Sermons, 1905-1919
Document Type
This is from the bound collection—“bundle #4”—that includes sermons from February 14, 1909 to December 26, 1909.
In discussing the moral responsibility of man, and using the theological system of John Calvin as a framework, Earl Davis says that since God is only manifest in the actions of humans -- the "living God" -- the urgency of this responsibility is that much more evident: "in the affairs of human society, the voice of God speaks in the voice of man and the will of God is manifested in the will of man. It is doubtless true that the moral and the intellectual dynamic which shall bring cosmos out of chaos, is already forcing its way to crystallization. But we must remember that there is no royal road to righteousness. The appeal of our times, sounding deep and clear, through the harsh noises of the day, is for us to reaffirm our deeper convictions of moral responsibility to respond yet more nobly and yet more simply to that sublime self-assertion that we are the agents of the living God in the affairs of men."
Date refers to Date Given.
The primary downloadable document contains the original document followed by the transcription. The bottom of each item page also features the primary document as an embedded pdf for browsing.
Transcription by Davis Baird. Item description based off writing and context provided by Davis Baird.
Earl Clement Davis, sermons, minister, Unitarianism, religion, philosophy, morality, John Calvin
Recommended Citation
Davis, Earl Clement, "Moral Responsibility and Moral Accountability" (1908). Sermons, 1905-1919. 58.
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