Sustainability and Social Justice

Date of Award


Degree Type

Research Paper

Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Development and Social Change (IDSC)


International Development, Community and Environment

Chief Instructor

Dr. Nigel Brissett

Second Reader

Dr. Jude Fernando


Education, International Development, PATH, Jamaica, Bolsa Familia, Brazil, World Bank, Inter-Americas Development Bank, IDB, CCT, Conditional Cash Trasfer, Educational Policy, Policy Analysis


Educational Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT) are market driven poverty alleviation interventions, which have been growing in popularity throughout Latin America and the Caribbean in the last 25 years. These are multilateral interventions with many different participants such as funders, national governments, municipal governments, school, teachers, students, and parents. This paper addresses the question: How are educational Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs discussed and rationalized by various state and funder participants? This paper compares funders, The World Bank and Inter-Americas Development Bank, and country CCT programs, Jamaica’s Program of Advancement through Health and Education and Brazils Bolsa Familia. The paper concludes that there are many areas where CCTs are discussed and rationalized differently. Specifically, there is divergence in how each participant rationalizes how CCT programs work as well as the stated goals for CCT programs. Conditionalities are generally agreed upon as necessary for the programs, however PATH is an interesting case, since it still pays around half the cash transfer if conditionalities are not met. Financial sustainability is discussed differently between funders, with the World Bank less concerned than the IDB. Lastly, the discussion around linking programs differs greatly. The literature recommends CCTs be linked with infrastructure investment, however this is rarely the case with funders and countries preferring additional scholarship programs or social service linking programs.



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