
Original Author

Krikor Guerguerian

Institutional Sponsor

Taner Akcam

Publication Date



Questions on why men and women were separated during the deportation and whether this was a practice in anticipation of annihilation [of one group], on why a mixed group of Muslims and Greeks were removed from the labor battalions and replaced with Armenian soldiers who had fought in Canakkale [Çanakkale] and been wounded.

On whether Aziziye, Gurun [Gürün], Tenos and the Property Director of Zile had been subjected to questioning.

Whether, during the term of Sivas Governor-General Muammer Bey, the stones that remained from the destroyed churches and Armenian homes in Sivas were used to construct hotels, Union clubs, printing presses and study centers.

Reasons given for why wounded Armenian soldiers from Canakkale [Çanakkale] had been placed in labor battalions, on the number of days that Bahaettin Sakir [Şakir] stayed in Sivas and the home where he had been a guest, on why men and women who were subjected to the deportation were segregated and whether or not there was a special reason driving that decision, on whether the ministry had been informed about the murder of Delegate Sahak Efendi and finally the number of Armenian civil servants who were identified and subjected to the deportation along with their discharge from employment.

On the investigation of the murder of Sahak Efendi by Governor-General Muammer Bey and on whether a serious effort was made to have the murderers identified.



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