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Taner Akcam
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Since it has been reported that when former Gendarmerie commander Tevfik Bey was committing atrocities and murder in the villages of Terzili and Chat [Çat], the Muslim population could not stand the cries and pleaded for the lives of women and children, which were ignored by Tevfik Bey, statements should be taken from the Muslims and the results should be reported.
It has been reported that former Gendarmerie commander Tevfik Bey had had six or seven hundred Armenians in an Armenian village called Kumkuyu burned to death, and that he had had babies straight out of their cradles, ripped into pieces. An investigation should be conducted and the results reported back.
The investigation that was conducted by civil inspector Nedim Bey in May 1916, about the Kemal Bey, the County Executive of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] only covered misuse of abandoned properties. An investigation over murder or massacres was not conducted. Copies of the correspondence over this need to be sent, for this reason.
Information on the former County Executive of Bogalian [Boğazlıyan] who is being prosecuted for the crimes of murder, annihilation and looting, including which dates he was the County Executive of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan], Deputy District Governor of Yozgat, his salary etc.
Sending the list of properties that were in the disposition of Feyyaz Efendi, Director of Foundations in Yozgat, their dates of acquisition and other related documents.
An account of who was among the Armenians who were killed in the villages of Elekciler [Elekçiler], Keller and Taspinar [Taşpınar] and the Keller creek, including many notable and storekeeper Armenians from town, and how their valuables were removed from them; where the Delegate Efendi had been murdered and how the ring on his finger was found in Feyyaz Efendi's possession and how that occurred.
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Recommended Citation
Guerguerian, Krikor, "Yozgat 52" (2018). Yozgat. 52.