Computer Science


Our faculty are connected to the latest trends in computing practices and research. Research interests range from classical and quantum computing to human-computer interaction to assistive technology to artificial intelligence and speech recognition, and so much more.


Submissions from 2008


Stratified deformation space and path planning for a planar closed chain with revolute joints, L. Han, L. Rudolph, J. Blumenthal, and I. Valodzin


Predicting the folding pathway of engrailed homeodomain with a probabilistic roadmap enhanced reaction-path algorithm, Da Wei Li, Haijun Yang, Li Han, and Shuanghong Huo


Convexly stratified deformation spaces and efficient path planning for planar closed chains with revolute joints, Han Li, Rudolph Lee, Jonathon Blumenthal, and Ihar Valodzin

Submissions from 2007


A unified geometric approach for inverse kinematics of a spatial chain with spherical joints, Li Han and Lee Rudolph


Structural and pathway complexity of β-strand reorganization within aggregates of human transthyretin(105-115) peptide, Da Wei Li, Li Han, and Shuanghong Huo


Temperature-dependent probabilistic roadmap algorithm for calculating variationally optimized conformational transition pathways, Haijun Yang, Hao Wu, Dawei Li, Li Han, and Shuanghong Huo

Submissions from 2006


Quantum lower bounds for fanout, M. Fang, S. Fenner, F. Green, S. Homer, and Y. Zhang


Inverse kinematics for a serial chain with joints under distance constraints, Li Han and Lee Rudolph

Submissions from 2005


Bounds on the power of constant-depth quantum circuits, Stephen Fenner, Frederic Green, Steven Homer, and Yong Zhang


Bounds on an exponential sum arising in Boolean circuit complexity, Frederic Green, Amitabha Roy, and Howard Straubing

Submissions from 2004


The correlation between parity and quadratic polynomials mod 3, Frederic Green


Hybrid probabilistic RoadMap - Monte Carlo motion planning for closed chain systems with spherical joints, Li Han

Submissions from 2002


Counting, fanout, and the complexity of quantum ACC, Frederic Green, Steven Homer, Cristopher Moore, and Christopher Pollett

Submissions from 2001


Relativized separation of EQP from PNP, Frederic Green and Randall Pruim

Submissions from 2000


A complex-number Fourier technique for lower bounds on the mod-m degree, Frederic Green


On the complexity of quantum ACC, Frederic Green, Steven Homer, and Christopher Pollett

Submissions from 1999


Determining acceptance possibility for a quantum computation is hard for the polynomial hierarchy, Stephen Fenner, Frederic Green, Steven Homer, and Randall Pruim


Exponential sums and circuits with a single threshold gate and mod-gates, F. Green

Submissions from 1997


Coping with Uncertainty in Map Learning, Kenneth Basye, Thomas Dean, and Jeffrey Scott Vitter

Submissions from 1996


On the correlation of symmetric functions, Jin Yi Cai, F. Green, and T. Thierauf


Complements of multivalued functions, Stephen Fenner, Frederic Green, Steven Homer, Alan L. Selman, Thomas Thierauf, and Heribert Vollmer

Submissions from 1995


Learning dynamics: system identification for perceptually challenged agents, Kenneth Basye, Thomas Dean, and Leslie Pack Kaelbling


Inferring Finite Automata with Stochastic Output Functions and an Application to Map Learning, Thomas Dean, Dana Angluin, Kenneth Basye, Sean Engelson, Leslie Kaelbling, Evangelos Kokkevis, and Oded Maron


A lower bound for monotone perceptrons, F. Green


The Power of the Middle Bit of a #P Function, F. Green, J. Kobler, K. W. Regan, T. Schwentick, and J. Toran