"The Terezín Album of Mariánka Zadikow" by Clark University and Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

The Terezín Album of Mariánka Zadikow

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Debórah Dwork, Rose Professor of Holocaust History and Director of the Strassler Family Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University, will share the fascinating and moving story of concentration camp survivor Mariánka Zadikow.

Professor Dwork will present "The Terezín Album of Mariánka Zadikow," an annotated facsimile edition of poignant notes and pictures that were collected by Zadikow in a small book, clandestinely crafted at her request by a fellow inmate of the Terezín (Theresienstadt) concentration camp in September 1944.

This free, public lecture at Clark is made possible by the Asher Family Fund.

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