


From the Arctic to Antarctica, and from Africa to the Americas, our faculty pursue research wherever there are issues to understand and problems to solve. Our program has seen five faculty elected to the National Academy of Sciences and four to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. We are the only program of Geography to carry this distinction.


Submissions from 2013


Map errors that could account for deviations from a uniform intensity of land change, Safaa Zakaria Aldwaik and Robert Gilmore Pontius


The IT industry in Japan: Entrepreneurship and servicization, Yuko Aoyama


Innovation, industry evolution and cross-sectoral skill transfer in the video game industry: A three-country study, Yuko Aoyama and Hiro Izushi


Bark beetle outbreaks, wildfires and defensible space: How much area do we need to treat to protect homes and communities?, Glen Aronson and Dominik Kulakowski


Anatomies of conflict: Social mobilization and new political ecologies of the andes, Anthony Bebbington, Denise Humphreys Bebbington, Leonith Hinojosa, María Luisa Burneo, and Jeffrey T. Bury


Political Economies of Extractive Industry: From Documenting Complexity to Informing Current Debates: Introduction to Development and Change Virtual Issue 2 A. Bebbington, T. Bornschlegl and A. Johnson Political Economies of Extractive Industry, Anthony Bebbington, Teresa Bornschlegl, and Adrienne Johnson


Conclusions, Anthony Bebbington and Jeffrey T. Bury


Political ecologies of the subsoil, Anthony Bebbington and Jeffrey T. Bury


Preface and acknowledgments, Anthony Bebbington and Jeffrey T. Bury


Subterranean struggles: New dynamics of mining, oil, and gas in Latin America, Anthony Bebbington and Jeffrey T. Bury


NGO-government interaction in agricultural technology development, Anthony J. Bebbington and John Farrington


Hydrocarbon conflicts and indigenous peoples in the Peruvian Amazon: Mobilization and negotiation along the Río Corrientes, Anthony Bebbington and Martin Scurrah


Do bark beetle outbreaks increase wildfire risks in the central U.S. rocky mountains? Implications from recent research, Scott H. Black, Dominik Kulakowski, Barry R. Noon, and Dominick A. Dellasala


Human-environment research: Past trends, current challenges, and future directions, Eduardo S. Brondízio and Rinku Roy Chowdhury


Opportunities to improve impact, integration, and evaluation of land change models, Daniel G. Brown, Peter H. Verburg, Robert Gilmore Pontius, and Mark D. Lange


New geographies of extractive industries in Latin America, Jeffrey T. Bury and Anthony Bebbington


Evaluating MODIS active fire products in subtropical yucatán forest, D. Cheng, J. Rogan, L. Schneider, and M. Cochrane


Ice sheet record of recent sea-ice behavior and polynya variability in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, Alison S. Criscitiello, Sarah B. Das, Matthew J. Evans, Karen E. Frey, Howard Conway, Ian Joughin, Brooke Medley, and Eric J. Steig


Modelling dry season deciduousness in Mexican Yucatán forest using MODIS EVI data (2000-2011), Nicholas Cuba, John Rogan, Zachary Christman, Christopher A. Williams, Laura C. Schneider, Deborah Lawrence, and Marco Millones


In the middle of a revolution... so where the hell is Stringer Bell?, Mark Davidson


The sustainable and entrepreneurial park? Contradictions and persistent antagonisms at Sydney's Olympic Park, Mark Davidson


Class analysis for whom? An alien-ated view of London, Mark Davidson and Elvin Wyly


Summer CO2 evasion from streams and rivers in the Kolyma river basin, north-east Siberia, Blaize A. Denfeld, Karen E. Frey, William V. Sobczak, Paul J. Mann, and Robert M. Holmes


Global trends in seasonality of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), 1982-2011, J. Ronald Eastman, Florencia Sangermano, Elia A. Machado, John Rogan, and Assaf Anyamba


Comparing mechanistic and empirical model projections of crop suitability and productivity: Implications for ecological forecasting, L. D. Estes, B. A. Bradley, H. Beukes, D. G. Hole, M. Lau, M. G. Oppenheimer, R. Schulze, M. A. Tadross, and W. R. Turner


Projected climate impacts to South African maize and wheat production in 2055: A comparison of empirical and mechanistic modeling approaches, Lyndon D. Estes, Hein Beukes, Bethany A. Bradley, Stephanie R. Debats, Michael Oppenheimer, Alex C. Ruane, Roland Schulze, and Mark Tadross


The production of urban vacant land: Relational placemaking in Boston, MA neighborhoods, Katherine Foo, Deborah Martin, Clara Wool, and Colin Polsky


