"Liberal Education, Effective Practice, and Diversity" by Armando Bengochea, George Kuh et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date

Spring 3-12-2009


Liberal Education, Effective Practice, Diversity


This session will be based on three presentations that focus on the relationship between liberal education, effective practice and diversity from different perspectives. George Kuh will present data indicating that the educational benefits of "high impact" learning experiences (such as experiential education and undergraduate research), which are significant for all students, are often greater for students from underserved and minority backgrounds than for their majority counterparts. Armando Bengochea will discuss the ways in which an emphasis on effective practice can enhance the educational experiences of students of color within a liberal arts curriculum. Steve Stemler will report on research showing that including practice-oriented criteria in assessments of student achievements and capabilities can assist colleges and universities in identifying and educating minority students with high potential to succeed both in college and beyond college.


Clark/AAC&U Conference on Liberal Education and Effective Practice
