Clark Digital Commons - Conferences sponsored by the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies: Panel 8: Perpetrators and “Bystanders” of the Holocaust

Panel 8: Perpetrators and “Bystanders” of the Holocaust


Grace, Higgins University Center, Clark University

Start Date

31-3-2012 2:00 PM

End Date

31-3-2012 4:00 AM


Panel 8: Perpetrators and “Bystanders” of the Holocaust

Rachel Century, University of London, United Kingdom: "Secretaries, Secrets and Genocide: Evidence from the Post-war Investigations of the Female Secretaries of the RSHA” Download paper (login required)

Istvan Pal Adam, Bristol University, United Kingdom: "Bystanders to Genocide? The Role of Building Managers in the Hungarian Holocaust" Download paper (login required)

Antonio Munoz, St. John's University: “Murderers in Field Grey: Crimes of the Wehrmacht in the Region of the Army Group South, 1941-1942” Download paper (login required)

David Deutsch, Ben-Gurion University, Israel: "Goebbels Close Enemies: Intimacy as an Analytic Tool for the Understanding of Genocidal Rhetoric in Goebbels Diaries" Download paper (login required)

Chair:Stefan Ionescu and Hannah Schmidt Hollaender, Clark University

Comment: Thomas Kühne, Clark University

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Mar 31st, 2:00 PM Mar 31st, 4:00 AM

Panel 8: Perpetrators and “Bystanders” of the Holocaust

Grace, Higgins University Center, Clark University

Panel 8: Perpetrators and “Bystanders” of the Holocaust

Rachel Century, University of London, United Kingdom: "Secretaries, Secrets and Genocide: Evidence from the Post-war Investigations of the Female Secretaries of the RSHA” Download paper (login required)

Istvan Pal Adam, Bristol University, United Kingdom: "Bystanders to Genocide? The Role of Building Managers in the Hungarian Holocaust" Download paper (login required)

Antonio Munoz, St. John's University: “Murderers in Field Grey: Crimes of the Wehrmacht in the Region of the Army Group South, 1941-1942” Download paper (login required)

David Deutsch, Ben-Gurion University, Israel: "Goebbels Close Enemies: Intimacy as an Analytic Tool for the Understanding of Genocidal Rhetoric in Goebbels Diaries" Download paper (login required)

Chair:Stefan Ionescu and Hannah Schmidt Hollaender, Clark University

Comment: Thomas Kühne, Clark University