
Course Number

GERM 220

Syllabus Date

Fall 2013

Department course is offered by

GERM - German

Course description

In 1909, Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis went global. At the behest of Clark's president G. Stanley Hall, Freud traveled with Carl Jung and Sandor Ferenczi from Vienna, capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, to speak at Clark University. Clark is the only university in the Americas at which Freud ever lectured and the only university in the world to have given Freud an honorary degree. Freud's visit to Clark took place at the cusp of his career -- ten years before his visit he was known only to a small group in Vienna while ten years after his visit he was known throughout the world. What aspects of his ideas took the world by storm and what elements of his thinking are still valuable? How global is this model? This class will analyze Freud's ideas from an interdisciplinary perspective, with special emphasis on literature, psychology, cultural studies, gender and sexuality studies.

A photo of this Fall 2013 class was taken as part of Professor Bob Tobin's ongoing class photo tradition.


Sigmund Freud, literature, cultural studies, gender studies, sexuality, psychology



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