Online rainfall atlas of Hawai'i, Thomas W. Giambelluca, Qi Chen, Abby Frazier, Jonathan P. Price, Yi Leng Chen, Pao Shin Chu, Jon K. Eischeid, and Donna M. Delparte


Understanding the social determinants of lawn landscapes: A fine-resolution spatial statistical analysis in suburban Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Nicholas M. Giner, Colin Polsky, Robert Gilmore Pontius, and Daniel Miller Runfola


Beyond "lawn people": the role of emotions in suburban yard management practices, Edmund M. Harris, Deborah G. Martin, Colin Polsky, Lillian Denhardt, and Abigail Nehring


Spatiotemporal patterns and socioeconomic contexts of vegetative cover in Altamira City, Brazil, Scott Hetrick, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, Eduardo Brondizio, and Emilio Moran


Characterizing tree canopy loss using multi-source gis data in central Massachusetts, USA, Andrew E. Hostetler, John Rogan, Deborah Martin, Verna Delauer, and Jarlath Oneil-Dunne


Detecting the dynamic linkage between landscape characteristics and water quality in a subtropical coastal watershed, southeast China, Jinliang Huang, Qingsheng Li, Robert Gilmore Pontius, Victor Klemas, and Huasheng Hong


Mapping wildfire burn severity in the arctic tundra from downsampled MODIS data, Crystal Kolden and John Rogan


Low-severity fires increase susceptibility of lodgepole pine to mountain pine beetle outbreaks in Colorado, Dominik Kulakowski and Daniel Jarvis


Long-term aspen cover change in the western US, Dominik Kulakowski, Margot W. Kaye, and Daniel M. Kashian


Compounded disturbances in sub-alpine forests in western Colorado favour future dominance by quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), Dominik Kulakowski, Carolyn Matthews, Daniel Jarvis, and Thomas T. Veblen


Negotiating particularity in neoliberalism studies: Tracing development strategies across neoliberal urban governance projects, John Lauermann and Mark Davidson


Improving operational land surface model canopy evapotranspiration in Africa using a direct remote sensing approach, M. Marshall, K. Tu, C. Funk, J. Michaelsen, P. Williams, Christopher A. Williams, J. Ardö, M. Boucher, B. Cappelaere, A. De Grandcourt, A. Nickless, Y. Nouvellon, R. Scholes, and W. Kutsch


Up against the law: Legal structuring of political opportunities in neighborhood opposition to group home siting in Massachusetts, Deborah G. Martin


Reconceptualizing Resistance: Residuals of the State and Democratic Radical Pluralism, Deborah G. Martin and Joseph Pierce


A suite of tools for ROC analysis of spatial models, Jean François Mas, Britaldo Soares Filho, Robert Gilmore Pontius, Michelle Farfán Gutiérrez, and Hermann Rodrigues


We Have Never been "post-political", James McCarthy


Smart growth and the scalar politics of land management in the Greater Boston region, USA, Stephen M. McCauley and James T. Murphy


Modeling forest species distributions in a human-dominated landscape in northeastern, USA, Stephen McCauley, John Rogan, and Jennifer Miller


Damage patterns after Hurricane Dean in the southern Yucatán: Has human activity resulted in more resilient forests?, Megan McGroddy, Deborah Lawrence, Laura Schneider, John Rogan, Irene Zager, and Birgit Schmook


The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability, Camilo Mora, Abby G. Frazier, Ryan J. Longman, Rachel S. Dacks, Maya M. Walton, Eric J. Tong, Joseph J. Sanchez, Lauren R. Kaiser, Yuko O. Stender, James M. Anderson, Christine M. Ambrosino, Iria Fernandez-Silva, Louise M. Giuseffi, and Thomas W. Giambelluca


Transforming small, medium, and microscale enterprises? Information-communication technologies (ICTs) and industrial change in Tanzania, James T. Murphy


Natural forest disturbances and the design of REDD+ initiatives, Pheakkdey Nguon and Dominik Kulakowski


Evaluating the effects of common-pool resource institutions and market forces on species richness and forest cover in Ecuadorian indigenous Kichwa communities, Johan A. Oldekop, Anthony J. Bebbington, Karl Hennermann, Julia Mcmorrow, David A. Springate, Bolier Torres, Nathan K. Truelove, Niklas Tysklind, Santiago Villamarín, and Richard F. Preziosi


Land change modelling: Moving beyond projections, Martin Paegelow, María Teresa Camacho Olmedo, Jean François Mas, Thomas Houet, and Robert Gilmore Pontius


