Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in GIS for Development and Environment (GISDE)
International Development, Community and Environment
Chief Instructor
Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger
Summer Internship, Land Change Modeling
My internship with Clark Labs was completed during the summer of 2015, where I worked under the direction of Dr. Ronald Eastman. As a research assistant, the responsibilities of my internship was to process data for a project that intended to develop a web application for land change modeling. I learned a lot of knowledge about land change science and GIS applications from this internship. The experience I gained will definitely increase my competitiveness in my future career. I am fully satisfied with this internship and I would recommend this internship to anybody interested in GIS and land change science. The following chapters provide details about the organization, my responsibilities and an overall assessment of the internship.
Recommended Citation
Kong, Xiaoyang, "Land Change Modeling: Summer 2015 Internship with Clark Labs" (2016). Sustainability and Social Justice. 26.