The most comprehensive binder of Ottoman records in the Guerguerian Archive is the one on Yozgat. The copies of correspondence pertaining to the deportation and related killings from Yozgat, along with the deportations and killings that pertain to Ankara, Kayseri and Çorum are in this binder. The court ruling on the Çankırı [Chankiri] matter is also found here. There are 71 files and 361 records in the Yozgat binder.
For advanced research, click here to use our Excel indexes.
Yozgat 51
Krikor Guerguerian
There is no evidence whatsoever of a rebellion occurring in the county of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan]. Practically all of the Armenian villages that are part of the county have been cleared out by the County Executive and the Township Directors. The children of Armenian families can't even venture out in front of their homes much less go about in the villages where they live. As a result of these upsetting circumstances, the Armenian villages have been very badly looted by the Gendarmerie, the Circassian officers and the Muslim population. The army unit Commander's Office reported that the state coffers will be very negatively affected by this situation.
It is clear from the telegram from the Branch Presidential Office, that up until now 3,660 Armenians of those found in the villages and town of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] were killed at the direction of the Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] County Executive.
Yozgat 52
Krikor Guerguerian
Since it has been reported that when former Gendarmerie commander Tevfik Bey was committing atrocities and murder in the villages of Terzili and Chat [Çat], the Muslim population could not stand the cries and pleaded for the lives of women and children, which were ignored by Tevfik Bey, statements should be taken from the Muslims and the results should be reported.
It has been reported that former Gendarmerie commander Tevfik Bey had had six or seven hundred Armenians in an Armenian village called Kumkuyu burned to death, and that he had had babies straight out of their cradles, ripped into pieces. An investigation should be conducted and the results reported back.
The investigation that was conducted by civil inspector Nedim Bey in May 1916, about the Kemal Bey, the County Executive of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] only covered misuse of abandoned properties. An investigation over murder or massacres was not conducted. Copies of the correspondence over this need to be sent, for this reason.
Information on the former County Executive of Bogalian [Boğazlıyan] who is being prosecuted for the crimes of murder, annihilation and looting, including which dates he was the County Executive of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan], Deputy District Governor of Yozgat, his salary etc.
Sending the list of properties that were in the disposition of Feyyaz Efendi, Director of Foundations in Yozgat, their dates of acquisition and other related documents.
An account of who was among the Armenians who were killed in the villages of Elekciler [Elekçiler], Keller and Taspinar [Taşpınar] and the Keller creek, including many notable and storekeeper Armenians from town, and how their valuables were removed from them; where the Delegate Efendi had been murdered and how the ring on his finger was found in Feyyaz Efendi's possession and how that occurred.
Yozgat 53
Krikor Guerguerian
The investigation that was conducted by the Civil Service Inspector Nedim Bey in May of 1916 on Kemal Bey, the County Executive of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan], was focused solely on abuse of abandoned properties. An investigation on murder and annhilation had not been performed. Copies of the correspondence on the subject need to be sent.
Information on the former County Executive of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] who is being prosecuted for the crimes of murder, destruction and looting, such as the date that he was the County Executive of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] and the Deputy District Governor of Yozgat, his salary etc.
On having the list of the properties that are in the dispositon of Yozgat Foundations Official Feyyaz Efendi sent, along with their purchase dates and similar documentation.
Among the Armenians who were murdered in the villages of Elekchiler [Elekçiler], Keller and Tashpinar [Taşpınar] and in the Keller creek, whose valuables were stolen, were some notable storeowners from town who are identified. Information on where the delegate Efendi was killed and how the ring on his finger ended up with Feyyaz Bey and the story behind that.
Interrogatories asked of Feyyaz Bey, the Director of Foundations in Yozgat. The responses are missing.
Yozgat 54
Krikor Guerguerian
Interrogatories that are asked of the Yozgat Foundations Official Feyyaz Bey. The responses are missing.
Yozgat 55
Krikor Guerguerian
Information on the prisoners who were released from the Yozgat prison, then armed before they joined the gang and under which District Governor's administration this occurred; the dates and numbers of time that the Union and Progress Ankara Party Secretary Necati Bey traveled to and from Yozgat.
Yozgat 56
Krikor Guerguerian
Because of the cruelties that they had been subjected to, the Armenians had migrated to the town. None of the Armenians ventured outside.
Yozgat 58
Krikor Guerguerian
Note on whether Postman Sukru [Sukru [Şükrü] of Yozgat is part of the gang leadership or not.