Design and interpretation of intensity analysis illustrated by land change in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, Robert Gilmore Pontius, Yan Gao, Nicholas M. Giner, Takashi Kohyama, Mitsuru Osaki, and Kazuyo Hirose


The impact of tree cover loss on land surface temperature: A case study of central Massachusetts using Landsat Thematic Mapper thermal data, John Rogan, Martha Ziemer, Deborah Martin, Samuel Ratick, Nicholas Cuba, and Verna DeLauer


Mapping forest damage in northern Nicaragua after Hurricane Felix (2007) using MODIS enhanced vegetation index data, Esteban Rossi, John Rogan, and Laura Schneider


Future suburban development and the environmental implications of lawns: A case study in New England, USA, Daniel Miller Runfola, Colin Polsky, Nick Giner, Robert Gilmore Pontius, and Craig Nicolson


A growing concern? Examining the influence of lawn size on residential water use in suburban Boston, MA, USA, Daniel Miller Runfola, Colin Polsky, Craig Nicolson, Nicholas M. Giner, Robert Gilmore Pontius, Joseph Krahe, and Albert Decatur


Measuring the temporal instability of land change using the Flow matrix, D. S.M. Runfola and Robert Gilmore Pontius


A comparison of support vector machines and manual change detection for land-cover map updating in Massachusetts, USA, B. Schwert, J. Rogan, N. M. Giner, Y. Ogneva-Himmelberger, S. D. Blanchard, and C. Woodcock


Characterizing the potential distribution of the invasive Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) in Worcester County, Massachusetts, Andrew J. Shatz, John Rogan, Florencia Sangermano, Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger, and Hao Chen


Fire regimes of quaking aspen in the Mountain West, Douglas J. Shinneman, William L. Baker, Paul C. Rogers, and Dominik Kulakowski


Global land governance: From territory to flow?, Thomas Sikor, Graeme Auld, Anthony J. Bebbington, Tor A. Benjaminsen, Bradford S. Gentry, Carol Hunsberger, Anne Marie Izac, Matias E. Margulis, Tobias Plieninger, Heike Schroeder, and Caroline Upton


Conversion to organic farming in the continental United States: a geographically weighted regression analysis, Alina Taus, Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger, and John Rogan


Climate change must not blow conservation off course, Morgan W. Tingley, Lyndon D. Estes, and David S. Wilcove


Satellite-based estimates of Antarctic surface meltwater fluxes, Luke D. Trusel, Karen E. Frey, Sarah B. Das, Peter Kuipers Munneke, and Michiel R. Van Den Broeke


Impact of mountain pine beetle outbreaks on forest albedo and radiative forcing, as derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, Rocky Mountains, USA, M. Vanderhoof, C. A. Williams, B. Ghimire, and J. Rogan


Controls on the rate of CO2 emission from woody debris in clearcut and coniferous forest environments, M. Vanderhoof, C. Williams, M. Pasay, and B. Ghimire


Dual-polarized ratio algorithm for retrieving Arctic sea ice concentration from passive microwave brightness temperature, Shugang Zhang, Jinping Zhao, Karen Frey, and Jie Su

Submissions from 2012


Intensity analysis to unify measurements of size and stationarity of land changes by interval, category, and transition, Safaa Zakaria Aldwaik and Robert Gilmore Pontius


Research and development facilities of multinational enterprises in India, Yuko Aoyama and Balaji Parthasarathy


Massive phytoplankton blooms under arctic sea ice, Kevin R. Arrigo, Donald K. Perovich, Robert S. Pickart, Zachary W. Brown, Gert L. Van Dijken, Kate E. Lowry, Matthew M. Mills, Molly A. Palmer, William M. Balch, Frank Bahr, Nicholas R. Bates, Claudia Benitez-Nelson, Bruce Bowler, Emily Brownlee, Jens K. Ehn, Karen E. Frey, Rebecca Garley, Samuel R. Laney, Laura Lubelczyk, Jeremy Mathis, Atsushi Matsuoka, B. Greg Mitchell, G. W.K. Moore, Eva Ortega-Retuerta, Sharmila Pal, Chris M. Polashenski, Rick A. Reynolds, Brian Schieber, Heidi M. Sosik, Michael Stephens, and James H. Swift


Underground political ecologies: The second Annual Lecture of the Cultural and Political Ecology Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers, Anthony Bebbington


Predicting how adaptation to climate change could affect ecological conservation: Secondary impacts of shifting agricultural suitability, Bethany A. Bradley, Lyndon D. Estes, David G. Hole, Stephen Holness, Michael Oppenheimer, Will R. Turner, Hein Beukes, Roland E. Schulze, Mark A. Tadross, and David S. Wilcove


