Sermons, 1905-1919

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This is from the bound collection—“bundle #5”—that includes sermons from January 2, 1910 to January 15, 1911.

This sermon discusses the ways in which each age has made God in the image of its age and concludes with Davis' view on the image of God in his day: "No, I do not believe in a far-off God who rules the world of men, as a king rules his empire. No, I do not believe in a God who has made us ignorant without the capacity of learning, or evil without the power of God. No, I do not believe in a God who has filled our beings with longings, hopes, dreams and loves, only to have us learn through the experiences of life that they are hollow mockeries. But I do believe that our hunger for a rich satisfying life is rational. I do believe that our dreams of justice are right. I do believe that our cravings for wholesome whole-souled human fellowship are founded on the nature of our beings, and shall be satisfied. I do believe in the eternal sanctity of human life in all its relations. Yes, and when I sometimes get discouraged over some of the shallow mockeries of life, and long for humanity to leap forward to its own, I am strengthened and given courage by the inexplicable conviction that in and through all the surging, boiling turmoil of human life, the great life spirit is working toward the consummation of those very hopes and loves that are dearer to us than life itself."

Date refers to Date Given

The primary downloadable document contains the original document followed by the transcription. The bottom of each item page also features the primary document as an embedded pdf for browsing. Transcription by Davis Baird.

Item description based off writing and context provided by Davis Baird.


Earl Clement Davis, sermons, minister, Unitarianism, religion, philosophy

Rights Statement

The Democracy of God



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