AIDS: from exposing to overcoming injustices
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Dr. Peter Piot, Under Secretary-General of the United Nations, has been the executive director of UNAIDS since its creation in 1995, after serving three years as associate director of the Global Programme on AIDS of the World Health Organization.
A renowned scientist, manager and activist, Piot has become the chief advocate for worldwide action against AIDS. The focus of his work at UNAIDS has been to challenge world leaders to consider AIDS in light of social and economic development as well as security. As a result, he has brought together 10 organizations of the United Nations system around a common agenda on AIDS, spearheading UN reform.
This event, part of the 2006-07 Clark Talks on Global Health and Social Justice, is co-sponsored by the President’s Office and Department of International Development, Community, and Environment (IDCE). The series is aimed at raising awareness about major international health issues and their effect on world population, particularly in developing countries.
Recommended Citation
University, Clark, "AIDS: from exposing to overcoming injustices" (2006). Clark University Video Archive. 81.
Peter Piot
Department of International Development, Community, and Environment