Scarboro Community Oak Ridge Empowerment
Scarboro Community Oak Ridge Empowerment is one of 39 environmental and peace organizations that won a landmark lawsuit against the U.S Department of Energy for failure to follow-through on adequate environmental cleanup during its 50+ years of nuclear weapons research, testing, and production. Part of this settlement was the establishment of the MTA Fund (Citizens’ Monitoring and Technical Assessment Fund), which provided $6.25 million for tribes and non-profit organizations to assess and conduct independent technical and scientific studies regarding the multitude of technical, ecological, and health issues surrounding the nation’s nuclear weapons complex.
Clark University was chosen by the non-profit peace and environmental groups as the conservator of these reports to ensure they remain available to the public in perpetuity. The unconventional election of university as conservator is an innovative example, particularly within the era of Web 1.0, of higher education as protector and provider of information through wide dissemination.
The research and reports available in this series were conducted by Scarboro Community Oak Ridge Empowerment with their allocated portion of the MTA fund.
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Interpretation of the ORHASP Report for the Scarboro Community
Elijah Johnson, Larry Robinson, Richard D. Gragg, Valencia McGriff, and Scarboro Community Oak Ridge Empowerment
The Oak Ridge Health Agreement Steering Panel (ORHASP) Report is a human health risk assessment of the effects of the activities of the three United States Department of Energy facilities in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The period covered is 1944 to 1995. The study started in 1991 and it was completed in 1999. The ORHASP Report is available to the public.
This report has three goals. These follow:
1) To put relevant results from the ORHASP Report in a more readily and easily comprehended form.
2) To examine some air intake parameters used in the ORHASP Report for the Scarboro Community.
3) To check some risk and hazard index results for the Scarboro Community that were presented in the ORHASP Report.This research was completed money allocated during Round 3 of the Citizens’ Monitoring and Technical Assessment Fund (MTA Fund). Clark University was named conservator of these works.
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