
Course Number

Gender Studies 380

Syllabus Date

Spring 2006

Department course is offered by


Course description

This course was taught by Robert Tobin at Whitman College. Professor Tobin worked at Whitman for 18 years as associate dean of the faculty and chair of the humanities, and was named Cushing Eells Professor of the Humanities. Several of the courses he developed at Whitman would make the transition to Clark, where they continued to evolve.

"The goal of this course is to learn how to use gender as a critical category to think about sexuality, human rights, and the intersection between the two. We will operate interdisciplinarily, studying philosophical, historical, literary, and legal texts. We will be constantly studying the historicity and constructedness of these categories. We will also be aware of the universalizing implications of these categories and pay special attention to the particularities of individual cases. After thinking about human rights internationally, we will focus on a variety of issues that have played out within the American political era, and determine how human rights function domestically. Among the primary concerns that we will address are: sexual hierarchies, sexual panics, privacy, consent, abortion, interracial marriage, sodomy, and gay marriage. There will be a unit on how transexuality and intersexuality affect our thinking on sexual rights."


sexuality, human rights, gender studies, queer studies, trans studies, LGBTQ+



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