This collection hosts on demand, streaming media (audio and video) of select events at Clark University.


Videos from 2016

Angelique EagleWoman: The U.S. Legal History and the On-Going Genocide of Native Americans, Clark University

Audra Simpson: The State is a Man: Theresa Spencer, Lorraine Saunders and the Gendered Cost of Settler Sovereignty in Canada, Clark University

Bob Ross: Dying for Fashion: A First-Hand Report on the Hidden Cost of our Clothes, Clark University


Clark University celebrates 112th Commencement Graduate Ceremony, Clark University


Clark University celebrates 112th Commencement Opening Ceremony, Clark University


Clark University celebrates 112th Commencement Undergraduate Ceremony, Clark University

Family Impact Seminars Chemical Reactions: Marijuana, Opiods, and Our Families Session 1, Clark University

Family Impact Seminars Chemical Reactions: Marijuana, Opiods, and Our Families Session 2, Clark University

Inaugural Gurel Symposium on Education: ‘Next Gen’ learning, urban education, also featuring panel of leading experts, Clark University


Jeannie Oakes: Social Theory, Evidence, and Activism:, Clark University

Joseph P.Gone: Historical Trauma as the Legacy of Genocide in American Indian Communities: Complications and Critiques, Clark University

Karl Jacoby: The History of Violence, the Violence of History: Locating Genocide in the North American Past, Clark University

Kathleen McCartney: Child Care, Child Outcomes and Child Policy, Clark University

Margo Tamez: So-ver(y)-e(mp)ty in the Space of Abjection: U.S. sovereign immunity, Indigenous Truth-seeking and historical clarification the Shadow of the Wall, Ndé narrative, memorialization, and reparation processes, 2007-2015., Clark University

Naomi Klein: This Changes Everything Capitalism vs. the Climate, Clark University

Ned Blackhawk: Colonial Genocides in Native North America - Varying Methods and Approaches, Clark University

October 26, 2016 - Christopher Browning: Holocaust History and Survivor Testimony: The Case of the Starachowice Factory Slave Labor Camps, Clark University

October 5, 2016, Garo Paylan: The Failed Military Coup in Turkey and Being an Armenian Deputy in Ankara, Clark University

October 6, 2016 - Judy Dworkin and David Pijawka: The Challenges in Indian Country in the 21st Century: Planning, Law, Community, Clark University

Senator Elizabeth Warren: “Ensuring a Great Education for All Our Children: A Federal Responsibility”, Clark University

Videos from 2015

2015 Family Weekend Welcome by President David Angel, Clark University

2015 Massachusettes Family Impact Seminar, Clark University and Mosakowski Institute

Bill Edmonds: Torture, Trauma, and the Moral Injuries of War, Clark University


Clark University celebrates 111th Commencement Graduate Ceremony, Clark University


Clark University celebrates 111th Commencement Undergraduate Ceremony, Clark University

Climate change Teach In: Beth Sawin, Clark University

Climate Change Teach In: Christopher Williams, Clark University

Climate Change Teach In: Chris Uhl, Clark University

Climate Change Teach In: Jennie Stephens, Clark University

Climate Change Teach In: Susi Moser, Clark University

Connecting Knowledge and Practice, Clark University


Empire, Nation State, and Genocide, Clark University and Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Eric Lambin: Land Use Change in the Globalization Era: Challenges and Opportunities, Clark University

Getting Elected Isn't Easy, Clark University


Grad Conference Closing Panel, Clark University and Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Grad Conference Keynote Lecture: Eric Weitz, Clark University and Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

John G. O'Brien: "Whither Health Reform?", Clark University, President’s Lecture Series, and Mosakowski Institute

Kristina Egan: "The Path to a Climate-Friendly and Socially Just Transportation Future", Clark University


Public History of the Holocaust, Clark University and Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Recognizing Painful Legacies through Memorial Construction, Clark University

Robert Boatright: Are Primary Elections Harming Democracy?, Clark University

Robert "Bob" Parris Moses: "We" the Two-Letter Pronoun that Confounds the Nation, Clark University

Thad Starner: An Extension of Self: The Present and Future of Wearable Computing, Clark University

