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Our faculty collaborate with colleagues across the world and conduct experimental and theoretical research funded by sources including the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, and the Petroleum Research Fund.

Recent research awards include:
  • Professor Charles Agosta: National Science Foundation grant titled “Inhomogeneity and Charge Modulation in Unconventional Superconductors” Professor Michael Boyer: National Science Foundation grant titled “The Nanoscale Effects of Intrinsic and Externally-Applied Strain on Charge Density Wave States”
  • Professor Arshad Kudrolli: National Science Foundation grant titled “Intruder dynamics in fluid saturated granular medium”
  • Professor Alexander Petroff: American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (ACS-PRF) grant titled “Experimental Investigations of Oxygen Dynamics in Natural Sediment”


Submissions from 2025


Copper(II) complexes of hindered diazines: tetramethylpyrazine, Robert T. Butcher, Christopher Landee, Diane A. Dickie, and Mark M. Turnbull

Submissions from 2024


Coordination complexes of isoquinoline with cobalt and nickel halides, Michelle A. Bellerive, Michael T. Kebede, Diane A. Dickie, Christopher Landee, Melanie Rademeyer, and Mark Turnbull


Copper(II) salts and complexes of 2-amino-5-nitropyridine*, Andrew G. Bellesis, Alexander J. Villani-Gale, Diane A. Dickie, Jerry P. Jasinki, Christopher Landee, Jan L. Wikaira, Roger D. Willett, and Mark M. Turnbull


Energetics of twisted elastic filament pairs, Julien Chopin, Animesh Biswas, and Arshad Kudrolli


Memory in cyclically crumpled sheets, Amit Dawadi and Arshad Kudrolli


Synthesis, coordination modes, structures, and magnetic properties of halogen-substituted 2-hydroxypyridine, Mathew R. Graci, Firas F. Awwadi, Diane A. Dickie, Christopher Landee, and Mark M. Turnbull


Thermocrystallization of lattice dipolar bosons coupled to a high-finesse cavity, Yaghmorassene Hebib, Chao Zhang, Massimo Boninsegni, and Barbara Capogrosso-Sansone


Copper(II) complexes of hindered diazines: methylquinoxalines, Christopher Landee, Mark M. Turnbull, Diane A. Dickens, Brendan Twambley, and Jan L. Wikaira


Bendability parameter for twisted ribbons to describe longitudinal wrinkling and delineate the near-threshold regime, Madelyn Leembruggen, Jovana Andrejevic, Arshad Kudrolli, and Chris H. Rycroft


Settling of two rigidly connected spheres, Z. Maches and Morgane Houssais


Copper bromide complexes with triethylbenzylammonium (TEBA): the ladder complex (TEBA)2Cu2Br6, the polymorph dimer α-(TEBA)2Cu2Br6, and the monomeric salt (TEBA)2CuBr4, Jeffrey C. Monroe, Christopher Landee, and Mark M. Turnbull


Trapping and scattering of a multiflagellated bacterium by a hard surface, Alexander P. Petroff and Schuyler McDonough

Submissions from 2023


Pyridyl-imidazole copper compounds, Alma Araujo Martinez, Christopher L. Landee, Diane Dickie, Jan L. Wikaira, Fan Xiao, and Mark M. Turnbull


A family of methoxide-bridged Cu(II) compounds with N-heterocyclic ligands: dimers and chains, Alma P. Araujo-Martinez, Kesli Faber, Diane A. Dickie, Christopher P. Landee, Mark M. Turnbull, Brendan Twamley, and Nathan Huynh


Halogen bond and polymorphism in trans-bis(2-iodo-5-halopyridine)dihalocopper(ii) complexes: crystallographic, theoretical and magnetic studies, Firas F. Awwadi, Manal I. Alwahsh, Mark M. Turnbull, and Christopher Landee


Copper(II) halide salts of 5-bromo-2-aminopyridine and 3,5-dibromo-2-aminopyridine: syntheses, structures and magnetic behavior, Charlotte P. Bedford, Christopher Landee, Mark M. Turnbull, and Jan L. Wikaira