The ring that had been on the finger of the delegate ended up with Feyyaz Bey as a result of the auction that was conducted by the Liquidation Commission.
In the skirmish between the Armenians in the village of Kumkuyu and the soldiers that were under the command of Gendarmerie battalion Commander Tevfik Bey, five or six individuals among the Circassions in Osmaniye along with Yozgat died, the village was set on fire and some of the Armenians died in the fire, being completely overwhelmed by it. Some were poisoned and other managed to escape during the fire.
It is clear that based upon a telegram dated 28 July 1915 an investigation was ordered of the Command office of the Yozgat Gendarmerie Battalion, following a response from Sahabettin [Şahabettin] Bey, Deputy Commander of the Army division in Kayseri, to an order from the Ministry of the Fifth Army Corps Command office that followed an official communique numbered 248 and dated 4 August 1915 [22 Temmuz 331] that was issued by the Provincial office.
In the prosecution of Feyyaz, who is under custody, for the deportation and annihilation of Armenians in Yozgat, it has been revealed that he had transported Eftil, the fourteen year old daughter of Senkim Jingilian of Yozgat to a home and left her pregnant after violating her, before poisoning her to death.
According to the records that were maintained by the commission that was formed after the deportation, Feyyaz Bey commenced working in August 1915, and was employed as a member of the aforementioned commission until 19 November 1915 [6 Teşrin-i sani 331].
The document that contains the investigative report prepared by the Boğazlıyan County Judicial Office regarding the Kumkuyu incident is being sent to the Provincial Office of Ankara by correspondence dated 14 October 1915 [1 Teşrin-i evvel 331] and numberedi 497.
Four thousand Armenians are reported as having been deported out of the County, from the location, even though they weren't recorded as such from the County of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan], starting from 17 July 1915 [4 Temmuz 331] through 17 August 1915 [4 Ağustos 331].
No one has come across any record or document to show that the Army Corps received any complaints about Major Salim Bey before he retired, from either Necati Bey, former Ankara delegate of the Union and Progress [society] or the Club council through the council chief. It's possible Colonel Halil Recai Bey may have complained verbally about him.
In the telegram dispatched on 27 July 1915 [14 Temmuz 331], by the Fifteen Army Division Deputy Commander Shahabettin [Şahabettin] Bey to the Army Corps Command office in Ankara, the investigative report of the panel that had been sent to scene of the incident and how it has not received by the Army Corps is discussed.
Despite the fact that it was known that Gavril Nikola - son of Nuzuz, Nikola - son of Ananya, Nikola - son of Esrik, and Kiryaku and Eftim - son of Yorgi, all from the village of Chat [Çat], who apparently were being sent to Ankara during the Armenian deportation, were Greek, he is prepared to provide corroborating proof that they were murdered in the vicinity of the Chakmak [Çakmak] village in Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] with the tacit approval of the County Executive Kemal and Battalion commander Tevfik Bey.
Yozgat 59
Krikor Guerguerian
The ring that had been on the finger of the delegate ended up in Feyyaz Bey's possession as a result of the Liquidation Commission's auction.
During the skirmish between the Armenians in the village of Kumkuyu and the soldiers under the command of Gendarmerie Battalion commander Tevfik Bey, five or six individuals from the Circiassions of Osmaniye and Yozgat died. The village was burned to the ground. Some of the Armenians were burned, some were completely annihilated while others took poison. Others still managed to escape during the fire.
Following an official notice dated 4 August 1915 [22 Temmuz 1915] and numbered 248, from the Province, the response to an order sent to Kayseri’s Division Deputy Commander Shahabettin [Şahabettin] Bey from the Fifth Army Corps Commander's Office Ministry, stated that according to a telegram dated 28 July 1915 [15 Temmuz 1915], it is clear that the initiation of an investigation was ordered of the Yozgat Gendarmerie Battalion Commander's Office.
Description of how Eftil, the 14 year old daughter of Jingilian Senkim of Yozgat, was transported to another house, sexually assaulted, impregnated and then later poisoned and killed by Feyyaz, who is being tried in court while under state custody in connection with the massacre and deportation of Armenians from Yozgat.
According to the records kept by the Commission that was formed after the Deportation, Feyyaz Bey started work in August of 1915 and continued his membership with the aforementioned Commission through 19 November [6 Teşrin-i sani] of 1915.
