Date of Award




Degree Name

Master of Arts



Chief Instructor

William Henry Burnham


Worcester, Massachusetts, adolescents


A study of "Juvenile Delinquency in Worcester" was made by Albert H.N. Baron of Clark University in May 1906. Worcester was then a city of about 130,000 inhabitants and Baron's study covered the period from 1901 to May 1906. The period chosen in the present study is from May 1907 to April 1910 and Worcester at this writing has a population of about 146,000. The present study is intended to supplement Baron's to April 1, 1910, except for the interval between May 1906 and June 1907. During these thirteen months the present juvenile law (Chapter 413 of the acts of 1906) was approved by the legislature on May 24, 1906. On June 1, 1907 David W. Armstrong, the present Juvenile Probation Officer, began his duties, and under his administration the present juvenile law was given its first, fair test in Worcester.





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