School of Professional Studies

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Professional Communication (MSPC)


School of Professional Studies

Chief Instructor

Stephanie Medden


MSPC, anti smoking policy, Clark, campus awareness campaigns


The deleterious health effects of the consumption of tobacco products, especially for youth, have been documented thoroughly and are nearly universally recognized. Numerous federal, state, and local regulations, coupled with health education and tobacco cessation initiatives have been launched to address these effects. Although these pushes have done much to reduce the rates of preventable health conditions and death due to the usage of tobacco, there remains much work to be done at the local level to discourage and disrupt patterns of substance use and abuse. The mission of Clark Clear the Air is to propose various and creative ways in which Clark University can work to reduce the rates at which tobacco products are used in our community, including a tobacco-free policy on campus, while simultaneously fostering a welcoming and supportive space and a community-based approach to accountability with this policy.



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