Videos from 2014

2014 Family Weekend President's Welcome, Clark University


Antisemitism and Catholicism in Postwar Poland, Clark University and Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

‘Black lives matter’: Alumnus shares perspective on Ferguson shooting, Clark University


Clark University celebrates 110th Commencement Graduate Ceremony, Clark University


Clark University celebrates 110th Commencement Undergraduate Ceremony, Clark University

John Lewis ’ March: A Clark Faculty Roundtable with Andrew Aydin & Nate Powell, Clark University

Land Change Modeling for Sustainability Analysis, Clark University

Learning While Burning: An Optimistic View of Energy, Environment, and Our Future, Clark University


Lies, Truth, and Fiction: The Holocaust in Literature, Clark University and Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies


Maya Lin | What is Missing, Higgins School

Mountain Pine Beetles and Home Values in the Wildland-Urban Interface: Accuracy in Damage Assessment and Geocoding of Properties, Clark University

Narrating Genocide, Clark University and Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Nichole Pinkard: Creating City-Wide Learning Ecosystems to Build 21st Century Savvy Citizens, Clark University and Gurel Lecture Series

Professor Anne Knowles: Geographies of the Holocaust, Clark University and Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

The Anthropocene and Its Discontents: Climate Change and the Future of the Earth System., Daniel Schrag

The Financial Crisis, Five Years Later: Progress or Paralysis?, Clark University

Videos from 2013


Dr. Lee Gurel '48 Lecture, Clark University


Fields, Factories, and Workshops: Green Economic Development on the Smaller-Metro Scale, Clark University


Follies, Failures and [#$@%]-Ups: Why is U.S. Foreign Policy So Dysfunctional?, Clark University


From Earth Transformed to Sustainability Science, Clark University


Jazz Ambassadors Play the Cold War, Clark University


"Stakes is High" Educating New Century Students, Clark University


The Challenge of Powerlessness : Writing History from the Victims' Persepctive, Clark University and Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

The Mind-Body Problem: A Poetry Reading, Clark University


The Nature of German Antisemitism during the Third Reich, Clark University and Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Videos from 2012


Can Obama Win Re-Election?, Clark University


Clark University celebrates 108th Commencement, Clark University


Getting Real in the Time of the Anthropocene, Clark University


Islam and Democracy: A look at the Evidence, Clark University


Presidential Politics, Clark University


Professor Taner Akçam on Armenian Genocide, Clark University and Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies


Science and Democracy in Turmoil: The Fracturing of a Great American Relationship, Clark University


The Life of a Campus: Clark Buildings Then & Now 1887-2012, Clark University


The Waning of the Modern Ages, Clark University


The War on Terror and the End of Civil Liberties, Clark University


Yes We Can?? American Politics and Climate Change in 2012, Clark University

Videos from 2011


106th Commencement, Clark University


Clark University celebrates 107th Commencement, Clark University


Educating...for what?: Creativity and Resilience, Clark University


Educating...for what?: Effective Practice, Clark University


Educating...for what?: Engagement and Citizenry, Clark University


Educating...for what?: Inquiry and Reflection, Clark University


Educating...for what?: Livelihood and Vocation, Clark University


Educating...for what?: Meaning and Purpose, Clark University


From Dartboards to Dashboards: The Imperative of using Data to Improve Student Achievemen, Clark University


From Dartboards to Dashboards: The Imperative of using Data to Improve Student Achievement, Clark University


State of the University Address, Clark University


State of the University Address, Clark University


That's Not What I Wanted to Hear!: Evidence-Based Medicine and our Hard Choices, Clark University


That's Not What I Wanted to Hear!: Evidence-Based Medicine and our Hard Choices, Clark University

Videos from 2010


Clark University celebrates 106th Commencement, Clark University


From Black Arts to Hip Hop: Implications for the 21st Century, Clark University


How Testing and Choice are Undermining Education, Clark University


Public Knowledge, Public Policy: How can community information make a difference?, Clark University


Take Gender, Add Curiosity about Power, You've Got Feminism, Clark University


The Next Civil Rights Movement: Curb Cuts of Tomorrow, Clark University


The Sabbath Advantage, Clark University