Sustainability and Social Justice

Date of Award


Degree Type

Final Project

Degree Name

Master of Science in GIS for Development and Environment (GISDE)


International Development, Community and Environment

Chief Instructor

Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger

Second Reader

John Rogan


Tanzania, Energy Access, Electricity, Rural, Mapping, Web Map, data visualization, GISDE, IDCE, WRI


This report details my 2017 summer internship experience; both the report and the internship being requirements of the GIS for Development and Environment Graduate Degree at Clark University. My internship was hosted by the World Resources Institute, an international non-profit organization in Washington D.C. As implied by my position title, “Energy Access-GIS Intern”, I spent the duration of my internship (14 weeks) applying my geospatial expertise to address the topic of energy access which is an issue effecting rural areas of many developing countries. I was given the responsibility of creating an interactive map application of Tanzania accessible by energy practitioners and planners.

Provided the unfamiliar energy sector, the think-tank work environment, and the independent nature of my internship, I gained knowledge and a broadened perspective from this experience. I also benefited greatly from collaboration with internationally diverse experts and by learning to effectively communicate GIS concepts to novice audiences. The final product of this internship has been shared with stakeholders and government officials at two separate conference in Tanzania as of November 2017. The success of the Tanzania Energy Access Maps has led to a collaboration with Facebook to develop a global energy access mapping application, Energy Access Watch.


Link to Tanzania Energy Access Map:



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