Aims & Scope | SURJ at Clark University | Student Works | Clark University

Scholarly Undergraduate Research Journal at Clark (SURJ)

Aims & Scope

Clark University's Scholarly Undergraduate Research Journal (SURJ) aims to promote critical thinking, practical application of knowledge, as well as awareness and recognition of ongoing research throughout the university.

SURJ seeks to uphold Clark University's identity as a Liberal Arts-based research institution that highlights the quality of student research. The scope of the undergraduate research featured by SURJ emphasizes the university's commitment to nurturing academic curiosity, passion, and dedication within its student body. It is designed to serve as an enriching public resource for both Clark University and the greater academic community.

As a completely student-run journal, SURJ members are provided with the opportunity to experience the wide range of publication processes: either as staff member or author. Through the collaboration with SURJ's faculty review boards, the journal seeks to create an avenue for student-faculty partnerships, as well as cross-departmental scholarly dialogue.