Dynamics of magnetoelastic robots in water-saturated granular beds, Animesh Biswas, Trinh Huynh, Balaram Desai, Max Moss, and Arshad Kudrolli


Escape dynamics of confined undulating worms, Animesh Biswas and Arshad Kudrolli


The odd-even effect in n-carboxyalkylammonium-containing organic-inorganic hybrids of Mn(ii) halides: structural and magnetic characterisation, Shalene N. Bothma, Charles J. Sheppard, Mark M. Turnbull, Christopher P. Landee, and Melanie Rademeyer


Organic–Inorganic Manganese (II) Halide Hybrid Combining the Two Isomers Cis/Trans of [MnCl4(H2O)2]: Crystal Structure, Physical Properties, Pharmacokinetics and Biological Evaluation, Mansoura Bourwina, Sandra Walha, Najeh Krayem, Riadh Badraoui, Faten Brahmi, Mark M. Turnbull, Wejdan M. Alshammari, Mejdi Snoussi, Thierry Roisnel, and Houcine Naïli


Dissolution-driven propulsion of floating solids, Martin Chaigne, Michael Berhanu, and Arshad Kudrolli


Satellite ligand effects on magnetic exchange in dimers. A structural, magnetic and theoretical investigation of Cu2L2X4 (L = methylisothiazolinone and X = Cl−, Br−), Stefan Coetzee, Mark M. Turnbull, Christopher Landee, Jeffrey C. Monroe, Mercè Deumal, Juan J. Novoa, and Melanie Rademeyer


Quantum phases of lattice dipolar bosons coupled to a high-finesse cavity, Yaghmorassene Hebib, Chao Zhang, Jin Yang, and Barbara Capogrosso-Sansone


Copper(II) halide complexes of aminopyridines: Synthesis, structure, and magnetic behavior of neutral compounds of 5-IAP: (5-IAP)2CuCl2·H2O, [(5-IAP)2CuBr2]2, (5-IAP)2CuBr2 and (5-IAP)3CuCl2·nH2O (5IAP = 2-amino-5-iodopyridine), Nathan V. Huynh, Lixin Li, Christopher Landee, Louise N. Dawe, Diane A. Dickie, Mark M. Turnbull, and Jan. L. Wikaira


Cluster scaling and critical points: A cautionary tale, W. Klein, Harvey Gould, and Sakib Matin


Superconductivity and Fermi Surface Studies of β″-(BEDT-TTF)2[(H2O)(NH4)2Cr(C2O4)3]·18-Crown-6, Brett Laramee, Raju Ghimire, David Graf, Lee Martin, Toby J. Blundell, and Charles Agosta


Computational model of twisted elastic ribbons, Madelyn Leembruggen, Jovana Andrejevic, Arshad Kudrolli, and Chris H. Rycroft


Tetrahalidocuprate(II) complexes with substituted pyridinium ions: effects of halide substitution, Lixin Li, Alexander Shapiro, Firas F. Awwadi, Christopher P. Landee, Mark M. Turnbull, and Jan L. Wikaira


Berezinskii—Kosterlitz—Thouless correlations in copper-based quasi-2D spin systems (Review Article), D. Opherden, F. Bärtl, M.S.J. Tepaske, C.P Landee, J. Wosnitza, and H. Kühne


Field-Tunable Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Correlations in a Heisenberg Magnet, D. Opherden, M.S.J. Tepaske, F. Bärtl, M. Weber, M.M Turnbull, T. Lancaster, S.J. Blundell, M. Baenitz, J. Wosnitza, C.P. Landee, R. Moessner, and D.J. Luitz


Density-mediated spin correlations drive edge-to-bulk flow transition in active chiral matter, Alexander P. Petroff, Christopher Whittington, and Arshad Kudrolli


Temperature evolution of domains and intradomain chirality in 1T- TaS2, Boning Yu, Ghilles Ainouche, Manoj Singh, Bishnu Sharma, James Huber, and Michael Boyer


Superconducting Transition Temperature of the Bose One-Component Plasma, Chao Zhang, Barbara Capogrosso-Sansone, Massimo Boninsegni, Nikolay V. Prokof'ev, and Boris V. Svistunov