School of Professional Studies

Interdepartmental Collaboration: A Case Study

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Professional Communication (MSPC)


School of Professional Studies

Chief Instructor

Rich Aroian


MSPC, interdepartmental collaboration, insurance industry, leadership, strategy


This case study focuses on interdepartmental collaboration in the context of a three-and-a-half-month-long project at The Hanover Insurance Group. The objective of this project was to map out the processes that support The Hanover’s Prestige product (a personal lines product designed for luxury homes, cars, and lifestyles) across six departments: Marketing, Services, Sales, Home Evaluation, Claims, and Underwriting. It also aimed to outline customer and agents’ journeys throughout these processes and departments, including challenges, high points, and recent process updates. The overarching goal of this project was to improve the processes that support The Hanover’s Prestige product and enhance customer and agents’ experiences with it. The topic of interdepartmental collaboration is highly relevant today because it allows companies to be agile and strategic enough to succeed in an increasingly competitive and interconnected global market. This is especially true of the insurance industry as it is highly regulated and influenced by technological advances. This case study is grounded in several theories that explore group identities, leadership philosophies, and education approaches. It also references various best practices for fostering and creating interdepartmental collaboration in the 21st century company. This literature, though important, can go only so far. Real life scenarios are far more dynamic than any paper could capture. This is why the application of these theories and practices to the Prestige project at The Hanover is so relevant. This paper will explore interdepartmental collaboration and those theories and best practices that proved successful when applied to a real-life scenario.

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