
Course Number

World Literature/Politics 309

Syllabus Date

Fall 2001

Department course is offered by


Course description

This course was taught by Robert Tobin at Whitman College. Professor Tobin worked at Whitman for 18 years as associate dean of the faculty and chair of the humanities, and was named Cushing Eells Professor of the Humanities. Several of the courses he developed at Whitman would make the transition to Clark, where they continued to evolve.

"This class uses an introduction to gay and lesbian studies and queer theory to elucidate important concepts in literary theory, political theory, and gender studies. The first part of the class looks at the question of the historicity of sexuality. To what extent has the apparently biological category of sexuality undergone change in relatively recent history? The second part of the class looks more generally at twentieth-century sexuality, through a range of cultural lenses: to what extent is sexuality analogous to ethnic or racial identity? How does gender interact with sexuality? In what ways does sexuality interact with the dominant order of society?"


queer theory, gender studies, LGBTQ+, literature



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