Nez Perce Tribe



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In 2002, the Nez Perce Tribe, through its Environmental Restoration & Waste Management Program (ERWM), received a Citizen’s Monitoring and Technical Assistance grant (MTA), which set to analyze the Canyon Disposition Initiative (CDI) 221-U Facility (U Plant) decision-making process. The ERWM analysis focused on the technical data being utilized by the Tri-Party agencies (Department of Energy, State of Washington-Department of Ecology, and the Environmental Protection Agency) in making its recommendations for the CDI. In 2005, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its Record of Decision (ROD), which presented the selected final remedial action chosen for the 221-U Facility (U Plant). This document finalized the selected alternative chosen by the Department of Energy.

The Hanford area has long been a common use area by Columbia River Plateau tribes, due to its central location on the Columbia near the confluences of the Snake and Yakima rivers. This site, through the Nez Perce Treaty of 1855, is a “usual and accustomed” (U & A) area, where the Nez Perce retained its right and privilege to hunt, fish, and gather within those U & A areas. Thus, the Nez Perce Tribe is involved in the activities that occur on the Hanford site, which has been reaffirmed through federal actions and laws in the area.

This research was completed money allocated during Round 4 of the Citizens’ Monitoring and Technical Assessment Fund (MTA Fund). Clark University was named conservator of these works.

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Nez Perce Tribe




nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons testing, environment, non-governmental organizations, United States Department of Energy, tribal governments, environmental cleanup, radioactive fallout, radioactive waste


Copyright belongs to the authors. Clark University was chosen by the non-profit peace and environmental groups as the conservator of these reports; our right to distribute these works ensures they remain available to the public in perpetuity as intended. Reuse at your own discretion with with due deference to copyright holders.


Lapwai, ID

Nez Perce Analysis of the Canyon Disposition Initiative Hanford Site, Washington



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