Genocide (Various Languages)
Institutional Sponsor
Taner Akcam
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Takvim-i Vekayi, number 3604, 5 July 1919; Takvim-i Vekayi, number 3540, 12 April 1919; Takvim-i Vekayi, number 3571, 26 May 1919
The encrypted telegraph sent by the Aleppo Governor-General Abdulahad Nuri Bey to the Director of the Office of Tribal and Immingrant Settlement Shukru Bey [Şükrü Bey] on 23 November 1915, regarding the sending of the 400 children at the orphanage to the interior of the country.
The encrypted telegraph sent by Assistant Director of the Office of Tribal and Immigrant Settlement on 10 January 1916, stating that only 10 percent of the Armenians subjected to deportation had reached their settlement regions, and that the rest had perished on the road due to hunger, infectious diseases and general squalor.
The encrypted telegraph sent by Abdulahad Nuri Bey to the Office of Tribal and Immigrant Settlement on 13 December 1915, regarding the arrest of some Armenians in the Ras al-Ayn.
The same document already exists; a document obtained from Naim Bey, regarding the starvation and thirst the Armenians being deported to Bab were subjected to by the Gendarmerie, in accordance with the instructions sent from Aleppo; a document, once again obtained from Naim Bey, demonstrating that the instructions to annihilate the Armenians being deported from Sivas, Harput and other places had been given to the Rumkale County Executive.
The testimony of Naim Bey regarding the fate of young Armenians who had been arrested; Takvim-i Vekayi, number 3772, pg. 2-3; number 3540, pg. 8; number 3604, pg. 217-18; A note regarding how, even though the Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] County Executive Kemal Bey stated that converted Armenians should be politically exterminated, the Armenians, despite having converted, were massacred anyway; and other massacres of the Yozgat Armenians and the participants of this.
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Recommended Citation
Guerguerian, Krikor, "49 Armenian Deportees" (2018). Genocide (Various Languages). 49.