School of Professional Studies

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT)


School of Professional Studies

Chief Instructor

Rich Aroian


MSIT, audience analysis, QR codes, audience engagement, optical instruments


Optical Heritage Museum (OHM) was established in 1983 with the aim to preserve, promote and display historical artifacts of the optics industry and educate all of its vital role optics has played in societal development. Over the years, the museum has grown in its physical space along with exhibit development to engage audiences in innovative, effective methods. Clark University’s School of Professional Studies department and curator of Optical Heritage Museum, Mr. Whitney’s Whitney, have establish a collaboration that has spanned over two semesters with the goal to support and aid in improving OHM. Our capstone group was assigned the task of improving marketing strategies for OHM, which altered its focus on developing strategies and knowledge on improving the museum’s interactivity amongst its exhibits.



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