Computer Science
Our faculty are connected to the latest trends in computing practices and research. Research interests range from classical and quantum computing to human-computer interaction to assistive technology to artificial intelligence and speech recognition, and so much more.
Submissions from 2022
Understanding Hate Group Videos on YouTube, Shuo Niu, Keegan Veazey, Phoenix Pagan, and Abhisan Ghimire
Camera Mouse: Sound-Based Activation as a New Approach to Click Generation, Phoenix Pagan, Hanvit Choi, and John Magee
Input Accessibility: Effect of Input Device on Interaction Time and Accuracy-An Expanded Analysis of a Large Dataset, Linh Pham, Skye Whitlow, Emily Rosenbaum, and John Magee
Dynamics and allosteric information pathways of unphosphorylated c-Cbl, Tianyi Yang, Li Han, and Shuanghong Huo
Submissions from 2021
Investigating Multimodal Interactions and Parasocial Attractiveness in YouTube ASMR Videos, Ava Bartolome, Nguyen Binh Ha, and Shuo Niu
Investigating Drug Addiction Discourse on YouTube, Katherine G. Mckim, Cat Mai, Danielle Hess, and Shuo Niu
#Stayhome #withme: How do youtubers help with covid-19 loneliness?, Shuo Niu and Ava Bartolome
#TeamTrees: Investigating How YouTubers Participate in a Social Media Campaign, Shuo Niu, Cat Mai, Katherine G. McKim, and Scott McCrickard
Leveraging Affect Transfer Learning for Behavior Prediction in an Intelligent Tutoring System, Nataniel Ruiz, Hao Yu, Danielle A. Allessio, Mona Jalal, Ajjen Joshi, Thomas Murray, John J. Magee, Jacob R. Whitehill, Vitaly Ablavsky, Ivon Arroyo, Beverly P. Woolf, Stan Sclaroff, and Margrit Betke
Measuring and Integrating Facial Expressions and Head Pose as Indicators of Engagement and Affect in Tutoring Systems, Hao Yu, Ankit Gupta, Will Lee, Ivon Arroyo, Margrit Betke, Danielle Allesio, Tom Murray, John Magee, and Beverly P. Woolf
Submissions from 2020
Evaluating hands-on and hands-free input methods for a simple game, Mehedi Hassan, John Magee, and I. Scott MacKenzie
Investigating paradigms of group territory in multiple display environments, Shuo Niu, D. Scott McCrickard, Julia Nguyen, Derek Haqq, Lindah Kotut, Timothy L. Stelter, and Edward A. Fox
Submissions from 2019
Evaluation of why individuals with ADHD struggle to find effective digital time management tools, Breanna Desrochers, Ella Tuson, and John Magee
Breaking Down the “Wall of Text” - Software Tool to Address Complex Assignments for Students with Attention Disorders, Breanna Desrochers, Ella Tuson, Syed Asad R. Rizvi, and John Magee
A Fitts’ Law Evaluation of Hands-Free and Hands-On Input on a Laptop Computer, Mehedi Hassan, John Magee, and I. Scott MacKenzie
Affect-driven learning outcomes prediction in intelligent tutoring systems, Ajjen Joshi, Danielle Allessio, John Magee, Jacob Whitehill, Ivon Arroyo, Beverly Woolf, Stan Sclaroff, and Margrit Betke
Integration of user emotion and self-awareness in text messaging, Li Liu, Dragos Guta, and Shuo Niu
Reorganize your blogs: Supporting blog re-visitation with natural language processing and visualization, Shuo Niu, D. Scott McCrickard, Timothy L. Stelter, Alan Dix, and G. Don Taylor
Simulation of motor impairment with "reverse angle mouse" in a head-controlled pointer Fitts' law task, Mariah Papy, Duncan Calder, Ngu Dang, Aidan McLaughlin, Breanna Desrochers, and John Magee
Approximating dynamic proximity with a hybrid geometry energy-based kernel for diffusion maps, Qingzhe Tan, Mojie Duan, Minghai Li, Li Han, and Shuanghong Huo
Submissions from 2018
Technology evaluation for improving independence with activities of daily living, Jean Des Roches and John Magee
Simulation of motor impairment in head-controlled pointer fitts' law task, Syed Asad Rizvi, Ella Tuson, Breanna Desrochers, and John Magee
Conversation aid for people with low vision using head mounted display and computer vision emotion detection, Rafael Zuniga and John Magee
Faculty Work from 2017
Automated Speech Recognition for Captioned Telephone Conversations, Jeff Adams CEO, Kenneth Basye PhD, Alok Parlikar PhD, Andrew Fletcher PhD, and Jangwon Kim PhD
HAIL gmail: Email with hierarchical adaptive interface layout, Prithu Dasgupta and John Magee