Sustainability and Social Justice

Date of Award


Degree Type

Final Project

Degree Name

Master of Science in GIS for Development and Environment (GISDE)


International Development, Community and Environment

Chief Instructor

Jie Tian


Internship Paper, GeoAdaptive LLC.


This paper describes my summer internship experience during the summer of 2015, as a requirement toward my master's degree. I worked as a full-time remote sensing specialist at GeoAdaptive LLC., which locates at downtown Boston. My work covers a variety ranging from providing technical support like data collecting and visualization to other research groups at the firm, to conducting a pioneer project regrading the large scale drought monitoring using publicly available data. As someone who learnt a great deal and valued this experience greatly, I would love to recommend this internship to other fellow GISDE students when they take on the internship track of this program.



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