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Sustainability and Social Justice


Our planet’s most pressing challenges don’t fit into neat categories that can be addressed in isolation — which is exactly why we invented our revolutionary transdisciplinary curriculum. At Clark, we form a passionate community characterized by creativity, bold thinking, and determination. With an integrative, challenge-centered curriculum and opportunities for community-led collaboration, the Department of Sustainability and Social Justice offers a unique educational space for future leaders, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers.

Sustainability and Social Justice (formerly IDCE - International Development, Community, and Environment) offers a major and minor in International Development and Social Change (IDSC), and accelerated B.A./master’s degrees in Community Development and Planning, IDSC, and Environmental Science & Policy, for Clark undergraduates who want to bring about positive change locally and globally.


Submissions from 2024


A Green New England? Regional Implementation of Grant-Based Provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act in the Northeastern U.S., Samuel Cooper

Submissions from 2023


Assessing the Impacts of Increasing the Availability of Non-Automobile Modes of Transportation on Carbon Emissions and Accessibility in Worcester, William Schechter

Student Work from 2020


Brazil, Big Hydro, and a Beautiful Monster: “Green” Energy Generation in the Xingu River Basin, Ian F. Hirons