The document that relates to the investigation that was performed by the County of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan]'s Judicial office in connection with the Kumkuyu incident, was sent to the Ankara Provincial office on 14 October 1915 [1 Teşrin-i evvel 1915] as part of correspondence numbered 497.
Although it was not documented, it was reported from the location, that four thousand Armenians had been deported from the Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] County starting 17 July 1915 through August 1915.
Prior to Major Salim Bey retiring there is no documentation or record to show that a complaint had been filed by the former Ankara Union and Progress delegate Necati Efendi or the Club Council or Council Center to the Army Corps. It's possible, however, that Colonel Halil Recai Bey had verbally complained.
In the telegram dated 27 July 1915 [14 Temmuz 1915] that was sent by the Fifteenth division Deputy Commander Shahabettin [Şahabettin] Bey to the Army Corps Commander's Office in Ankara, the investigative report prepared by the board that had been to the scene, is reported to have not yet been received by the Army Corps.
During the Armenian deportation, apparently, Gavril Nikola - son of Nuzuz of the village of Chat [Çat], Nikola - son of Ananya, Nikola - son of Esrik, Kiryaku - son of Yorgi and Eftin, were sent to Ankara, despite it being understood that they were Greek and that there's a widespread report that they were murdered somewhere near the village of Chakmak [Çakmak] in Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] by permission of County Executive Kemal and Battalion commander Tevfik Bey which can now be proven.
A telegram stating that the villagers are unable to step outside, that the Circassions are threatening them and that the government is doing nothing to help.
Yozgat 60
Krikor Guerguerian
A telegram stating that the villagers are unable to step outside, that the Circassions are threatening them and that the government is doing nothing to help.
Yozgat 61
Krikor Guerguerian
Telegram sent by the Armenians of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] to the Armenian Patriarchate of İstanbul.
Yozgat 62
Krikor Guerguerian
Description of how their wives are being taken to the mountains and that those who oppose this have not been given support by the government and that they have been forced to escape from one village to the next.
Yozgat 63
Krikor Guerguerian
[This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]
No one has intervened in the Turks' attack of the same village and that Sheikh Ali, Mustafa and Sakir [Şakir] are behind this.
Despite not having the authority to do so, it is known that the Fifth Army Corps Command office recruited Muslims into the Gendarmerie, on demand and that their names and other characteristics were documented in a ledger. A certified copy of this ledger must be sent.
If there are telegrams dating from January and February 1919 that were sent by the Deputy District Governor Kemal, Gendarmerie Battalion Commander Tevfik and the Director of Fondations, Feyyaz Efendi, who have been arrested in connection with the Yozgat killings and whose trials are now in progress, they must be sent.
The record which contains the names of the 1,500 slain individuals that Branch Director Mustafa Efendi wrote about in his telegram, must be sent.
Request that copies of the order that was sent by the provincial office to the District Governor's office of Yozgat, following the official communique that was sent by Recai Bey, the Deputy Commander of the Army Corps, on 28 August 1915 [15 Ağustos 331] along with the response back to Recai Bey be forwarded.
Request that copies of the telegrams sent from Tevfik Bey, the Commander of the Gendarmerie Battalion of Yozgat to the Gendarmerie Battalion Command Office of Ankara during the months of July, August and September 1915.
Not only Armenians, but Muslims of conscience, are ready to come forward to prove that Halit Bey, the county executive for the county, who was the most active executive agent for the former administration, acted quite brazenly during the deportation and then afterwards engaged in seizure of properties when he became part of the abandoned properties commissions, taking over properties with Edhem Efendi of Kirsehir[ Kırşehir].
During a time when the state is occupied with war, the Armenians are preparing for revolution. Their aim is to establish an independent Armenia and therefore they have supported the invasion by the Russians. At issue is the presence of Armenians in the service of the government who possess seditious sentiments.
The finance officer in Yozgat acted in accordance with orders; it was necessary to go above those who are employed in the lower and appellate courts along with schools, "Regie" (Administration of the Tobacco Monopoly) and Ziraat Bank. A determination is to be made regarding whether Armenians appointed in various administrative and municipal capacities along with members of certain commissions will continue in their positions.
The names of Armenians serving in the lower and appellate courts need to be made known. If Armenians who are members of administrative and municipal assemblies are not going to be deported, they should continue in their positions. Those serving in commissions should be discharged.
(Continued ...)
