Date of Award
Degree Type
Research Paper
Degree Name
Master of Science in GIS for Development and Environment (GISDE)
International Development, Community and Environment
Chief Instructor
Jie Tian
Second Reader
Jie Tian
Third Reader
Robin Miller
South East Asian; Soft Classification; Accuracy Assessment
Our summer internship with Clark Labs will last for one and half of years, from October 2014 till the end of August 2016, while we’ve worked under the director of Dr. Ronald Eastman. The main duty for this project is to create a basemap for coastal line in three counties in the Southeast Asia, while during this summer, our duties were to wrap up the remaining tasks, such as adjusting the classification images based on the accuracy assessment results, combining all the images, making a final map, and calculating the area for each categories in each province of the three counties. Following the requirement of the M.S. GISDE program at Clark University, the following pages in this report describes in detail Clark Labs, the project that we were participated in and our reflections on this internship.
Recommended Citation
Zhou, Zhuoyue and Hu, Po, "GIS and Coastal Basemap Research Summer Internship with Clark Labs" (2016). Sustainability and Social Justice. 79.
Included in
Agricultural Economics Commons, Environmental Studies Commons, International and Area Studies Commons