Radiation and Public Health Project, Inc.
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The Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP), a non profit research and education group, has collected and analyzed data on environmental and in-body radioactivity levels near the Brookhaven National Laboratories (BNL).
The work is important since BNL operated three nuclear reactors at the site in Suffolk County NY from 1950-1999. These reactors released considerable radioactivity into the air and water, contaminating the local environment. The other basis for the effort are certain patterns of health status in the local area, specifically:
- From 1979-2001, the Suffolk County cancer death rate (whites) was 12.6% above the national rate, but only 0.1% higher for all other causes of death. This means that 7410 Suffolk cancer deaths are in excess of the U.S.
- During the same period, Suffolk County breast cancer death rate (whites) was 24.2% above the U.S., and was elevated for young, middle-age, and elderly women.
- From 1997-2001, 366 Suffolk County children under age 20 were diagnosed with cancer, a rate 15.5% above the national standard. Children are most susceptible to the damaging effects of radiation exposure.
- The 1997-2001 Suffolk County incidence rate of thyroid cancer, a condition highly sensitive to radiation exposure, was 30% above the New York State rate, and had tripled in the past 20 years.
- The area of Suffolk County with the highest incidence of breast, prostate, lung, and colorectal cancer is east (downwind) of BNL.
RPHP drew information on local levels of radioactivity from two sources. It used the extensive (but little analyzed) state and federal data on concentrations in the air, water, precipitation, and fish. It also collected and analyzed data on Strontium-90 concentrations in over 500 baby teeth donated by Suffolk County residents. Strontium- 90 is a calcium-like substance only created in atomic weapons explosions and nuclear reactor operations. It is radioactive and carcinogenic.
This research was completed money allocated during Round 5 of the Citizens’ Monitoring and Technical Assessment Fund (MTA Fund). Clark University was named conservator of these works.
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Radiation and Public Health Project, Inc.
nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons testing, environment, non-governmental organizations, United States Department of Energy, tribal governments, environmental cleanup, radioactive fallout, radioactive waste
Copyright belongs to the authors. Clark University was chosen by the non-profit peace and environmental groups as the conservator of these reports; our right to distribute these works ensures they remain available to the public in perpetuity as intended. Reuse at your own discretion with with due deference to copyright holders.
Brooklyn, NY
Recommended Citation
Radiation and Public Health Project, Inc. and Mangano, Joseph J., "Final Report: Program to Investigate Patterns of Environmental vs. In-Body Radioactivity Near the Brookhaven National Laboratory" (2005). Radiation and Public Health Project, Inc.. 2.