Computer Science
Our faculty are connected to the latest trends in computing practices and research. Research interests range from classical and quantum computing to human-computer interaction to assistive technology to artificial intelligence and speech recognition, and so much more.
Submissions from 2022
Super spreader edentification using geometric-min filter, Chaoyi Ma, Shigang Chen, Youlin Zhang, Qingjun Xiao, and Olufemi O. Odegbile
Virtual filter for non-duplicate sampling with network applications, Chaoyi Ma, Haibo Wang, Olufemi O. Odegbile, Shigang Chen, and Dimitrios Melissourgos
Brief Announcement: Asymmetric Mutual Exclusion for RDMA, Jacob Nelson-Slivon, Lewis Tseng, and Roberto Palmieri
Investigating How People with Disabilities Disclose Difficulties on YouTube, Shuo Niu, Jaime Garcia, Summayah Waseem, and Li Liu
Close-up and Whispering: An Understanding of Multimodal and Parasocial Interactions in YouTube ASMR videos, Shuo Niu, Hugh S. Manon, Ava Bartolome, Nguyen Binh Ha, and Keegan Veazey
Understanding Hate Group Videos on YouTube, Shuo Niu, Keegan Veazey, Phoenix Pagan, and Abhisan Ghimire
Camera Mouse: Sound-Based Activation as a New Approach to Click Generation, Phoenix Pagan, Hanvit Choi, and John Magee
Input Accessibility: Effect of Input Device on Interaction Time and Accuracy-An Expanded Analysis of a Large Dataset, Linh Pham, Skye Whitlow, Emily Rosenbaum, and John Magee
Cholula: Fast, Fault-tolerant, and Strongly Consistent Off-chain Object Storage, David Shen, Cole Dumas, Callie Sardina, Lewis Tseng, and Moayad Aloqaily
Brief Announcement: Computability and Anonymous Storage-Efficient Consensus with an Abstract MAC Layer, Lewis Tseng and Qinzi Zhang
Reliable Broadcast in Critical Applications: Asset Transfer and Smart Home, Yingjian Wu, Yicheng Shen, Haochen Pan, Lewis Tseng, and Moayad Aloqaily
Dynamics and allosteric information pathways of unphosphorylated c-Cbl, Tianyi Yang, Li Han, and Shuanghong Huo
Submissions from 2021
Investigating Multimodal Interactions and Parasocial Attractiveness in YouTube ASMR Videos, Ava Bartolome, Nguyen Binh Ha, and Shuo Niu
EduPar Virtual Poster Session, Jesus Camara, Jose Carlos Cano, Javier Cuenca, Toshiyuki Maeda, Mariano Saura-Sanchez, Lewis Tseng, Akiyoshi Wakatani, and Martina Barnas
Enabling Pervasive Federated Learning using Vehicular Virtual Edge Servers, Anran Du, Yicheng Shen, Lewis Tseng, Takamasa Higuchi, Seyhan Ucar, and Onur Altintas
Practical Experience Report: Cassandra+: Trading-Off Consistency, Latency, and Fault-tolerance in Cassandra, Guo Shu Gao, Kishori Konwar, Juan Mantica, Haochen Pan, Darius Russell Kish, Lewis Tseng, Zezhi Wang, and Yingjian Wu
Poster: Fault-tolerant Consensus for Connected Vehicles: A Case Study, Thomas Li, Lewis Tseng, Takamasa Higuchi, Seyhan Ucar, and Onur Altintas
Noise measurement and removal for data streaming algorithms with network applications, Chaoyi Ma, Haibo Wang, Olufemi Odegbile, and Shigang Chen
Virtual filter for non-duplicate sampling, Chaoyi Ma, Haibo Wang, Olufemi O. Odegbile, and Shigang Chen
Investigating Drug Addiction Discourse on YouTube, Katherine G. Mckim, Cat Mai, Danielle Hess, and Shuo Niu
#Stayhome #withme: How do youtubers help with covid-19 loneliness?, Shuo Niu and Ava Bartolome
#TeamTrees: Investigating How YouTubers Participate in a Social Media Campaign, Shuo Niu, Cat Mai, Katherine G. McKim, and Scott McCrickard
Rabia: Simplifying State-Machine Replication through Randomization, Haochen Pan, Jesse Tuglu, Neo Zhou, Tianshu Wang, Yicheng Shen, Xiong Zheng, Joseph Tassarotti, Lewis Tseng, and Roberto Palmieri
Federated Learning in Vehicular Networks: Opportunities and Solutions, Jason Posner, Lewis Tseng, Moayad Aloqaily, and Yaser Jararweh
Leveraging Affect Transfer Learning for Behavior Prediction in an Intelligent Tutoring System, Nataniel Ruiz, Hao Yu, Danielle A. Allessio, Mona Jalal, Ajjen Joshi, Thomas Murray, John J. Magee, Jacob R. Whitehill, Vitaly Ablavsky, Ivon Arroyo, Beverly P. Woolf, Stan Sclaroff, and Margrit Betke