Genocide (Various Languages)
Institutional Sponsor
Taner Akcam
Publication Date
[This is a long document. Please consult the index for full information]
A note regarding how to determine the authenticity of the documents.
A short note regarding the contents of the Deportation Law.
An excerpt from Patriarch Zaven's book, "My Patriarchate Memoirs," regarding the Patriarchate's archive and the archive in Jerusalem.
Enver Pash and his brother-in-law, the Van Governor-General Cevdet Bey's ideology and opinions on the killing of Armenians.
FO 371/5211 5038. PRO. E1311/1311/44; La Renaissance, number 77, 13 March 1919; the encrypted telegraph sent by Talat Pash to the Aleppo Governor-General Mustafa Abdulhalik on 18 November 1915; the massacres and looting of Armenians in Van; the English reaction to the Soviet-Armenian accord; the next documents already exist; the telegraphs sent by Cemal Pasha in 1917, stating that the Armenians working on the railways to Tarsus should not be touched; Takvim-i Vekayi, number 3540, pg. 1-2.
Notes regarding the conditions of the Armenians working on the railways.
A letter sent by Guerguerian to a friend of his named Aris, asking him if he could translate certain things.
Aka Gunduz's [Aka Gündüz] poem regarding the Balkan Wars, published in Tanin.
[This is a long document. Please consult the index for full information]
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Recommended Citation
Guerguerian, Krikor, "48 Van - Genocide" (2018). Genocide (Various Languages). 48.