Date of Award
Degree Type
Research Paper
Degree Name
Master of Science in Environmental Science and Policy (ES&P)
International Development, Community and Environment
Chief Instructor
Dr. Timothy J. Downs
Food security and access to healthy food are public health issues that continue to persist in the United States and are ones that are strongly influenced by social and environmental factors. In Worcester, Massachusetts there are many organizations that contribute to alleviating the resulting effects, but do not always have the capacity to reach full potential and expand upon current initiatives. Students can provide existing human resources and knowledge that would benefit all parties. This would allow for organizational capacity development, ultimately impacting local residents, and for students to gain deeper connections to the greater Worcester community while learning vital work skills. Research shows that the College of the Holy Cross, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and Clark University have the greatest infrastructure in place that would foster this integrated strategy. Therefore, this paper proposes a framework for increasing the capacity of Worcester’s food programming and initiatives through integrated partnerships with the city’s universities, with recommendations for Clark University.
Recommended Citation
Simonson, Joel, "An Integrated Strategy for Strengthening Worcester's Regional Food System: Key Roles for Education and Information" (2016). Sustainability and Social Justice. 62.
Included in
Curriculum and Social Inquiry Commons, Environmental Studies Commons, Epidemiology Commons, Public Health Education and Promotion Commons, Urban Studies and Planning Commons