Segmentation of Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery improves buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) pasture mapping in the Sonoran Desert of Mexico, Jacob C. Brenner, Zachary Christman, and John Rogan


Error propagation in raster data integration: Impacts on landscape composition and configuration, Zachary J. Christman and John Rogan


The relationship between sea ice break-up, water mass variation, chlorophyll biomass, and sedimentation in the northern Bering Sea, L. W. Cooper, M. A. Janout, K. E. Frey, R. Pirtle-Levy, M. L. Guarinello, J. M. Grebmeier, and J. R. Lovvorn


Sustainable city as fantasy, Mark Davidson


The 20:12 express: Destination?, Mark Davidson


The redevelopment of Olympic sites: Examining the legacy of Sydney Olympic park, Mark Davidson and Donald McNeill


Class-ifying London: Questioning social division and space claims in the post-industrial metropolis, Mark Davidson and Elvin Wyly


Investigation of polynya dynamics in the northern Bering Sea using greyscale morphology image-processing techniques, Hongli Fu, Jinping Zhao, and Karen E. Frey


An evaluation of bagging, boosting, and random forests for land-cover classification in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA, Bardan Ghimire, John Rogan, Víctor Galiano, Prajjwal Panday, and Neeti Neeti


Fire-induced carbon emissions and regrowth uptake in western U.S. forests: Documenting variation across forest types, fire severity, and climate regions, Bardan Ghimire, Christopher A. Williams, G. James Collatz, and Melanie Vanderhoof


A comparison of Landsat ETM+ and high-resolution aerial orthophotos to map urban/suburban forest cover in Massachusetts, USA, Nicholas M. Giner and John Rogan


Influence of carbon mapping and land change modelling on the prediction of carbon emissions from deforestation, Victor Hugo Gutierrez-Velez and Robert Gilmore Pontius


The influences of climate on aspen dieback, Philip Hanna and Dominik Kulakowski


Heterogeneity in Residential Yard Care: Evidence from Boston, Miami, and Phoenix, Edmund M. Harris, Colin Polsky, Kelli L. Larson, Rebecca Garvoille, Deborah Martin, Jaleila Brumand, and Laura Ogden


Use of intensity analysis to link patterns with processes of land change from 1986 to 2007 in a coastal watershed of southeast China, Jinliang Huang, Robert Gilmore Pontius, Qingsheng Li, and Yujia Zhang


Stem exclusion and mortality in unmanaged subalpine forests of the Swiss Alps, Frank Krumm, Dominik Kulakowski, Anita C. Risch, Heinrich Spiecker, Urs Beat Brändli, and Peter Bebi


Stand-replacing fires reduce susceptibility of lodgepole pine to mountain pine beetle outbreaks in Colorado, Dominik Kulakowski, Daniel Jarvis, Thomas T. Veblen, and Jeremy Smith


Socio-technical regimes and sustainability transitions: Insights from political ecology, Mary Lawhon and James T. Murphy


Modeling clear-sky solar radiation across a range of elevations in Hawai'i: Comparing the use of input parameters at different temporal resolutions, Ryan J. Longman, Thomas W. Giambelluca, and Abby Frazier


Calling for justice in the goldfields of Tanzania, Madoshi H. Makene, Jody Emel, and James T. Murphy


Droughts in the Southern Yucatán Peninsula: Analysis of the annual and seasonal precipitation variability, Sofía Márdero, Elsa Nickl, Birgit Schmook, Laura Schneider, John Rogan, Zachary Christman, and Deborah Lawrence


Police, urban space, politics, and responsibility, Deborah Martin


Subjectivity, Power, and the IRB, Deborah G. Martin and Joshua Inwood


Political Ecology/Economy, James McCarthy


The financial crisis and environmental governance 'after' neoliberalism, James Mccarthy


Global Production Networks, Relational Proximity, and the Sociospatial Dynamics of Market Internationalization in Bolivia's Wood Products Sector, James T. Murphy


Mapping seasonal trends in vegetation using AVHRR-NDVI time series in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, Neeti Neeti, John Rogan, Zachary Christman, J. Ronald Eastman, Marco Millones, Laura Schneider, Elsa Nickl, Birgit Schmook, Billie L. Turner, and Bardan Ghimire


Environmental impacts and scarcity perception influence local institutions in indigenous Amazonian Kichwa communities, Johan A. Oldekop, Anthony J. Bebbington, Nathan K. Truelove, George Holmes, Santiago Villamarín, and Richard F. Preziosi