Aleutian/Pribil of Islands Association



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The purpose of this project was to document established subsistence use patterns for two Tribes represented by APIA; the Nikolski Tribe and the Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska. The APIA Environmental Program, directed by Bob Patrick works with communities in the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands region to determine the health impacts posed by the nuclear weapons tests conducted at Amchitka Island, which is in close proximity to the villages of Nikolski and Unalaska. The actual amounts of subsistence foods consumed by individuals in each community that are reported in this document is needed to provide a better understanding of food preferences, attitudes and other determinants of the regional Native diet so that possible risk to radiological dosages can be calculated. To obtain subsistence food consumption data, a food frequency questionnaire was developed by the Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies (ICHS) in collaboration with the Alaska Native Health Board through funding from the Agency for Toxic and Substance Disease Registry (ATSDR) via a contract with IDS and ICHS for the Alaska Traditional Diet Project. A preliminary visit was made to Unalaska and Nikolski in the fall of 2002 to have community Elders review the form and to discuss the process of data collection. Incorporating the Elder’s comments, data was collected during July of 2003 with permission from both participating communities.

This research was completed money allocated during Round 2 of the Citizens’ Monitoring and Technical Assessment Fund (MTA Fund). Clark University was named conservator of these works.

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Aleutian/Pribil of Islands Association




nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons testing, environment, non-governmental organizations, United States Department of Energy, tribal governments, environmental cleanup, radioactive fallout, radioactive waste, Nikolski Tribe, Qawalangin Tribe, Amchtika Island


Copyright belongs to the authors. Clark University was chosen by the non-profit peace and environmental groups as the conservator of these reports; our right to distribute these works ensures they remain available to the public in perpetuity as intended. Reuse at your own discretion with with due deference to copyright holders.


Anchorage, AK

Subsistence Food Use in Unalaska and Nikolski



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