[This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]
Yozgat 64
Krikor Guerguerian
[This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]
Despite not being charged with the responsibility for doing so, upon request, the Fifth Army Corps Commander's Office prepared a ledger of names and other specific information about the Muslims who were taken into the Gendarmerie and a stamped certified copy of the ledger was sent.
If there are any telegrams that were sent in January and February of 1919 between Deputy District Governor Kemal, Gendarmerie Battalion Commander Tevfik and Foundations Official Feyyaz Efendi, who are under custody and whose trials are ongoing in connection with the crimes in Yozgat, they should be sent.
The ledger containing the names of over 1,500 who were slain that are mentioned in the telegram sent by Branch Office Chief Mustafa Efendi should be sent.
Copies of the Provincial Office's order to the District Governor's Office of Yozgat and the response to Recai Bey which came following the Army Corps Deputy Commander Recai Bey's communique dated 28 August 1915 [15 Ağustos 1915] are requested be sent.
Request that copies of the telegrams sent by Tevfik Bey, the Yozgat Gendarmeri Battalion Commander, during the months of July, August and September of 1915 to the Ankara Gendarmerie Regiment Commander's Office.
The County's County Executive Halit Bey, the most active player in foreclosure matters in the old government, was quite openly involved during the Deportation. Just after the deportation, he became part of the commission for abandoned properties and started looting. Later he seized the properties of Edhem Efendi of Kirshehir [Kırşehir]. Not only Armenians but Muslims of integrity are ready to come forward to supply proof.
During this time when the state is occupied with war, Armenians are preparing an insurrection towards the establishment of an independent Armenia. For this reason, they intend to assist the Russian invasion and there are Armenians who harbor seditious motives and hold positions in the government.
According to the finance official from Yozgat, procedures surrounding the Armenians were done according to orders. Those who worked in the appellate as well as lower court and schools, "Regie" [Administration of the Tobacco Monopoly] and Ziraat Bank, needed to have orders that superseded them. The issue of whether Armenians, who have roles as members in administrative and municipal councils along with some commissions, needed to be removed.
The names of Armenians who are employed as members of lower or appellate courts need to be reported. If an Armenian member of an administrative or municipal council is not going to be deported, then they should continue with their duties. Those who are in commissions should be terminated.
Hamparsum works with the appellate court in Yozgat, Ermenak and Mihran Efendis are members of the Lower Court; Haji Agob, meanwhile, works as a clerk for the Interrogation Office.
(Continued ...)
[This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]
Yozgat 65
Krikor Guerguerian
[This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]
Statement on who the commander and officers were who organized those who were released from prison and formed them into the "Special Organization". It states how many were in it and what their rank was; describes who the civil servants were in another Organization arranged by Unionist delegate Necati Efendi, and where they were dispatched. Since it became clear that the arms and ammunication that had arrived from İstanbul had been sent to Corum [Çorum], accurate and detailed information is provided.
Like others who have been observing from outside, he can see that the Special Organization battalion was formed out of the prisoners who were released from Ankara prison. He has received news that the Battalion board and former Unionist delegate Necati Efendi had been behind this. He states that he does not know who else, besides Necati Efendi is involved and what their names are, just that Captain Irfan Efendi had met with Governor Mazhar Bey in Ankara beforehand. Uniforms, arms and ammunication had been sent from istanbul for the battalion.
Based on the code of law dated 30 April 1915 [17 Nisan 1915], the commission for which he served as the president, collected arms and ammunition from the population and Armenians. He discusses who the members of this commission are and where the collected weaponry was deposited.
The members of the commission who were just below the president were Gendarmerie regiment commander County Executive Vasıf Bey and Central High Commissioner İbrahim Efendi. The weapons that were collected were given over to the Armory.
About how the prisoners from Ankara Central Prison, the individuals whose names and crimes are documented in the ledger have not engaged in any negative activity or actions.
When those who were imprisoned in Ankara Prison for crimes other than sexual ones, were asked one by one, if they wanted to be soldiers, they all declared that they were interested. The names, crimes, sentences and time spent in prison were considered for those who were determined appropriate, after an examination was conducted, and those who did not exhibit negative behavior were noted in the ledger.
