In Search of an Arab Schindler

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Did any Arabs save any Jews during the Holocaust? The question was addressed in "In search of an Arab Schindler" a talk by Robert Satloff, executive director of The Washington Institute of Near East Policy.

Searching for a new way to engage Arabs in conversation about a taboo topic, historian Robert Satloff set off on what became a four-year, four-continent, 11-country project that uncovered a complex and largely lost chapter in the history of Jews, Arabs, and all people committed to the idea of "never again."

An expert on Arab and Islamic politics as well as U.S. Middle East policy, Robert Satloff is a key analyst of the Arab-Israeli peace process, the Islamist challenge to the growth of democracy in the region, and the need for bold and innovative public diplomacy to Arabs and Muslims. Soon after September 11, 2001, Dr. Satloff and his family moved to Rabat, capital of Morocco, where his research focused on unearthing stories of Arab "heroes" and "villains" of the Holocaust. His discoveries, which helped convince the German government to award compensation to Jewish survivors of labor camps in North Africa, are the subject of his award-winning bestseller, "Among the Righteous: Lost Stories of the Holocaust's Long Reach into Arab Lands" (Public Affairs, 2006).

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