’s HRD 2030 Strategy: Inscribing the Neoliberal Imaginary Through Social Planning?, Nigel O.M. Brissett


‘I left because…’: Caribbean High-Skilled Emigrants’ Reasons to Migrate to the US, Nigel O.M. Brissett


Customary Law, Norms, Practices and Other Factors that Enable and Constrain Women’s Access to Housing, Land and Property (HLP) in South Sudan: A Desk Review, Cynthia Caron


Women’s Insights on Bargaining for Land in Customary Tenure Systems: Land Access as an Individual and Collective Issue, Cynthia Caron


‘Tradescapes’ in the Forest: Framing Infrastructure's Relation to Territory, Commodities, and Flows, Pilar Delpino Marimón, Denise Humphreys Bebbington, Anthony Bebbington, Laura Sauls, Nicholas Cuba, Avecita Chicchon, Susanna Hecht, John Rogan, Rebecca Ray, Oscar Diaz, Susan Kandel, Tracey Osborne, Madelyn Rivera, and Viviana Zalles


Femininity and the Paradox of Trust Building in Patriarchies During Covid-19, Cynthia Enloe


Foreword, Cynthia Enloe


Moving Stories: Methodological Challenges to Mapping Narratives and Networks of People in Diasporas, Anita Fábos, Leora Kahn, and Marianne Sarkis


Evaluating Power Building: Concepts and Considerations for Advocacy Evaluators, Katie Fox and Margaret Post


The Migration-Sustainability Paradox: Transformations in Mobile Worlds, Maria Franco Gavonel, William Neil Adger, Ricardo Safra de Campos, Emily Boyd, Edward R. Carr, Anita Fábos, Sonja Fransen, Dominique Jolivet, Caroline Zickgraf, Samuel NA Codjoe, Mumuni Abu, and Tasneem Siddiqui


Understanding Stakeholder Positionalities and Relationships to Reimagine Asylum at the US–Mexico Border: Observations from McAllen, TX, Halley L. Glier, Emma Gregory, Temperance Staples, Megan Martínez, Anita Fábos, S. E.D. Mitchell, and Timothy J. Downs


Through a Glass Darkly: How Natural Science and Technical Communities Looked at Social Science Advances in Understanding Risk, Robert Goble


Forum: Militarization 2.0: Communication and the normalization of political violence in the digital age, Susan Jackson, Rhys Crilley, Ilan Manor, Catherine Baker, Modupe Oshikoya, Jutta Joachim, Nick Robinson, Andrea Schneiker, Nicole Sunday Grove, and Cynthia Enloe


Medicinal Plants and Health Sovereignty in Badakhshan, Afghanistan: Diversity, Stewardship, and Gendered Knowledge, Munira Karamkhudoeva, Murodbek Laldjebaev, Morgan Ruelle, and Karim Aly Kassam


Engaging Transformation: Using Seasonal Rounds to Anticipate Climate Change, Karim Aly Kassam, Morgan Ruelle, Isabell Haag, Umed Bulbulshoev, Daler Kaziev, Leo Louis, Anna Ullmann, Iriel Edwards, Aziz Ali Khan, Antonio Trabucco, and Cyrus Samimi


Development of a Method to Improve Statistical Forecasts Using Interpolation and Cluster Analysis, Ronald Klimberg and Samuel Ratick


Prologue: The “Brave New World” of Social Sciences in Interdisciplinary Risk Research, Andreas Klinke, Ortwin Renn, and Robert Goble


Troubling the Idealised Pageantry of Extractive Conflicts: Comparative Insights on Authority and Claim-making from Papua New Guinea, Mongolia and El Salvador, Jennifer Lander, Pascale Hatcher, Denise Humphreys Bebbington, Anthony Bebbington, and Glenn Banks


Gender-Disaggregated Seasonal and Daily Calendars of Farmers in Uganda and Tanzania, Pricilla Marimo, Clare Shelton, Cynthia Caron, Rhiannon Crichton, Noel Madalla, Mpoki Shimwela, Rony Swennen, Inge van den Bergh, and Charity Kibooga


Participatory Community Wealth Ranking in Banana-Producing Regions of Uganda and Tanzania, Pricilla Marimo, Clare Shelton, Cynthia Caron, Noel Madalla, Innocent Mpiriirwe, Rhiannon Crichton, Lilian Ndagire, Victor Manyong, Daud Batson Mbongo, and Asher Wilson Okurut


From Digital Divide to Digital Literacies and Mother-Child Pedagogies: The Case of Latina Mothers, Jie Y. Park, Laurie Ross, and Deisy Rodriguez Ledezma


Guest Editorial: Power in Engaged Scholarship: Dimensions and Dynamics of Knowledge Co-Creation, Margaret Post and Morgan Ruelle


Property Rights and Wrongs: Land Reforms for Sustainable Food Production in Rural Mali, Edmond Totin, Alcade Segnon, Carla Roncoli, Mary Thompson-Hall, Amadou Sidibé, and Edward Carr