By letter written by the Fifth Army Corps Deputy Commander Colonel Halil Recai Bey to the provincial office and the law in question, a search for weaponry etc in the city was ordered and a commission was formed for this purpose. The members of the commission were High Commissioner İbrahim Efendi and Gendarmerie Regiment commander Major Vasıf Bey. In addition, 206 individuals who had been arrested and imprisoned in Ankara, along with 43 privates of the Ankara Military Branch Presidential Office, were brougt to the Chief of the Special Organization in Ankara, İrfan Bey, on May 20, 1915 [7 Mayıs 1915]. İrfan Bey was the unit commander and after distributing the arms and ammunition that had arrived from Istanbul for the Battalion they were dispatched to Corum [Çorum].
Three separate documents had been sent concerning the atrocities in Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] and Kumkuyu.
Several Armenian spies who were traitors from the region were killed during deportation. The Commander's office has ordered that their remains be removed from the area by tomorrow noon. By order from the County Executive of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan], the bodies should be buried by the locals.
Police Headquarters commander Safvet reports that on Wednesday, 36 Armenians were to be deported out of the village of Yazicepni [Yazıçepni], in the County of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] accompanied by a four member Gendarmerie security unit. The Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] Gendarmerie took these Armenians and divided them up between three rooms and while they were being guarded, at 3:30 a.m. in the night, the Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] county Gendarmerie commander Sergeant İhsan and seven privates came to the village, tied up the arms of the 36 Armenians in the rooms and brought them outside the village. When eleven of the Armenians escaped, the gendarmes tried firing on them but they managed to get away. After this the 25 remaining Armenians were shot down and killed. At that point Sergeant İhsan returned to Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] and in the morning after digging a trench and buring the Armenians, the soldiers also returned to Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan]. On the day of the incident, since the commander of the police headquarters was occupied with transporting two soldiers who had gone AWOL, the only person in headquarters was the clerk Mehmet.
(Continued ...)
[This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]
Yozgat 66
Krikor Guerguerian
[This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]
Yozgat Gendarmerie commander Tevfik Bey engaged in gang-like activity during the course of the deportation with a group of cutthroats and bandits that he had recruited. The Armenian men of Yozgat were robbed and murdered in the village of Tashpinar [Taşpınar]; their women and children were supposed to be sent off to Kayseri but they separated out the beautiful women and girls and then slaughtered the rest of them, dumping them in the river called Karasu and burning the Armenian villages.
In the telegram sent by Emin Bey, while he requests [of Nedim Bey] that documents be sent back to him, ones that apparently are in his possession and relate to the crimes that had been committed by County Executive Kemal Bey during the Armenian deportation, the investigation that he had conducted in 1916 covered the looting and abuses that occurred in connection with Armenian abandoned properties by County Executive Kemal Bey and his friends and also the incident involving Gendarmerie Commander Ihsan Efendi who had raped the daughter of an Armenian named Arapoglu [Arapoğlu]. The documents in question had been sent to the ministry and based on that the ministry had decided to move forward with prosecution which was ratified by the Council of State. The Yozgat Appellate Court had sentenced the County Executive and his accomplices to various punishments. He had let the ministry know about the other incidents that had occurred during the deportation by reporting what he knew and his opinions verbally.
There is no evidence whatsoever of a rebellion movement within Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] county. Almost all of the Armenian villages that are part of the county have been cleared out by the County Executive and Township director. The Armenian children [left] in the villages cannot even step outside their homes much less venture out into the villages where they reside. Because of the sad state of affairs, there has been horrible looting taking place by the gendarmerie in the county, Circassian officers and the Muslim population. The army unit command office has made it known that the state treasury is going to be seriously impacted by this.
Turning over copies of the telegrams sent during the month of July 1915, by Colonel Sahap [Şahap] Bey, commander of the Kayseri division, to Colonel Recai Bey, from the Kayseri central office.
Presentation of a coded telegram sent by the Division Commander of Kayseri, Colonol Sahabettin [Şahabettin] Bey, in 1918, and whose original or copy it is requested be taken from the Fifth Army Corps.
The presentation of the official communique sent from the presidential office of the courts regarding Hamparsum, member of the Appellate Court of Yozgat and whether the aforementioned had been deported.
With the deportation of Armenians from Yozgat, Hamparsum Efendi, a member of the Court was unable to continue his duties and therefore the court council has been short staffed. Whatever is necessary to prevent court matters from being delayed should be done.
(Continued ...)
