Sustainability and Social Justice

Date of Award


Degree Type

Research Paper

Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Science and Policy (ES&P)


International Development, Community and Environment

Chief Instructor

Ass. Prof. Gregory Trencher, Ph.D


Earthquake; Nepal, Haiti; Response/relief, rehabilitation; Hampering


ABSTRACT: This paper is a comparative analysis of earthquake recovery processes in Nepal and Haiti. The disaster preparedness plan of both countries is influenced by socioeconomic, political and geographical factors. Effective planning and smoother implementation of earthquake response/recovery and rehabilitation efforts could have saved many lives and properties. The study is undertaken to evaluate the hampering and counteracting factors in both countries in view of generating lessons for the government of Nepal, currently tasked with rebuilding the nation following the earthquake of April 25, 2015 and aftershock of May 12, 2015. Reviewing secondary data, this study has identified that both countries have common and country-specific hampering factors. Common hampering factors include lack of preparedness, transportation obstacles and lack of government efficiency. Unique hampering factors concern each country's unique topography, weather, culture, corruption, security and casualty effects on relief workers. The obstacles faced in both countries could be overcome by enhancing managerial efficiency, improving methods of relief delivery, and relief coordination. Also, the government of Nepal is currently implementing reconstruction policies and building codes for ensuring safer buildings and settlements. Although it is too early to assess the impacts, these reconstruction policies promise to ensure that Nepal can iii increase its resilience towards earthquake disasters. To further increase resiliency, this study recommends that Nepal needs to have at least one helipad at each village, keep updated preparedness plans and run capacity development programs to institutionalize earthquake resistant building construction on the village level so that the loss of lives and property damage could be reduced. Keywords: Earthquake; Nepal and Haiti; Response/relief and rehabilitation; Hampering factors; Mitigation factors, Reconstruction policies, Disaster, Efforts



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