Date of Award
Degree Type
Practitioner Report
Degree Name
Master of Science in GIS for Development and Environment (GISDE)
International Development, Community and Environment
Internship, GIS, Database, Ghana, Ghana Statistical Service, National Development Planning Commission
My internship, or fellowship as it was commonly referred to, was funded by a non-profit organization out of Williamsburg Virginia called AidData. This fellowship took place in in the country of Ghana, West-Africa beginning in May of 2016 and continued for 14 weeks with 40 hours each week. The objective of this internship was to provide in-depth training on the use of geographic Information Systems to Private and Public sectors within the country to allow for increased efficiency, and transparency through data visualization. In accordance with the requirement of Clark Universities GISDE master’s program this paper will delve into the aspects, which made up my summer work; including my host organizations, the scope of my work, and the skills used to complete this work.
Recommended Citation
Ready, Jason N., "AidData GIS International Fellowship: Ghana West-Africa" (2016). Sustainability and Social Justice. 157.
Included in
Adult and Continuing Education Commons, African Studies Commons, Databases and Information Systems Commons, Environmental Studies Commons, Geographic Information Sciences Commons, Remote Sensing Commons, Spatial Science Commons, Urban Studies and Planning Commons