Faculty Works from 2020


Diversity, Use and Production of Farmers’ Varieties of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., Fabaceae) in Southwestern and Northeastern Ethiopia, Betelhem Abera, Menbere Berhane, Amsalu Nebiyu, Morgan Ruelle, Alex McAlvay, Zemede Asfaw, Abush Tesfaye, and Zerihun Woldu


Priorities for Governing Large-scale Infrastructure in the Tropics, Anthony Bebbington, Avecita Chicchon, Nicholas Cuba, Emily Greenspan, Susanna Hecht, Denise Humphreys Bebbington, Susan Kandel, Tracey Osborne, Rebecca Ray, John Rogan, and Laura Sauls


Targets and Technologies: Sayana Press and Jadelle in Contemporary Population Policies, Daniel Bendix, Ellen Foley, Anne Hendrixson, and Susanne Schultz


A Feminist Exploration of ‘Populationism’: Engaging Contemporary Forms of Population Control, Rajani Bhatia, Jade Sasser, Diana Ojeda, Anne Hendrixson, Sarojini Nadimpally, and Ellen Foley


Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Can an Updated Inventory Predict Future System Success?, Frederick Bloetscher, Chi Ho Sham, and Samuel J. Ratick


Community Development Corporations and Reconstruction Policy in Puerto Rico, Ramón Borges-Méndez


Teaching Like a Subaltern: Postcoloniality, Positionality, and Pedagogy in International Development and Education, Nigel O.M. Brissett


Inequitable Rewards: Experiences of Faculty of Color Mentoring Students of Color, Nigel O.M. Brissett


Home-Keeping in Long-Term Displacement, Cathrine Brun and Anita Fábos


Who’s Governing Community Forests? Gendered Participation in Liberian Forest Management, Cynthia Caron, Sheila Onzere, Natalie Elwell, and Edward Carr


Resilient Livelihoods in an Era of Global Transformation, Edward Carr


Identifying Climate Information Services Users and Their Needs in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review and Learning Agenda, Edward Carr, Rob Goble, Helen Rosko, Catherine Vaughan, and James Hansen


From the Virocene to the Lovecene Epoch: Multispecies Justice as Critical Praxis for Virocene Disruptions and Vulnerabilities, Jude Fernando


The Virocene Epoch: the Vulnerability Nexus of Viruses, Capitalism and Racism, Jude Fernando


Use and Management of Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L., Fabaceae) Local Orphotypes by Communities in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, Hailay Girmay, Sarah Tewolde-Berhan, Hadgu Hishe, Zemede Asfaw, Morgan Ruelle, and Alison Power


Analyzing Temporal Trends and Spatial Patterns in adverse Birth Outcomes in Massachusetts from 2000–2014, Madeleine Haynes and Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger


Confronting Populationism: Feminist Challenges to Population Control in an Era of Climate Change, Anne Hendrixson, Diana Ojeda, Jade Sasser, Sarojini Nadimpally, Ellen Foley, and Rajani Bhatia


Developing Composite Indices for Assessing Vulnerability, Ronald Klimberg and Samuel Ratick


Evaluating Effective Performance Using Ordered Weighted Averaging and Data Envelopment Analysis Optimization, Ronald Klimberg and Samuel Ratick


Doing Feminism: A Conversation Between Cynthia Enloe and Roxani Krystalli, Roxani Krystalli and Cynthia Enloe


Gender and Trait Preferences for Banana Cultivation and Use in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Literature Review1, Pricilla Marimo, Cynthia Caron, Inge Van den Bergh, Rhiannon Crichton, Eva Weltzien, Rodomiro Ortiz, and Robooni Tumuhimbise


Spatial patterns of adverse birth outcomes among black and white women in massachusetts – the role of population-level and individual-level factors, Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger and Madeline Haynes

Faculty Works from 2019


Migration Transforms the Conditions for the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, W. Neil Adger, Emily Boyd, Anita Fábos, Sonja Fransen, Dominique Jolivet, George Neville, Ricardo Safra de Campos, and Marjanneke J. Vijge


Losing the Elite: Caribbean Educational Policy Responses to the Emigration of Skilled Labor, Nigel O.M. Brissett


Climate-Governance Entrepreneurship, Higher-Order Learning, and Sustainable Consumption: The Case of the State of Oregon, United States, Halina Szejnwald Brown and Maurie J. Cohen


Hosting as Shelter During Displacement: Considerations for Research and Practice, Cynthia Caron


Properties and Projects: Reconciling Resilience and Transformation for Adaptation and Development, Edward Carr


Frontline Narratives on Sustainable Development Challenges/Opportunities in the ‘Illegal’ Gold Mining Region of Madre de Dios, Peru: Informing an Integrative Collaborative Response, Phyllis Duff and Timothy Downs


Modeling the Potential Dispersal of Asian Longhorned Beetle Using Circuit Theory, Arthur Elmes, John Rogan, Christopher Williams, Samuel Ratick, and David Nowak


Wounds: Militarized Nursing, Feminist Curiosity, and Unending War, Cynthia Enloe


Ask a Feminist: Gender and the Rise of the Global Right, Cynthia Enloe, Agnieszka Graff, Ratna Kapur, and Suzanna Danuta Walters