"Getting Real in the Time of the Anthropocene" by Clark University

Getting Real in the Time of the Anthropocene

Publication Date



Elizabeth Kolbert and Susi Moser are each powerful voices toward reckoning with the phenomenon and impacts of climate change. Elizabeth Kolbert is an acclaimed journalist and writer who has focused on issues of climate change for the last decade. Susi Moser is a well-respected consultant on issues of climate and adaptation — a geographer by training (Ph.D. 1997, Clark University) with an interest in how social science can inform society’s responses to this global challenge. Individually and in conversation with us, they will consider where we are and where we are heading in the age of the Anthropocene — this newly designated geological era in which the state of the planet is being shaped by the actions of humankind.

Elizabeth Kolbert has been a staff writer for The New Yorker since 1999. She traveled from Alaska to Greenland and visited top scientists, to get to the heart of the debate over global warming, which was published in Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change (2006). Kolbert’s stories have also appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Vogue, and Mother Jones, and have been anthologized in The Best American Science and Nature Writing and The Best American Political Writing.

Susanne Moser focuses on adaptation to climate change, vulnerability, resilience, climate change communication, social change, decision support and the interaction between scientists, policy-makers and the public. She is Director and Principal Researcher of Susanne Moser Research & Consulting in Santa Cruz, California. She is also a Social Science Research Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University and a Research Associate at the University of California-Santa Cruz Institute for Marine Sciences. She is a contributor to the third US National Climate Assessment, and is frequent advisor to policy-makers and managers at all levels of government. She is a co-editor with Lisa Dilling of a ground-breaking anthology on climate change communication, Creating a Climate for Change: Communicating Climate Change and Facilitating Social Change.


Elizabeth Kolbert and Susi Moser

Difficult Dialogues

George Perkins Marsh Institute

Streaming Media
