Genocide (Various Languages)
Institutional Sponsor
Taner Akcam
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[This is a long document. Please consult the index for full information]
The documents collected by the Mazhar Bey Commission regarding the deportation and annihilation of Armenians; The role and activities of the Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] County Executive Kemal Bey in the deportation and annihilation of the Armenians.
The government of Soviet Armenia
A note regarding the end of the war putting also an end on the CUP's power, and the newly formed cabinet; the written correspondence between Talat Pasha and Patriarch Zaven on 19 September 1915, regarding the condition of the Kayseri Bishop Hosrov Behzigian.
A note regarding the Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] County Executive Kemal Bey having annihilated the Armenians and seized their properties.
The same document already exists.
A note regarding the local administrators who had participated in the annihilation of Armenians in Yozgat and looted their properties; and a note regarding the local administrators in Kayseri forcing the Armenians to convert.
The same document already exists.
From: The Kayseri Gendarmerie Division Commander M Tevfik To: The Battalion Command Date: 19 February 1919 [19.2.335] Topic: regarding 36 Armenian soldiers being brought from Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] to Yazi Cini [Yazı Çini]
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Recommended Citation
Guerguerian, Krikor, "47 Yozgat - Deportations" (2018). Genocide (Various Languages). 47.