[This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]
Yozgat 67
Krikor Guerguerian
[This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]
There is no evidence of a rebellion in the Bogazliyan [Boğazliyan] county. All of the Armenian villages that are part of the county, could be said to have been completely cleared out by the County Executive and Directors of the township. The children of the Armenian families in the villages haven’t been able to even step out in front of their homes, much less actually go out into the villages. As a result of the disturbing situation, there has been horrible looting of Armenian villages by the gendarmerie, Circassian officers and Muslim community. The harm to the state treasury as a result of this has been reported by the army unit Commander’s office.
A presentation of the copies of the telegrams sent from the central office of Kayseri by Kayseri Division Commander Colonel Shahap [Şahap] Bey in July 1915, to Colonel Halil Recai Bey.
A presentation of the coded telegram that had been sent by Kayseri Division Commander Colonel Shahabettin [Şahabettin] Bey in 1918 and which the original or copy is to be taken from the Fifth Army Corps.
A presentation of the warrant that had been issued by the Office of the Court Executive on Hamparsum Efendi, a Member of the Yozgat Appellate Court and the fact that the aformentioned had been deported.
The Armenians of Yozgat are being deported and Hamparsum Efendi, a member of the Court, was also relieved of his duties for this reason, and as a result the Court council is short staffed. In order to prevent court matters from being delayed, all that is necessary must be done.
During the deportation, Hamparsum Efendi had fallen ill and for this reason he remained behind in his home. Discussion over whether he will be allowed to return to work if he recovers his health.
Since it has been determined that Hamparsum, the Yozgat appellete court member, and Bogos and Mihran Efendi, who are members of the Lower Court, are all to be deported, whatever is necessary must be done in furtherance of this.
In the file of Hamparsum Efendi, a member of the Yozgat Appellate Court, there is no letter or telegram about his being deported along with the other Armenians of Yozgat. However, copies of the letters and telegrams sent by the local appellete public prosecutor's office and the Ankara Governor's Ministry were presented.
There are no documents worthy of registration however, there are sixteen separate telegrams between Shahap [Şahap] Bey and the Army Corps Commander's Office and the County Executive's office of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] which were obtained from the Division and the copies were presented.
[Consists of a recitation of some of the information gleaned from some records related to the deportation from Ankara and Yozgat,with bits of commentary added here and there.]
(Continued ...)
[This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]
Yozgat 68
Krikor Guerguerian
[This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]
The information in some of the documents about the Ankara and Yozgat Deportations appear with bits of commentary written among them.
Armenians who are located within the provincial district who may be actual or probably committee members, especially teachers, doctors, pharmacists, priests, store owners, lawyers and those whose presence is deemed dangerous and destructive from the perspective of the peace and order of the country, must be sent away to be deported to Zor. During the deportation attention must be given to protect their properties and physical integrity and honor.
Since it was deemed necessary to have Hamparsum, a member of the Yozgat appellete court and Bogos and Mihran Efendi, members of the lower Court deported, whatever is needed must be done to further that.
The information in some of the documents about the Ankara and Yozgat Deportations appear with bits of commentary written among them.
It has been decided that the Armenian people shall be deported to the interior [regions] and therefore every action needs to be taken to ensure that the Armenian rank and file who are in the Labor Battalions are not given the opportunity to affect peace and order in the country.
The properties and lives of deported Armenians must be protected and effort must be expended to ensure that there is no cause for complaint.
On whether the rank and file Armenians serving in labor battalions needed to be deported as well.
Note about the Secretary Sadık Vicdani of Ankara.
Despite the fact that a statement was sent to civil servants in which documentation and a summary of assaults against people and the armed state forces by Armenians, along with, insurrection and rebellion after the mobilization was presented, there have bee no acts in the region by the Armenians who currently live there, against either others or armed state forces.
The sentence that was meted out to the Kayseri delegate Husrof Efendi was viewed as too light; the decision and ruling must be in accordance with the orders from the Chief Commander's office dated 28 June 1915 [15 Haziran 1915], and numbered 2395.
(Continued ...)
[This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]
Yozgat 69
Krikor Guerguerian
The current Gendarmerie Commander of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] County, Lieutenant Hulusi Efendi, murdered Armenians during the Deportation but there have been no proceedings against him.
Some of the questions that were directed at Deputy Commander of the 15th division of Kayseri, Shahabettin [Şahabettin] Bey, during the prosecution; the responses are missing.
Yozgat 70
Krikor Guerguerian
Some of the questions that were directed at Deputy Commander of the 15th division of Kayseri, Shahabettin [Şahabettin] Bey, during the prosecution; the responses are missing.