Sustainability and Social Justice

Date of Award


Degree Type

Research Paper

Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Development and Social Change (IDSC)


International Development, Community and Environment

Chief Instructor

Nigel Brissett, Ed D.

Second Reader

David Bell, Ed.D.


Youth Development, Youth Involvement, Malawi, National Youth Policy, Sustainable Development Goals, Malawi Growth Development Strategy, Technical Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education Training


This study examines the relevance and adequacy of Malawi’s youth development policies and programs for the country’s young people. The youth of Malawi face a systemic burden including poor coordination of their policies, strategies and programs; inadequate funding; misappropriation of funds; and politicization of their programs. This hinders youth active involvement and progress of youth development. The study aims to identify the gaps that exist despite the availability of the policies and programs using a mixed method desk research drawing its findings from multiple data sources including the Malawi Ministry of Youth, Labor, Sports and Manpower Development; the Malawi Parliament particularly the youth parliament; and the Youth Net and Counselling youth organization. The study uses three lenses to answer the research question by looking at the process at which the youth policies were established, the sustainability of the youth policies and programs with the change of governments and mechanisms used to measure the successes of the youth policies and programs. Findings show that despite the existence of Malawi youth policy beginning in 1996, which aimed to empower and promote the participation of youth in key areas, there is minimal impact on youth development in actual implementation and practice.



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